Got me a bit worried...


Elite Member
Apr 12, 2012
N.Korea now threatens to nuke Tokyo....Seems to me they are getting desperate and taking as much of the region they can as hostages. Also they do strike me as the kind of regime that if they think they are going down, they might try to do as much shit as they can as it happens.

The crazies are rabid imo now it seems. That article just gave me some chills. It would just be too horrible.

And I thought ppl here should see it.

Ah crap I guess I can't edit the title after the post.....
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I just go to CNN and read all the comments about this little "problem". Makes me laugh.... then cry.... then rage.

I cry for my own country (Which includes thoughts of renouncing my citizenship and leaving) because the US of Fail thinks that everything can be solved with peace talks and coalitions.

I rage at the UN. For failing to have follow up actions after the first time Korea launched a missile. Simply sweeping Kim jong-un right under the rug along with his play toys.
Yeah this is getting pretty bad. It is almost to the point that I just wish they tried something rash already, so they could be destroyed and restructured. NK is killing itself already with famine and such, and the longer they wait to do something stupid, the worse it gets for the innocent people (of course attacking would put them in danger too, unfortunately :().

With all their threats, I'm pretty surprised that it hasn't been unanimously decided to go to action against North Korea yet. The threats are very serious and concerning, even if we aren't 'totally convinced' that they would actually be able to follow through on them.

In most countries, if you threaten to kill someone you get put in jail. I think we should apply similar rulings if someone is threatening to kill an entire country (and has nukes).
Too you both, yes. I though they where ripe for their own medicine already way back wen they actually fired artillery shells into S.korean civilians back in I think 2010....! An old saying goes, something the romans knew in their time: you can not really avoid a war in some circumstances, only deffer it to a later time to the adversaries advantage.
Apparently this was a reaction because the North felt provoked by the Souths military drills with the US. -.- Unfortunately even though the North seem like their batshit crazy in addition to seem strangely childish, this serves as a nice distraction from other things I fear going on in the world that might be a lot more subtle in nature.

Rest assured, serious cataclysms is waiting for the world with great change following.
this is to much of terrible things... innocent people is dieing
In most countries, if you threaten to kill someone you get put in jail. I think we should apply similar rulings if someone is threatening to kill an entire country (and has nukes).

Hum... You have something there...
Hmm... is this over yet? :/ Heard they took some steps in case n korea actually went and fired...
I don't think these things are ever over, ppl just stop talking about them, often because something else and new hits the news. And it won't ever be over until the war breaks out and the power hungry either gets their power, or are destroyed. Either way, in those cases it gets ugly. And the clock is ticking....
Hmm yes i suppose they will always have those bombs sitting around... as far as i know america is supplying them with food and the such to keep them from attacking others? :/
I hope that they will never fire them... Because if they do... God help us all :(
practically the whole world would be against them, so maybe they won't fire a missile
well that is if they're not thinking of doing a kamikaze
the world war 3 is near :( ????

Alright, I went through the entire thread and I've been following through many different news on various sites. I'll be frank here.

I don't think we should ignore this. and Only time can tell when people realize when a true World War has occur.

/Bringing Back to the Topic/ It is a problem, not something you can ignore and there's politics that is being played openly between different people at UN regarding this issue. Whether you have experienced World War of any kind will tell you one thing. One does not simply declare war and call themselves just for all the sacrifices that shall be paid for. Same as wiping off a nation without thinking twice what you have actually done until its too late.

But I feel, if North Korea chooses to launch a Nuclear Warhead, then they have no reason to justify themselves as 'just' whether they have succeeded making their stance or not.

And I actually took a lot out of this post just for the sake of people peace of mind. Including mine.
I don't think these things are ever over, ppl just stop talking about them, often because something else and new hits the news. And it won't ever be over until the war breaks out and the power hungry either gets their power, or are destroyed. Either way, in those cases it gets ugly. And the clock is ticking....

