Why do you like music?


Mar 24, 2012
Talk about the music you like by answering these questions~ feel free to make some for others to answer :o

1. What do you think of when you hear the word "music"?

2. What is it about music that you enjoy the most? (why do you like listening to __ type of music?)

3. What type of music do you like to share/listen with others, and why?

4. What is your favorite type of music, why is it important to you?

5. If you could share only 1 song to the world, what would it be? (link or use spoiler + video)
What would be the message you'd tell them using that music?

6. If you can play an instrument, when/why did you decide to learn how to play? What did you like about it
(otherwise, what instrument you'd like to play and why)

7. Give a compliment to another person's music interests :3

---contest from before---
*the code did work, so I may get to do this next year~

Sooo first I should mention that I'm not 100% sure if this will work or not XD I got a 1 year premium thing today, and it emailed me a code that says it can be used only by free users, and it's only valid for 14 days. (soo if it doesn't work, i'm sorry! x-x) To make it clear, 14 days to use this code, which gives 3 months premium to http://uploaded.net/ Since I'm premium already, it won't let me use it. (sooo hopefully it'll work for you :3) Even if this does/doesn't work, this should be a fun reflective activity for everyone :3

Ok, soo this is a contest for creativity, inspiration and appreciation of music~
a winner will be selected 7 days from now based on how well you answer these questions.
*Feel free to talk about music-related things here after you make an entree :P
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Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

1. Music...a harmony of sounds that dont sound like random clatter. Perhaps a definition isnt what you wanted o.O i may have brain damage >.>
2. Music keeps me distracted enough to not fully focus on what im doing, so the little pauses in time dont eat at me. Time passes much easier.
3. I started using Pandora yesterday on my android phone :) look up "mc chris" and listen to the music of his, and like his. all upbeat and comedic stuff :)
4. I dont necessarily have a favorite type of music...lyrics and they're message are whats important to me. If it makes me giggle, thats just as good as something i can agree with. Enjoying life is key to not going completely crazy.
5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMBMgxUw6YQ we all got bad days, but we'll make it.
6. I havnt played since middle school...music was a requirement for the schools i went to, up until the 9th grade. I played the Oboe from 5-8th
7. Nobody else has posted here to compliment :( still...i used to think i hated all rap. yet MC Lars and MC Frontalot, put out a good message. Nerdcore isnt rap tho perhaps :)
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

/me looks up at thread section.

Snow.... contests don't really belong in the general discussion section.
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

sorry! there wasn't a contest section XD
idk where else to put it x-x
btw it is also including a discussion :3
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

Spam section...???
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

It's also a discussion if you haven't noticed x-x
after a few days I'd turn it completely into one via renaming.
without the contest, this is talking about what people like about music~ I could make that more clear?
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

if you want an alternate way to enter, post a song (video or link) and explain its artistic value :3
Feel free to give other suggestions if you don't like writing :P
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

1. What do you think of when you hear the word "music"?

Well, it`s hard for me to explain, but if I were to put what I think when I hear "music" into words, it would be more of a series of abstract images and feelings rather than easily explainable thoughts. Instead of thinking "damn, this is amazing" like most people, I tend to think of spaces and concepts that I feel are...fitting? to the song. When I hear the word music, it`s not much different. I just think of things that I relate to music, the biggest I suppose being happiness.

2. What is it about music that you enjoy the most? (why do you like listening to __ type of music?)

I suppose what I like the most are the feelings that each different song and type of music stir. I enjoy seeing what emotions and thoughts each type of music bring to me.

3. What type of music do you like to share/listen with others, and why?
Songs with heavy orchestral influence. They seem to go well with all different types of conversational material and the only time I really listen to music with others is when we`re talking or doing something.

4. What is your favorite type of music, why is it important to you?

It`s gonna be a tie between Industrial Rock (Nine Inch Nails, Rammstein, Akira Yamaoka) and Nu Metal (Korn, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit). I can`t pick one over the other. XD
As for why I like them, to put it shortly I grew up with them. My mom is really into that kind of music and it naturally rubbed off on me. There`s really no other reason. I just love the sound of hard drums, thick basses, and distorted guitars.

5. If you could share only 1 song to the world, what would it be? (link or use spoiler + video)
What would be the message you'd tell them using that music?

As for a message, I think my message would be for them to find a meaning in the song for themselves. I think you should always find your own meanings in songs, so I don`t tend to tell others mine.

