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  • Nora-Chan
    i am so happy to hear from u, i tried so hard to be online but its hard.
    Thank you for being a friend.:alice_happy::kurochan_loveletter
    Sorry, am late as all hell.

    True, although I'd say that plan A most often fails in the beginning but still has that small margin to succeed, which is why you shouldn't stop fighting for what you want to achieve and always have a plan B in case it does fail so you don't only have a single thing to hope for. Setting several plan Bs until you can reach your plan A is neccessary to not enter a major depression which in turn may ruin almost all chances you have to reach it.
    True, currently trying to drink more water as it's needed because of constant headaches with this heat. But changing habits is a hard thing to do.

    Right now I have the issue that... I need to shove in info about how much money I need every month to CSN (who I borrow money from) and that is pretty hard to decide since the school haven't said shit to me either whether I got in or not. So kinda hard to take a loan when I don't even know if I'm in or not. The school instantly gives a great first impression 10/10 would study Swedish again...
    My mind has started to accept that I won't be getting money from the states now and I think I'm starting to adapt to the idea now.
    Pretty much looked at every option available sadly :/

    Lmao, they usually keep the dental light in the right place for me luckily c: Gums are still slightly weird, but my teeth has gotten less sensitive to hard stuff. It doesn't hurt now, just feels awkward.
    Never had braces myself so I can't really tell, but it looks and sounds annoying as hell to have them there lol.

    Oh, Australia huh... the legendary strict place to visit :F Winter sounds nice, I want winter here since the heat is killing me. And yeah, was midsummer here around June, now starting to slowly turn to autumn. It's an illusion tho, it's still 30 degrees in the sun during the days :c

    Oh btw, are you a pokemon go player? Or do you prefer to avoid it? c:
    Bloodbourne does look very fun, I like challenging games too.

    Just picked up Tokyo Mirage Sessions for the Wii U. It's really fun. Basically Persona, and Fire Emblem made a game together.

    A lot of people actually prefer the game on Vita too, it's more suited for a handheld honestly. Whenever you do get a Vita though it's better if you get the 1000 model (original) not 2000 model.
    I see. I only know the famous ones like Miku, Luka, the Kagamines, etc. I like quite a few Vocaloid songs, but I tend to like their covers (i.e. sung by other singers) better.

    ...Does Santa then hand over said naughty children to you to make coal from?

    :megane_objection: Where are my lawyers?! I have a right to a fair trial!

    Some people talk up eggplants so much though. I like... leaves o.o Soup stuff, spinach, algae, tropical veggies (;・∀・)

    Not burnt, wet, or sweaty? Fine! * Ignis freezes Vel-chan instead.

    Indeed. * Ignis throws Vel-chan into the glass case and gathers people to watch her. :korokke_get:

    But the best part of a kouhai is the warmth :gokiko_nooo: Sounds like it'd be easier to just nuke the planet than find a cure :miku_rage:

    Dark, enclosed, remotely located and outside cellphone coverage o.o

    You're right, I should stick to safer stuff :kurochan_pout: * Ignis reaches for his whip.

    :megane_reason: It's a... precautionary measure! If something happens to Vel-chan, we gotta have evidence, right?!

    Yes, though that part's a lot trickier, since it involves a lot of deceit and cronyism (;´∀`)
    Hey, if what you do helps others, it doesn't make you 'un-help' them or make the deed less noble just because it happens to give you benefits (pay, experience, etc) :)

    But? Vel-chan would rather have something equally rough instead? :korokke_aha:

    I may have a lot of kouhai, but there's only one Vel-chan :boys2_wink:
    What?! Vel-chan is jealous enough of them to resort to extreme violence? :kurochan_kyaa:

    Fine, I'm an enemy of all women :miku_dejected: * Ignis goes to the mountains to live as a hermit.

    Prove it that you have a heart, then :korokke_meh:
    Forgot to comment before, but nice profile page and new set ヽ(=´▽`=)ノ
    Is the grill from any title? Kinda feels like something from Vanillaware.

    O-of course not! I'll support whatever it is Vel-chan wants to do! Just don't have me deal with the law
    Cucumbers seem to be the standard. I don't like (most) veggies though, them included ;_;

    Neither getting burnt nor wet? How about steamy sauna instead? :gokiko_uwoh:

    W-well, building something as large as the capitol with glass needs funds, right? Vel-chan can help with this... miniature of a glass mansion!

    But Vel-chan's safety is paramount! How could we repopulate the planet after the zombie apocalypse without you? :puniko_timid:

    Oh, well, not kidnap, just... introducing them to a good playground!

    I have no experience playing with cuffs; I didn't think they'd suffocate you :puniko_sorry:

    Good luck and be safe! * Ignis secretly records from behind Vel as she leaves.

    Yes, either that or connections. 'Course, elite universities and specific fields (like the aforementioned astrophysics) have better prospects, but what you said is doubly true for certain jobs like technicians. Not familiar with the behind-the-scene intricacies of lifeline support, and it certainly doesn't sound easy (and perhaps confers significant mental burden), but it sounds like a really noble undertaking :)

    I was. Compared to brushing someone's teeth with an axe, it's pretty harmless, right? :gokiko_hue:

    More like a dandere who doesn't care about her poor senpai's pleas and suffering :gokiko_shobon:
    "Tools"? Oh, oh, is Vel-chan going to personally train all those kouhai and familiarise them with the "tools"?

