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  • That's good then ^^

    I'll try to help but I'm not all that experienced in this matter D:
    Firstly, is the extension .dat or .DAT (in caps) .DAT is usually for Digital Audio Transfer..so i'm not sure if those can be turned into an acutal image.

    1. Have you tried re-naming that file? like to insertname.JPG or .JPEG ?
    2. Sometimes Photoshop can open those type of files and then you can save it with a different extension.

    I just asked a friend about this and he recommends this freeware: IrFanview
    'IrfanView does not care what the extension is, or even if it has no extension, you just point IrfanView at the file and tell it to open and IrfanView figures it out. It will even tell you what the extension should be, if it was misnamed, and offer to rename it for you.'

    This is all I can help you with.
    If the above doesn't help..I'm sorry :deadsad:
    Hmm..I tried and this came out of it.

    I can't zoom in much. It's too pixelated to render.
    Ah.. I see.
    I'll render it but I don't think I'll be able to do it today..
    Hope you don't mind waiting a day..?

    I can render that but I kinda think it'll will end up a little bit blocky since it's such a small resolution.
    just search it at google and resize it. simple as that :P

    example: my ava now I searched with keyword Nasuhara gif, after I find what I want, then I resize it to become smaller.
    When I translate something I meet unknown words which I then translate and get to know + it feels a bit good when I let others know that I know japanese and they don't ;p And the fact that I have nothing better to do adds to that as well...
    Nee, Hinode, I want to try and play some Touhou game, what should I start from?
    Critical chance UP and Jumping power UP

    Sorry that I'm late. Played on my Xbox...
    Not sure about the first one, but it is probably either 1)Increased fire resistance, or 2)Fire attacks deal more damage...
    Second is Stamina recovers on it's own as you play.
    It's only done when you say so ^^
    So my question, is there anything you would like to have changed? ^^

    I'll brush it up a bit and check the details.
    I tried to make it less pointy but most parts are really curvy so I can't make those less pointy.
    And this time the image is not resized, I just put in on it like it is.
    In other words, I didn't make it smaller.
    So..does it look less pointy now?
    Hmm..not really sure if I get what you mean.. You mean the curves and stuff?
    But the main reason is was image resolution. The higher the res, the better the render will turn out.
    The original one was like 1024x800something.
    If you want I can smooth out the sharper corners :o
    I will translate it by VM later. If you need one translated in an urge just tell me by VM. It will not be a lot, since I translated some of the terms now... I guess I'll just put them all in spoilers and thats it...
    First is Daiyousei, right?
    大妖精 - Daiyousei
    能力 - Ability
    不運の大 - Something of misfortune or Great misfortune (I just don't know what Dai in a circle means...)
    ジャンプ力UP - Jumping power UP
    ピンチの時に全威力UP - When in pinch all powers UP
    体 - Body
    霊 - Spirit
    Ah okies then. Yea it's like the previous one ^^
    Well..I guess I'll show you what I have so far.
    Tell me what I can change here and there :3

    Hmmm... Double post? Where? Okay... Lets see what we have here... But I warn you, I know speaking japanese and can read some of it to certain extend but there are a lot of Kanjis that I don't know...
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