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  • Sorry for the late response. But yeah I'm a fan of UnisonShift & Noizi Ito's work ^^ Alice Parade was actually my first step into UnisonShift & Noizi Ito. I saw the OP video on Youtube and was very shocked (it had HCGs in the OP and I had no idea what a visual novel was at the time).
    different countries give different results, soo it's more helpful when other people help search than if no one tried XD
    Usually when I request stuff, it's extremely difficult to find or I just didn't try some torrents. Most of these albums are on amazon, but I wouldn't buy all of them unless I could afford to x-x It'd be great if there was a preview for them so I'd know which I'd like better.
    I see well, you know, some ppl are introverts and some are extroverts, some might learn to be both in some ways, in regards to different skillsets.

    They both generally have different weaknesses and strengths afaik...there are plenty of information about just that as well. But what I'm thinking is it most likely good for you to do as you say, and learn to expand your possibilities, but at the same time being aware that you might have some latent introvert skills and abilities that you could learn to tap into....its not wrong after all to not do everything like everybody else. The two different types can thrive in different sorts of environment, and have different needs for growth and development.

    Just saying so you don't only thing the right thing to do always is going against your own "flow"
    I might have some materials handy on the subject if interested in that kinda things, stuff I haven't looked over myself yet though.

    P.s. forgot to say I don't rly know too much about the touhou characters personalyties either, except that which is made in my own mind.
    No I never drink coffee usually, I think thats also one of the reasons it works extra good on me, I need but a small teaspoon of instant coffee and it keeps me awake, I also suspect since I generally avoid additives and harmful foods and ect, and idk..it reminds me of bruce lee who like died to an aspirin, my system should be pretty well flowing and sensitive so I require little for it to have an effect. And I am the type that can go and endure for long periods of time anyway regardless soo...

    Well, maybe its not so mucha bout complaining as much as it is about you being a good observer, certain types of ppl are good at getting out there and creating stuff for instance, while others are good at observing and finding ways to improve it more by scrutinizing, which sometimes I'm sure can be misunderstood by others.

    Ah...well thats a neat trick.

    Hehehe My fav touhou char, well most ppl who knew be from earlier would probably jump up and scream Reimu now since that was my avatar...hmm Reimu and Love eh I'm digressing. ...And yes I guess that might be right, but with some reservation, since I don't rly know all the inhabitants of gensoukyou (prob miss spelled)

    Splitting post again becasue it was too long.
    Don't blame me for that D:
    That's something new. Never heard that before :o What about 25/26th of December?

    Hmm..huuge pm huh..Okies :3
    But I'm reaally curious about who ! xD
    I noticed something while I was on Genki's profile.
    Your b-day is on 24th of June?
    HA! Mine's on 23rd XD
    It's not always easy to try and read others, based on signals, or nothing, it can be somewhat done irl, but over the internet, all I can say is that, and I think I've said that already to quite a few ppl in my life, if there is anything, anything at all, you can tell me. I think its possible to tell me pretty much anything.

    I am unsure at what my skill level is at picking up subtle clues, I wish someone who knew me would someday tell me if I am or not. :rolleyes:

    What are you studying btw ?
    LoL ! Gomene, I've had a (am having) an all nighters right now....guess I miss some details then....I thought you where already added...Thanks for the add, I somehow started imagine after our talk that you where already added......

    You see it must be my long time of being awake or the coffee I normally never drink that makes my pupils dilute like I'm on drugs...

    Dont worry about a thing with me hinode.....I am easy, and I don't think I'm the kind that chews ppl's heads off. I also respects other peoples opinion even if they are not the same as myself. I've heard from some here and there that I can be quite the talker, but I guess that depends on my restlessness, mood ect.

    Yeah I always read ppl's profile, hmm, so I guess your right. Perhaps I just think that ppl are too busy to read mine, plus other ppls profiles tend to be quite short. And mine is not so very.

    Oh yeah I know about touhou...its the music :P
    Got some of it on my hdd...mostly touhou music videos.
    But to be honest, if you just amke a vid with some neat music, usually a bit trance like sounding with a touhou picture, and I can be happy hihi

    Yes well I got no problems with ppl who talk or not, but it can be difficult if it's in such a way that they are not honest, or perhaps too afraid too be. Cause that would require mind reading. Then I can be the one who starts to wonder if I've said something wrong for instance...but I'm not sure cause the other person might not tell me, and then I can't even change, or learn e.g. to avoid it, or get to know them.

    post too long so i have to split it up...
    Ofc, I would love too. And what you say about yourself is not a bad thing, it's a very good trait you got there, you should keep it ! Speak from the heart, and you might just get rewarded by finding a connection with someone or even yourself (or both) that runs equally deep as your honesty.

    HEhe thanks, I was just about to drop you a msg in fact earlier today myself when I got caught up with some irl things.

    Nice too meet you. So somebody actually read my profile too^^

    And may cirno give you a nice not too cold breeze on your summers day.

    P.s. I don't think your stubborn for what you said :) But that might be clear already anyway, I'm the kind of guy who would rather say the obvious sometimes, rather than not saying it.
    Hello there~

    Hope it is alright to be friends~

    May happiness come your way.

    Something sweet for your sweet self.

    1. Ice (I guess) attribute UP
    2. During Charge attack, item generation rate UP

    Erm... Head butt power UP???

    Kanako (This one is hard >_<):
    1. Power of some sort of attack UP
    2. All "something"(probably stats) UP...

    I'll do other 3 later...
    Why would those screenshots be gone?

    Teru (Tewi? (てる)): 
    1. Item drop from enemies UP
    2. Jumping power UP

    1. Wind attribute UP (it is written just like that...)
    2. Don't know exactly but it is something about Spirit Power (霊力) and Large value (大値)...
    You're welcome Hinode ^^

    Uhm, I assume you have Photoshop so..you can try this.
    Select the image layer (in this case that little fairy, for got her name >_>)
    Right-click it and pick the 'blending options'
    And small window should pop-up with a lot of editing options.
    'Drop Shadow' should be there as well.
    Click on it and adjust the shadow the way you like ^^
    here, this is an avi i made, because i was practicing making avi's. if you want to use it or not it's up to you i don't really care :)

    Ah.. I see..
    Well that was all I knew/found on the interwebz. So..I guess I can't help you :deadsad:
    And avatar looks cute :3
    You could add a drop shadow to give it a more 3D-feel.
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