6. If you can play an instrument, when/why did you decide to learn how to play? What did you like about it
(otherwise, what instrument you'd like to play and why)

Well, I can play alotta things; melodica, guitar, bass, a few select wind instruments, percussion, but my main instrument would be piano. It`s the one I`m the best at so I hold it above the others. I started learning how to play around 10 years ago when my grandma showed me what the big wooden thing in our entryway did. She taught me how the keys each made different noises and what the pedals did, as well as trying to teach me how to read music, which I still don`t know how to do and have no real desire to learn. (I`ve tried more than once and it just don`t click. I do fine by ear anyway though.) Unfortunately, she herself doesn`t know much about the actual playing of the instrument, so I`ve been self-taught since I started, though it hasn`t stopped me from becoming quite adept at it. (Wow, that sounded much more self-praising than I meant it to.)

The thing I like the most about that particular instrument would be, in the words of my friend Kyle, "The piano is like having a whole orchestra to play with!" which is quite the exaggeration, though I still feel it to be a nice description of the instrument. It`s the only instrument I can think of that feels complete by itself, and that fascinates me.

7. Give a compliment to another person's music interests :3

Hmm...well, wren is the only other poster, and didn`t have a favorite type sooo...I guess, all music takes effort to create, and all musicians put at least a little heart into their creations. I believe that alone gives any type of music merit.
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

Is uploaded.com any good?
Could use to host my files if I get a lot of downloads?
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

[MENTION=36056]aati[/MENTION]; uploaded.com gives 30 or 60 days of inactivity rate (I think it's 30) and it gives about 10G of space to free users.
ul.to gives unlimited space, and deletes every 90 days of inactivity. If you're wanting to talk more about this, try this thread
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

Aight, I'll give a go here. Snow, i don't want the prize. I'm just posting for the heck of it.

1. What do you think of when you hear the word "music"?

I think the word "Music" means a language anyone can understand.

2. What is it about music that you enjoy the most? (why do you like listening to __ type of music?)

I enjoy music due to the unlimited combination of instruments and vocal arrangements that can be made to create an audio piece.

3. What type of music do you like to share/listen with others, and why?

Japanese rock and anime ost. I like to share it with my few friends because they also like listening to this type of music. It's a good way for us to share about 5 minutes of time together.

4. What is your favorite type of music, why is it important to you?

American 40s - 80s music. "Big Hair" music :P It's my favorite and I fear it's going to disappear some day. So it is my favorite music out of everything.

5. If you could share only 1 song to the world, what would it be? (link or use spoiler + video)
What would be the message you'd tell them using that music?

I'd choose to share "Hotel California", a song by the Eagles. My intended message is that when everything is fine in life, you still have no control over anything. Then after you pass on into the afterlife, every fear and insecurity you had will come to walk with you down that dark hallway.

6. If you can play an instrument, when/why did you decide to learn how to play? What did you like about it
(otherwise, what instrument you'd like to play and why)

I played piano for 4 years and almost went and got my certification to teach. Then I stopped and picked up the guitar, which I have been playing for about 3 or 4 years. (Don't remember...)

I first played piano because I had heard the opening to Kingdom Hearts and the opening to Gunslinger Girl. Both of the openings really inspired me to play. What I really liked about the piano was how it resonated. I just loved filling the house with echoes of whatever I was playing.

Then I picked up guitar when I got into American rock music XD so I play that kind of music now. I like the guitar because I can read the sheet music a lot faster than piano. Plus I can do a lot more tricks on a neck than I can keyboard. Hmm... also it's way easier to hit my annoying siblings with a guitar than I can with a piano. Hurr hurr.

7. Give a compliment to another person's music interests :3

Hmm... The last poster didn't leave anything. So I'll just music is music. I don't like modern or dubstep though :P It just doesn't sit right with my ears.

[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=4859]Snowkitteh[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=39716]choonagi[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=5445]nawi[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=29193]nanashi1[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=41391]♥ Sky[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=41987]Sintarow[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=28672]musangbeku[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION] ;

Get in here and get some posting done.
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Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

yes master [MENTION=4809]Will98[/MENTION]; , glad you summon me, what can I do for you?

1. What do you think of when you hear the word "music"?
hmm I think of the most beautiful art on universe, I mean we can just listen to it, and the variety is so many and can reach us all type of people alive.