I think it was done on the behalf of the new leader rise. You know? To show that the new guy in the head had some balls to do shit. The military drills just happen to be the reason, it could be anything. Anyway firing a nuke can be taken as the ultimate blasphemy against the modern humanity. If North Korea did fire it, I want to believe that there is no country that will still ally themselves with North Korea.
Meh, America will just send Macho Man and Hulk Hogan over there. They already dealt with Kim jong-il

He is overrated...

Back to topic... I am going to call N. Korea's bluff. They have no resources to launch a full scale war. Even if they attempted, S. Korea would probably stand up to them. Simply saying because of the military bases that the US established during the 70's.
Well, I agree with Will, because N. Korea hadn't never the chance a full chaos war, how the N. Korean leaders like had.

Much factors speak vs. a win for N. Korea:

- The weapon-technic is since the end 60's beginning the 70's insert remained, where at China, USA, S. Korea and Europe the war-technology at the high level are.

- The allis from N. Korea. Well, it is known, that N. Korea two very important allis have: China and Russia - Well, they are also how N. Korea a "communist" (Well, yeah in Russia case not more) country, but yeah communist, but China is not more the same country how before 20-30 years or it is not more Mao, the the land with iron hand led have/had - China is now a high developed industry nation, and they have not really interesting (more) for a war or something similar. Well Russia is how China no extreme or fanatical nation more, where with N. Korea a war beginning would.

- And If a war really begin would, then would sure in less weeks or less end, because N. Korea would in this war alone stand, they had no chance for a win.

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Well, I agree with Will, because N. Korea hadn't never the chance a full chaos war, how the N. Korean leaders like had.

Much factors speak vs. a win for N. Korea:

- The weapon-technic is since the end 60's beginning the 70's insert remained, where at China, USA, S. Korea and Europe the war-technology at the high level are.

- The allis from N. Korea. Well, it is known, that N. Korea two very important allis have: China and Russia - Well, they are also how N. Korea a "communist" (Well, yeah in Russia case not more) country, but yeah communist, but China is not more the same country how before 20-30 years or it is not more Mao, the the land with iron hand led have/had - China is now a high developed industry nation, and they have not really interesting (more) for a war or something similar. Well Russia is how China no extreme or fanatical nation more, where with N. Korea a war beginning would.

- And If a war really begin would, then would sure in less weeks or less end, because N. Korea would in this war alone stand, they had no chance for a win.


Youre right. North Korea has a huge amount of troops and war material but their technological level is in the early stages of development. The only reason they have won the Korean War was because of the intervention of China. Russia never supported North Korea with troops. Stalin told North Korea that they have to ask China to support them. At the beginning of the Korean War the USA pushed back the troops of North Korea and conquered nearly the whole territory of North Korea. Only due to the invention of Chinese troops the USA had to retreat their troops behind the 38th latitude.
Now China is a communistic system with capitalistic influence. They depend on their trade relation with western states to allay their hunger for ressources. The cold war is over; North Korea stands alone.
Yes, they are fanatics but i dont think that they are so stupid to attack another country with nuclear weapons. They know what happens to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And that was "just" a consequence of two atomic bombs. In the past: two atomic bombs to destroy two cities; Now: two or three fusion bombs to devastate a country like North Korea. North Koreans must be aware of this fact! They cant be so stupid!
I think they just puff up to join the game of the Great powers.

Ps: Sorry about my bad English :D
Ps: Sorry about my bad English :D
Don't mind/worry about your English skills, okay...? You're still understandable. ...And you can with me also German speak, because one of my native language is German.

Edit: N. Korea going slowly to end.
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I think they plan for something else than for the war to start in the Korean peninsula.

And I think both the USA and the middle east will be strucken with war, in America it will begin with internal war first, then it will come from outside its borders. As to the middle east and the usa, I just wonder what will happen first i.e in what order.

If i where to just take a bet looking at things the way they are now, I would place my odds on a regional war breaking out in the middle east first, but thats subject to change, since I think both things are close. -tu monitus.

Also I think we might not have to wait too long until we see the completion of damaskus in ruins.
Ish 17:1
The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
Just the other day (yesterday I think) they announced putting away some of their nukes into storage, and that was confirmed by US intelligence.
Short comment for/from the world: The world is cursed.

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