Happy Birthday Ojou Sama~ x3

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Ghost Kitty~

Art of Spam~
Elite Member
Oct 18, 2011
Well... I'm no expert at throwing parties, so I'll just leave this fairly simple~


Can't decide on the one I like most so here a trip down memory lane~

Today (or in a few hours from when I'm starting to type anyhow since its not quite the 8th yet) is the birthday of [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION]; ojou sama and, though she may not be here at this time, I would still like to create a thread for her. I believe that she will just reappear one day with new stories to share from her time away. In the time I had gotten to know her, she had become a dear friend to me and many others. Her charisma could draw even the shyest from where they hid and the forum gained a lively air. We had the most amusing little conversation (or not so little now that I think of it) where we covered pages and pages of... well... quite a few places, all while she was trying to push me into every manhole she could find. The many sweet memories float through my mind as I think and one in particular seems to be among the brightest, that of an peculiar little contest that came about as we were filling the dance hall with odd rooms and various fanciful creations. It really doesn't feel right to end the contest while you're away so I can only hope your return soon. /me goes off to hide the pokechinegun and bolt down the manholes while he still has time~ and should probably make the whips disappear too... :breakin:
It seems I haven't quite finished that other project of mine, but I'm thinking of various ways to change it since I'm not quite satisfied with how it currently is. Hopefully I'll have finished it by the time you return again, but would still be nice even if you returned before.
So I wish you the best wherever you may be and hope that you pass your days merrily~
We really should start another poetry thread~ x3

Well enough from me~ Lets start the party and make it as lively as we can~

[MENTION=28674]1RenaRyuuguu[/MENTION], [MENTION=29956]2Dheeey[/MENTION], [MENTION=15776]Aer0gam3r[/MENTION], [MENTION=28232]AErik-kun[/MENTION], [MENTION=30590]Aew[/MENTION], [MENTION=36528]aexiel[/MENTION], [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION], [MENTION=28113]AK-22B[/MENTION], [MENTION=28059]Ak5shays[/MENTION], [MENTION=30161]alesao[/MENTION], [MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION], [MENTION=27785]Alice Rei[/MENTION], [MENTION=2087]Alpha_stigma[/MENTION], [MENTION=27006]Angelus knight[/MENTION], [MENTION=7737]Animaksiat[/MENTION], [MENTION=26539]AnimalBear[/MENTION], [MENTION=68]AntiClimax[/MENTION], [MENTION=9628]Arylin[/MENTION], [MENTION=29577]ayumu9[/MENTION], [MENTION=35742]Baal[/MENTION], [MENTION=11276]Baka[/MENTION], [MENTION=31210]BetterPlace[/MENTION], [MENTION=16251]Blacktoken[/MENTION], [MENTION=27460]Bloodhorn[/MENTION], [MENTION=190]BlueMage[/MENTION], [MENTION=3]Checkmate[/MENTION], [MENTION=30497]ChiharuHanayagi[/MENTION], [MENTION=29650]Crystal_king[/MENTION], [MENTION=29458]cyberhood[/MENTION], [MENTION=43398]Daeyamati[/MENTION], [MENTION=24017]dannyh[/MENTION], [MENTION=25286]Dante1712[/MENTION], [MENTION=44312]Dark Angel[/MENTION], [MENTION=29784]dark5[/MENTION], [MENTION=43671]darkash[/MENTION], [MENTION=27120]DavRoc777[/MENTION], [MENTION=8967]deathwarrior[/MENTION], [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION], [MENTION=28509]defqon1[/MENTION], [MENTION=30649]DL Zandorf Rahamasch[/MENTION], [MENTION=13267]dreamer197[/MENTION], [MENTION=28243]egozi44[/MENTION], [MENTION=27374]eien[/MENTION], [MENTION=29917]eighThdream[/MENTION], [MENTION=13241]Ein[/MENTION], [MENTION=27287]Ellie_kitty101[/MENTION], [MENTION=44829]emmanoyhl[/MENTION], [MENTION=24034]Evac[/MENTION], [MENTION=28568]Exaelia[/MENTION], [MENTION=10372]ExtremeShinobi[/MENTION], [MENTION=19454]Fall[/MENTION], [MENTION=16554]Famichip[/MENTION], [MENTION=25460]fastdj2004[/MENTION], [MENTION=41294]Fear211[/MENTION], [MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION], [MENTION=30111]firedmn[/MENTION], [MENTION=3632]Flareknife[/MENTION], [MENTION=31965]Flopp94[/MENTION], [MENTION=30562]fr0zendrgn[/MENTION], [MENTION=20225]Franela[/MENTION], [MENTION=87]Frankincense[/MENTION], [MENTION=27322]Furukawa Kei[/MENTION], [MENTION=27363]GenjoSenpai[/MENTION], [MENTION=25661]GenKiDan[/MENTION], [MENTION=28499]Gero50[/MENTION], [MENTION=11]girlcelly[/MENTION], [MENTION=30425]givigivi[/MENTION], [MENTION=27404]Guan Yunchang[/MENTION], [MENTION=27986]Hanagai[/MENTION], [MENTION=28913]HappyPeppyJimmy[/MENTION], [MENTION=16583]hayate akihisa[/MENTION], [MENTION=28182]henry[/MENTION], [MENTION=27360]Himeyuri[/MENTION], [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION], [MENTION=43783]hollowfication[/MENTION], [MENTION=27773]iamdiva86[/MENTION], [MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION], [MENTION=11241]ImEsAu[/MENTION], [MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION], [MENTION=24179]IwantPedobearToo[/MENTION], [MENTION=28114]izmenanda[/MENTION], [MENTION=25939]japespszx[/MENTION], [MENTION=16592]jikannouse[/MENTION], [MENTION=30454]JovianSH[/MENTION], [MENTION=27586]juudith[/MENTION], [MENTION=29664]Kaboos15[/MENTION], [MENTION=10115]kactaplb[/MENTION], [MENTION=30099]Kalimaman[/MENTION], [MENTION=26209]kami-onii-chan[/MENTION], [MENTION=30383]kaotiksoul[/MENTION], [MENTION=8663]kasumi-chan[/MENTION], [MENTION=10809]Keima[/MENTION], [MENTION=37032]Keisuke Kurogami[/MENTION], [MENTION=14553]kenshin himura[/MENTION], [MENTION=14327]kimovis[/MENTION], [MENTION=28409]King of Heroes[/MENTION], [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION], [MENTION=26533]Kionea[/MENTION], [MENTION=29319]Kiririn[/MENTION], [MENTION=14400]kona[/MENTION], [MENTION=12156]Kotoura[/MENTION], [MENTION=39]Kou[/MENTION], [MENTION=10496]Kuki[/MENTION], [MENTION=43771]Laraid[/MENTION], [MENTION=28690]laurel88[/MENTION], [MENTION=14493]Legend[/MENTION], [MENTION=28609]lewhatton[/MENTION], [MENTION=27874]lintox[/MENTION], [MENTION=28603]Loki[/MENTION], [MENTION=13464]lpdcomic[/MENTION], [MENTION=31150]MafooZala[/MENTION], 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SOmeone PLease Thing of the Birthday PArty xD....