2. What is it about music that you enjoy the most? (why do you like listening to __ type of music?)
I love pop, country, and jazz type of music. I love pop because it's easy to listen, and jazz makes myself calm when listen to it. I enjoy country because since child my mother often to play it.

3. What type of music do you like to share/listen with others, and why?
I like to share pop vocaloid music to my friends, because I think it's really great, I mean it just a program but can change the music industry, and giving even more people to work with it.

4. What is your favorite type of music, why is it important to you?
Like I said before, I like pop vocaloid music. If I got a bad day, or too lazy to start a day, some songs by Miku and her friends can brighten my day :D

5. If you could share only 1 song to the world, what would it be? (link or use spoiler + video)
What would be the message you'd tell them using that music?

Hatsune Miku - Mata Ashita. hmm goodbye is a painful word, but doesn't mean that it's not beautiful, saying goodbye means we can let someone/something out of our place, with hope that we'll meet again. I think it's really bitter sweet thing on the world. And if we believe we can meet again, it'll be our power to keep moving. And the last is, after a goodbye there is always a meet to something/someone that can help us living, and to become better individual :)

6. If you can play an instrument, when/why did you decide to learn how to play? What did you like about it
(otherwise, what instrument you'd like to play and why)

I really want to practice violin, but my family don't allow me to play an instrument. I like violin because I think it's really soft, sweet yet painful in same time.

7. Give a compliment to another person's music interests :3
I never mock other people opinion, and I respect their interest. I think it's good to have personal preference since we born to be different in order to help and complete each other. So, just listen what do you want to, and please don't be afraid of others's comment.
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

1. What do you think of when you hear the word "music"?

The word itself almost immediately calms me down, the way actual listening to some pieces do.

2. What is it about music that you enjoy the most? (why do you like listening to __ type of music?)

The way it can easily evoke emotions, where a simple string of notes can stir your soul, take you to places in your mind to awaken memories of old or catch glimpses of your fondest dreams.

3. What type of music do you like to share/listen with others, and why?

I like most types of music from pretty much every decade, ranging from classical and big band to jazz and rock, soul to alternative, as well as Broadway and opera - any of which I happily share with friends and acquaintances when played in the background with good speakers, over a few drinks.

4. What is your favorite type of music, why is it important to you?
I'd probably say jazz in this instance because of the sheer creativity involved in the many types within the genre is inspiring.:goodtea:

5. If you could share only 1 song to the world, what would it be? (link or use spoiler + video)
What would be the message you'd tell them using that music?

Music, for me, is a form of expression. If I'm going to share any one song with the world, then it would definitely be something from what I wrote.

6. If you can play an instrument, when/why did you decide to learn how to play? What did you like about it
(otherwise, what instrument you'd like to play and why)

My parents bought a piano for my little sister when she was taking lessons. Every time I walked in and out of the house, I would pass it in the den and each time I would wonder "there's a very nice toy in front me, why am I not playing with it?" So one afternoon I decided to sit myself down on the bench, prop the easiest looking set of notes from a book with a large number 1 printed on the cover, and clumsily started pushing down keys as I read what notes I could remember from music class. It became an afternoon ritual for me, spanning five to six hours at a time, as I struggled to overcome the stiffness of my fingers. After a couple of weeks, I was able to play my first complete piece (a couple of grades above what my sister played at her recital) and in a few months' time was able to play well enough to move hearts (including mine). Learning the guitar took much less time.

7. Give a compliment to another person's music interests :3

Musangbeku stated a yearning to play the violin because of its soft, sweet, yet painful qualities. I agree completely. I also hold the same desire to learn that beautiful instrument.

Music is a very personal thing, different from person to person. One thing, however, holds true for everyone - music moves the soul.
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Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

1) - If I on the word music think, then think I on perfect synchronized sound composition, where the feel give: either to dream or to with cheer - all in one, is the music mystery.

2) - Well I listening music mostly from the VN and at/from LN adapted animes area: Because I find the music from them deeper and epic.

3) - In my position as cook have I unfortunately/of course no time with friends to meet (except in the ASF), where that discuss could. I like a mix from pop, heavy and melancholic music.

4) - ^Look up. Because it exempt for goes for over the head and soul.

5) - The music from Rekka Katakiri (From G-senjou no maou) - Answer is epic and deep touched, but sorry in this question can't more say, because for that need more time.

6) - Well I would like a Takio-dram to learn (because there can at his/her frustration reduce) - but I've not more the ability.

