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  • WHAT???
    she must be really weird...i take back my 'we might get along' words...i have troubles with talking with people like that...i hope she makes up her mind soon...>_>
    i must admit that i'm weird but not in that kind of way X3

    i'll definitely point that out to him. mom just took the laptop away from i'll be less online... ;_;
    Pretty busy nowadays so not posting a lot. Other than that, fine as always.
    Lazy to post. Still here checking from time to time.

    -stalker- mode
    yes. boys love~
    oh i guess we'll really do get along since i'm only after the stories ^_^
    i'm not hardcore :3

    he's pertaining to your current avatar which is usually color blue~
    meh...more like we spend most of the time together going to places the other one wants to go to~

    oh~ does she happen to like BL? X3

    btw. shito saw your new ava...he said that you're not blue anymore XD
    XD stalker like yuno from Mirai Nikki? lol. i don't need to stalk him since he also follows me around as well. :3

    hmmm. i've never played Katawa Shoujo as well. is she the type that plays a lot?

    thank you. i'm really praying for it to happen :3
    XD well he's not silly anymore~ oh...i remember becoming a greeter in HF because he's part of that group. then quitting as well when he decided not to open his account anymore X3 i just really follow him around whatever he happens to be into so that we get to have more conversations going unlike what i've experienced in a different relationship before. :3

    OHHHH. she plays otome games~
    :3 we would get along if she has an account in AS~
    ask her if she played second reproduction yet~

    lol. i hope you get to have a lasting relationship with your girlfriend :3
    well, he's really privy about that information before. but now he's really fine with it. before, i sometimes want to hit him in the head for wanting to keep it a secret. and i'm really happy about the situation now :3 though i told him that telling it to anyone here in AS now would be futile since he has no plans to go check his account. therefore making it seem like i might be lying about it. i want to hit him now because of that. >_>

    same genre? then that makes conversation real easy~
    it's hard to communicate with someone who doesn't really understand what you're talking about..
    does she also play eroge? X3

    shito became the man of my dreams when he does that >///< but i'm stubborn so we sometimes end up fighting about it. XD
    lol. i'm not being modest. XD i have ulterior motives on helping him out X3
    we've been dating even before we started on AS. he said not to tell anyone. but then recently he changed his mind since he has no real plans of becoming active because of his thesis. he let's me do whatever i want now.

    oh! it's great to be in a relationship with a person who's into the same interests as you~
    is she into the same anime genre as you?

    i do rest more now. shito keeps on going about how i should sleep properly so that we could chat more online~
    i'm not really a kind soul XD
    it just happens that shito is my boyfriend so i'm willing to help him out, and in that way he would still have time for me :3

    i resigned since check has a girl, while i have shito~

    you've got you're first girlfriend???
    i'm really happy for you :3
    so what is she like? how did you two met?
    you must really take care of her~

    i'm doing great even when i lack sleep XD
    i'm doing fine. and lots of stuff to do but i do try to find some time for AS.

    i'm currently helping shito and our friend with their thesis.

    i also resigned as check's maid XD

    and i'm also doing my best to catch up with the anime in my list~

    yes. he is indeed my master~

    yep. i've met them. i joined their group. XD
    i missed my goshujin-sama's purity and innocence. XD

    hmmm. but honestly speaking, i was in an open lab of our institution and i was a bit out of sorts of what i should do. so i decided to see if the site of AS is blocked or what. and voila~ it's accessible. so i've decided to check how things are and here i am. alive once more in AS~

    i just chatted a bit with king on the IRC earlier. and apparently, i was not the only gone for a year.

    btw. what happened during the time of my inactivity? i'm too lazy to read all the LPW that i missed. XD
    BLUE~~~ <3
    i really missed you a lot~ :blushhappy: thing led to yeah XD
    though i'm not the hardcore type of fujoshi~ :whipmaster:
    BlueMage!!! heya~ i'm alive again. i will be active once more in AS. miss you~
    Hi there~

    It's all right for the late reply. ^^

    Reply when you have time or feel like it.

    Haha...~ I thought it wasn't a good reason because I didn't seem to describe much about the life of Brazil. I mostly mentioned the trees and what food was offered. ^^;;

    Oh, stories...~ :3

    I like making things up as well, but I must write them down in case I forget. Sometimes, poetry is what I write since I do appreciate the little rhymes or structure of it.

    Lol~ It would be pretty bad if everyone was allergic to chocolate. Can't imagine a world like that. >.<

    I've been busy too. More parties and social gatherings. ^^; Still, healthy and strong.

    Much love to you~ See you~
    Hello again~

    Oh... Brazil. Does sound hot. >_> Swimming or cool drinks help with the hot temperature.

    I have an appreciation for the lovely trees there and fruits that are imported to the US though. ._. Maybe that's not a good enough reason.

    Laughter can be the best medicine for most situations. Nothing better than some humor or comedy to feel good about the day.

    Ah... my mistake. :x I apologize. It's still neat you have an interest in fantasy. Helps with writing and eases some stress by imagining things. ^^

    Ahaha... if it's made from chocolate. xD I agree. Most of the things with chocolate are delectable one way or another. I haven't made any homemade chocolate though... Would like to try~

    Hope your day went well. Bye-bye for now~
    Nice to hear from you~

    I live in the US. The state is Massachusetts. ^^ It's hot and humid now. Hope it's nice where you live.

    Haha... I guess if we can laugh about it even if it's not done right, then it becomes a pleasant memory. :3 Probably why I enjoy the comedy genre very much. I'm sure you have certain genres and styles you appreciate as well~

    Oh~ xD Despite the lack of reading or books, you definitely have much more excitement and interest in fantasy than I do. I often read fairy tales as a child as well. ^^

    Ah... no need to apologize. Just you chatting with me once in awhile is more than enough. I'm kind of... 'used to writing long and elaborate sentences'. A 'habit' I suppose. ^^;;

    Chocolate~ (: Great to eat when you're using up mental power. Have any certain types you like? I prefer truffles. :3

    See you again. Much happiness for you~
    Hi once again~

    Glad you're healthy. Can't do things we like without proper health. ^^ I sometimes stroll around the park for fresh air to calm my mind.

    They say 'practice makes perfect', but even drawings by children can be meaningful. I recall trying to sing a song, but I messed up the lyrics anyway after reciting it many times. xP We all still enjoyed it and laughed. Haha~

    Fantasy has many surprises and we tend to enjoy things that are surreal and mesmerizing. Alice is no different. How the characters interact and the intricate words used can provide a grand taste of illusion and the consequence to eventually realize we will not remain as a child forever.

    I haven't read much fantasy myself... so you're definitely more knowledgeable about it. :3

    Eat some sweets or take a nap if you ever feeling down~ See you again~
    Hello to you as well~

    Hope you're healthy and doing things you like to do sometimes. ^^

    Ah... thank you. :3 I'll take of my hands. It's always good to wash our hands anyway. Nothing better than a little cleanliness~

    Oh... :x Some people recognize what they can do or what they like so they proceed from there. The 'feeling' of the drawing or anything else to me is the most important. If you put heart into something, it'll be worth noticing. ^^

    Eh...~ Alice in the Wonderland. :3 The story is mesmerizing. Does that mean you enjoy a little fantasy once in awhile?

    Thank you and likewise. Chatting once in awhile is quite nice.

    Bye for now~
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