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  • Sorry, don't know if you got my other message. Our city just had a power outage, and it impacted me for about an hour...no wifi until now.
    Power is back on...I tried to send you a message from my Vita, but I don't know if you got it. I'm also trying to add you, but it keeps telling me that it's "waiting for Friend response".
    As of last night all homework was completed. As of this afternoon all classes are completed. Now just 3 exams over the next week and a half. I'm good to go!

    Abortion should at least be a very easy topic to write (a measly) five pages on though?
    i would but i dont think that will be happening, it belongs to my dad who lives quite a distance from me =( but if i get the chance i will =D
    In terms of sheer physical force, the two are about even. I think it would depend on whether the Borg could assimilate the Dominion shape shifters and their Jem'Hadar warriors.

    If so, yes, the Borg would win, and assimilate the Dominion.

    But if not, I think the Dominion could eventually eliminate Borg resources, like they did to Federation and other species in our quadrant.

    Perhaps the most disturbing possibility, is that the Dominion might find a way to incorporate Borg nanotech into their own selves without being assimilated, resilting in a superior Dominion/Borg hybrid. The hybrid would encompass the best features of both species, as well as having both their resources. And since the Dominion actually have a plan for conquest in place, where the Borg expand their empire mostly by instinct and brute force, The hybrid would actually have a pretty good chance of overwhelming the entire galaxy.

    Unless the Q shuts them down. :evillaugh:
    OKC starts a little slow I think but is gradually gaining momentum with Westbrook's return. The next game @ Portland will be tough.

    Oh, I don't remember who Chicago played against, but I watched that game where Rose went out. =\
    I'll do my best on it :3
    It's as you say, just step by step. One at a time ^^ Rushing stuff will only come back to haunt you.

    I'll keep you up on that! If I ever visit the US again, I'll be sure to drop by Chicago. I'll let you know :3
    hey man,

    Ah I see. Good to hear you found your own place ^^
    Good luck with the moving and everything else! Lemme know when you're all settled in, I'll com e crashing through your door! :3
    I'll have your sig ready when you come back =)

    I bought halo4. I will arrive on Sunday.
    It is a very poor, but I hope that I can play together next year because the practice.
    Well, don't worry man, I've it acctep...

    ...And in the family exist 1+2 dogs (2 are the dogs from my oncle/cousins) and a kitty (really, very stupid kitty). - The 1 dog is a wolf mix kind.
    First: Yo TKos-kun^^!

    Second: Lol never... - I don't want more, I'm already tired such pets to keep.>_>
    Ah.. I see. Nope, we don't celebrate that here or anything similar as far as I know.
    Sounds fun though, getting together with family and enjoy a nice meal :3
    I don't believe that it's the publisher that's translating (from English to English? :F) so I expect them to finish the work on the translation even though the developers dies. Too bad though that they'll stop making the games.
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