    Not me! I'm your ally in trying to establish an empire of yandere grills over useless men :korokke_cry:

    Heartless Vel-chan is heartless! * Ignis cries a river. :miku_cry:
    Ohh, nasty~! I totally wasn't suggesting something like that~!

    Vel-chan likes spicy stuff too? :3 I know excessive sweetness or spices aren't good for your health, but...
    And thanks (*´∀`)

    It's okay, I'll wipe you dry afterwards :boys_drool:

    Glass... capitol! Transparency in politics is good, right? :lapi_sweat:

    O-of course I am! That's not the case with you, though. * Ignis chains Vel and brings her to an isolated bunker.

    Oh, did Vel-chan find my van? Does Vel-chan want to help me distribute more candies to other young grills?

    Don't worry! * Ignis takes off the cuffs on Vel's neck and stands smugly. What would've happened if I hadn't been there to save you? :kurochan_tsk:

    Oh. Silly me. * Ignis gives Vel aerosol cans containing sleeping gas instead.

    Indeed. There's also the fact whatever you've learnt may not matter much. For example, Japanese companies here would rather hire people who've stayed for an extended time in Japan than fresh graduates with excellent grades in Japanese studies. The rationale is that someone who's been in Japan knows better how to deal with the people and has firsthand experience with their culture, lifestyle and language use (rather than textbook use).

    You weren't being nosy at all :) Thanks for the offer, and in return, I'll also extend the same offer, so feel free to talk about anything, even rant and rave :3

    What do I do with the chloroform I've splattered all over the toothbrush, then? :miku_down:

    Since when did Vel-chan become a tsundere too? :puniko_stare: Wait, where are you taking them? There's no other man in that dark room, right?! :miku_rage:

    Exactly! Repeat after me: all men are beasts! All senpai are enemy of women! :kurochan_ok:

    Then will Vel-chan stay by my side while allowing me to have clones of her as well? :boys2_love:
    I take all the help I can have xDDD
    Sem II? :-O you aren't in the summer holiday right now? :(

    P.S. dreamy profile customization xDD :boys_peace:
    I haven't played any of the Dark Souls, but I've heard they are good. Thinking of getting Bloodbourne though.

    Yeah vacation was nice, but good to be home.
    *gender swaps for a second and pulls you*

    Hello sweetheart! :hi:

    Missed you very much, thanks for always sending me messages it always makes me happy to read them.^^ Also thanks for the bishies about last time!

    And yes, in September hopefully.^^

    You're more lovely ! Thanks again for sending message, love you and hope you're doing alright. <3
    Wow. Hardcore. You probably can't use it to bake food, but maybe you can use it for... something else? ( ¬‿¬)
    Thanks! Others usually don't like my cooking though, mainly because it tends to be too sweet or spicy. But my mother eats it all the same and my sis said she likes some menus I've made better than mom's cooking, so I'm content (〃∇〃)

    Who said anything about drowning? I could make you wet without threatening your life :gokiko_hue:

    But she's nobody! If I get the famous Invy-chan inside, people will want to come around and see her in the glass ca... :rr_grin: Err, wait, I mean...

    What happens after I'm done tearing up all the zombies? Will I also be infected and Vel-chan hack the last remaining zombie that is me too?

    Right? It's best for Lil' Hood to stay as a young girl! * Ignis gives her candy.

    Oh noes, what have I done? :shinonome_shock: Looks like this calls for an emergency CPR!

    * Ignis puts the skimpy dress again on Vel-chan and arms her with two cleavers. A grill's gotta be able to protect herself :kurochan_ok:

    Not quite, thankfully. Pretty much everyone I know who's got ties to certain companies agrees that it's a common occurrence, though. But probably I shouldn't have said all this demotivating drivel to someone who's still studying :P

    B-but my toothbrush is special! It has special toothpaste that tastes really calming, too!

    Okay then, I'll help myse― :rr_nervous: O-of course Vel-chan can join in! You'll get the first turn!

    Don't swing that thing too much or you'll burn calories too much that there'll be nothing left to shrink anymore :boys_run:

    Yes! A dere Vel-chan without the murderous tendencies or threat to my life :boys2_love:
    hahaha, that would be really motivational! it would really motivate to study! :boys_glitter:bbut.....the reality is nasty :boys_sigh:

    well I can;t wait for the final of July, I will be literally be free of all this shit xD what about you, how are you killing time these days? xD
    Bummer. You can't heat food either, then? Or resort to the conventional way of recooking?
    I've made some. Been years since I last did, though. Mostly just simple, unbaked stuff like rolled-up dough with sweets of all sorts (;´∀`)

    Vel-chan doesn't want to get burnt? How about getting wet instead, then? :kurochan_hmm:

    Just a lack of budget :alice_sorry: If Vel-chan agrees to live inside, it'll give me a way to earn enough to make it more mansion-like!

