Your IRL pictures! Like your spamming\posting HQ's LAIR

[MENTION=55154]Shinseph[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41234]T-ELOS[/MENTION]; [MENTION=29193]nanashi1[/MENTION];

This. Figure. Right. Here. :lovestruck: > Miyu!

I have mixed feelings. I wanna buy it as I've wanted a figure of this specific Miyu for a while. But I'm not a fan of Broccoli and her expression should've been a bit more shy than it is now. I dunno what to do :ohnoes:
WebM below shows what her expression should've been, around the 0:39 mark: (Kinda NSFW if you ask me x3)

They did Miyu... Now I can only hope they release Kuro as well along with Illya *_*
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That's a really cute figure, fair price too.

Never bought from that company before though.
Me neither. But I've seen a lot of figures of Broccoli not coming close to the quality of the prototype. So I'm kinda hesitant..

Unfortunately that does happen a lot with some figure companies. Prototype looks great, but the final product looks very cheap ._.
Ooh Miia. Nice choice. From the looks of it it'll be a pricey one though :0

Yep, have you watched Monster Musume? I really liked it, love my monster girls.

I hope she isn't too pricey though, never heard of the company either so a bit risky too.

sorry for crappy quality, took them on my iPad :/
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Yep, have you watched Monster Musume? I really liked it, love my monster girls.

I hope she isn't too pricey though, never heard of the company either so a bit risky too.

sorry for crappy quality, took them on my iPad :/

Totally vicious. Make sure you put a dog warning sign outside your door to warn anyone coming inside haha.
Yep, have you watched Monster Musume? I really liked it, love my monster girls.

I hope she isn't too pricey though, never heard of the company either so a bit risky too.

sorry for crappy quality, took them on my iPad :/

Too cute! Looking so innocent until the moment everything changes lol. But definitely love them.

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