Happy Birth-DAy O Pretty Lady rena

<-------Look how happy I am Tears of Joy!!!
By the way I'm curious you guys keep calling her Ojou sama....is she a real princess?
Lol nah~ It just came about from some random conversation or another xD I dont remember exactly what happened but probably one of the various times where she tried to make me a servant or something though we settled on right hand man xD
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Haha, what a nice coincidence. Currently, I'm listening to this:

Now, I'm not saying I view renano as my own princess or anything like that (ours, perhaps), but in accordance with the song -- renano, wherever you are and whatever you're doing, I wish you all the best and a blissful road ahead. We never really conversed that much, but it's clear to me due to my stalking that you always do your best to make everyone feel welcome, whether it's new members or people you've spent lots of time interacting with.

To you, renano, who are committed to making everyone feel welcome, is the warmest welcome from all of us whenever you decide to drop by again.

Happy Birthday.

(Oh, as an aside, sam, you broke the mentions, lol.)
Hmm yes i sort of saw the mentions a little... ehh dead xD But dun really feel like going through it all to fix it x3 People still got their mentions so i dont think its too important?~

Dont remember..~ Well you did talk with her a couple times xD She even mentioned you once fairly randomly to have a talk with you xD
@fear Lol one of ojou sama's first avis (might even have been the first) was beatrice so i think that stuck with me xD
Happy Birthday Rena-chan (somehow I remember I used to call Renano this way!?!?), hope you have a great day and year for this is the Blessings from King and Seiba ;)

But Iggy-sama dropped by and didn't fix the Mention part? its all in jumbo? xD
Lol it took me near an hour to get down all the mentions xD I dont think he wants to spend that long fixing it does he? xD
...AAAAAAH...!!! It's Renano-chan's bday...?!:surprised: Shit, I'm again failed at her a bday to give...:deadsad:
...Anyway, Renano-chan!!!

I wish really that you a nice day have today: with your family/friend-members, with a lot good cakes, drinks etc. - I hope, that you sometime again one time appear become, and we again fun have can: with your a lot brothers and sisters on ASF. - I say again: Happy bday for you, should some 100 bdays still become, have easy lot fun...!!!:goodtea:~>



1th.: You've really a good job made, you've a nice event made!
2nd.: Your new ava is nice^^!
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