    What are our precautions against the virus infecting us as well? I don't want my porcelain skin to degenerate into rotting flesh :boys2_shy:

    It's fine! Or would Vel-chan prefer it that she were a young man instead? :boys2_sweat:

    Deal! * Ignis unlocks Vel's handcuffs... and uses them on her neck instead. MINE!

    But we'll be attracting more kouhai instead of gullible men. We'll have an excess of artists but no materials to make art with :alice_nay:

    Perhaps worth it, though. I recall how in high school teachers and seniors tried their best to assure us that social studies wasn't inferior to sciences, that social graduates would be "bosses" and science graduates their "underlings". 'Course, I learnt the harsh truth that an IT professional can rise up to executive positions in a tech company, but the average economic consultant will have a hard time occupying even the most basic engineering position in a stock market company :P

    A normal toothbrush, then? It wouldn't be fair to deny me the chance to brush your teeth :alice_please:

    Oh, just a single room with a very comfy bed is enough. Unless Vel-chan wants extra instruments like handcuffs and gags too?

    But, Vel-chan, if I shrink you down you'll no longer have to worry about your weight! * Ignis flees as far as he can.

    Can't be helped :miku_down: * Ignis calls up on a biotech company to clone Vel.
    I hate exams :boys_down: Sometimes I feel guilty for not studying too much....just....just there are so many otome games I wanna play and etc. that I am so freaking easily distracted that it isn;t even fair *sigh*-_-

    Nice bishie <3 *doki doki* I am feeling more like this tho xD -->
    Yes! Exactly! Does Vel-chan bake cakes? :3

    It's okay, Vel-chan. I'll just burn you at the stake instead of hacking you to pieces. Your soul's going to be purified!

    Ninja! :miku_!: W-well, Vel-chan is a lady with class, right? Wouldn't you want to try living in a glass... mansion? It's shiny and squeaky and definitely above peasant stonework!

    Bullets don't produce those lovely sounds axes do when they hit flesh! A machette? Maybe I'll name her Machy-chan and she'll be good friends with Ms. Hatchy!

    Why not? I'm familiar with the female anatomy so I'm not going to hurt her :alice_blink:

    Then I'll just take you! One Vel-chan is better than ten random kouhai :alice_waai:

    Right. * Ignis puts skimpy cheerleader clothes on Vel. You walk around like that in a college and we'll fill our quota in no time!

    Ah, I see. I totally misunderstood :P It'd be the same for other science subjects since I'd still have to study all the way back to high school levels (as I briefly mentioned, I got into studies instead of science, so I pretty much stopped studying phys/chem/bio by the second year of high school). Math would probably not be as bad, and I could likely survive in IT, but the bad part of our system is that it groups every academical subject into either science, social studies, or linguistics. No prize for guessing where math and IT go under. To get into a good uni, I'd still have to study all sciences just to pass the test ;_;

    * Ignis moans and writhes in pain. How hit's houh hurn, Hel-han! Hi'm honna hrush houh heeth hith Hahhy-hah hoo!

    We'll just make more? All it takes is one Ignis and a lot of kouhai :korokke_doki:

    Glad you agree! * Ignis grabs Vel and puts her beneath Small Light. It's for science!

    Dammit! Come back here! * Ignis chases Vel with a lasso.
    Thank you sending an invite to be friends.

    I hope you're doing well, and you're taking a somewhat relaxing break from uni.

    Talk to you soon.
    That's not bad, though. I've often found stuff on Pixiv that already looks great and feels that I'd ruin it by adding my own edits.

    No! It was the previous messages―

    Me: You'll also nurse my wounds, won't you?
    Vel: OF COURSE not!

    ―it was you who wanted to hack and then not nurse the smexy, porcelain-skinned crossdresser! TO THE STAKE!

    Class? Yes, of course! The glass case has class, don't you worry :alice_love:

    But what better way to do it than with a hatchet? Does Vel-chan have better instruments? :korokke_doki:

    Feeding her, changing her clothes and helping her bathe? What's so bad about that :alice_confused:

    How about the blood of vir― I mean, get me back my other kouhai!

    Hmm, how many corps― err, people do you think would be needed to paint the entire walls and ceiling?

    Thing is, astrophysics isn't a field where you just need the degree (like how in IT you'll likely be trained again and what you learnt in school may be totally irrelevant to the particular needs of your company), you need all the knowledge as well. I can't just choose a random science degree and barely pass it only to then lag behind in astrophysics itself. I don't live in the US (would rather keep it private); it's just that the USD is more global so it's what I tend to use when talking about currencies :P

    I'll need your help, then! Hold Ms. Hatchy gently with your hand as if you were brushing my teeth?

    But if I do become world empress, I'll make sure no kouhai in this world is ever going to run out of materials to make art with :miku_mwahaha:

    Maybe tiny humans? :lapi_idea: We could also make fairies as by-products!

    Yeah, I hope so too :)

    :alice_...: Vel-chan plotted to get them all away? You'll have to compensate and do their share of being my kouhai :akazukin_cry:
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