7) - I let at another his/her music taste make...
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

1. What do you think of when you hear the word "music"?

- Well I think about a way to get through all kinds of stuff.

2. What is it about music that you enjoy the most? (why do you like listening to __ type of music?)

- Well the emotion is the thing I like the most about music. I listen to all kinds of music. Just depends what I need from it. If it is a nice sunny day outside I'll bump some chill hip hop and not care about a thing in the world.
If Im feeling energetic Ill play some hard rock (not metal) and just sing it with all the people around watching.

3. What type of music do you like to share/listen with others, and why?

-Well if people around me were more opened, it would be JRock. But that's not the situation here. So I just like to listen to some good non-commercial house with one group of friends I go out and with other I enjoying sharing new rock I find. Although I only enjoy things I play as they are metalheads and I can't really stand metal lol.

4. What is your favorite type of music, why is it important to you?

-Well I would have to go with rap/hip-hop. But I mean real, good rap. Now when I remember, I was an Eminem fanboy when I was younger, but that music really helped me with many things. It's just that some rappers are really easy to relate to and their music too as they "talk" more than musicians in other genres.

5. If you could share only 1 song to the world, what would it be? (link or use spoiler + video)
What would be the message you'd tell them using that music?


Whenever you get hurt by the world or by the people, never go down. That's the motto you should be living by. Life is hard, complicated but in the end, it's beautiful!

6. If you can play an instrument, when/why did you decide to learn how to play? What did you like about it
(otherwise, what instrument you'd like to play and why)

- I can play basic piano. But I know a lot about many instruments as I am really intro producing music on my computer. I like it as I can use any instrument in the world and make music with it. No limitations.

From other instruments I want to learn to play drums or electric guitar (well with many others, I just picked those two cause they were first two I thought about).

7. Give a compliment to another person's music interests :3

- My props go to choonagi, as he likes Jazz, I couldn't really relate to other people that much xD.
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

1. What do you think of when you hear the word "music"?

I think of the beat and sound of the song. Mostly my favourite songs at the current time/

2. What is it about music that you enjoy the most? (why do you like listening to __ type of music?)

I enjoy any kind of electronic music, such as Trance, Electro, Nightcore, House, Dubstep, DnB as well as a bit of Rock and Pop, I'm partial to some good classical music too. I don't know why I enjoy listening to it, I just get a feeling of warmth and happiness which cheers me up.

3. What type of music do you like to share/listen with others, and why?

It depends who I'm in the company of, most of the time it's Dubstep/DnB but I like to share anything that really peaks my interests with my friends.

4. What is your favorite type of music, why is it important to you?

I'm really not sure what my favourite type is, but I listen to Nightcore and Trance quite a lot and recently I've been getting into a lot of Vocaloid music. If I had to choose, at the moment I'm really into JPop. I know it sounds really cliche, especially on a forum dedicated to anime, but I've been watching a lot of musical anime (K-On!, AKB0048, Love Live, Tari Tari) and I'm really getting into the songs on said anime, especially when it's a nice easy tune that sticks in my head. I've also fallen in love with fripSide, who do the Toaru Kagaku no Railgun OPs.

5. If you could share only 1 song to the world, what would it be? (link or use spoiler + video)
What would be the message you'd tell them using that music?

Although above I've said that I like Nightcore/Trance/Etc, my favourite song of all time has to be Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves. It cheers me up every time I listen too it and I can't help smiling every time I even think about it.

6. If you can play an instrument, when/why did you decide to learn how to play? What did you like about it
(otherwise, what instrument you'd like to play and why)

I used to play the trumpet when I was about 10 until I was 12 in Primary School (Brit. Elementary equiv.), I got to grade 4 but I had to give up as I was moving to a new Middle School to get into the right Secondary (Brit. High School equiv.) but I really enjoyed it for the time I did it, but I wouldn't go back as I've lost all my talent.

7. Give a compliment to another person's music interests :3

As most of the others have said, everyone is free to choose what they like and dislike, it's up to you to decide what you want. If someone recommends me anything I'll always have a listen, if I don't like it I'll not listen again, but I'll come away wiser none-the-less. I think everyone on here has good taste in music and it's interesting to find a little bit more about other people's musical interests.
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

[MENTION=42294]wren2012[/MENTION]; [MENTION=26533]Kionea[/MENTION]; [MENTION=28672]musangbeku[/MENTION]; [MENTION=39716]choonagi[/MENTION]; [MENTION=29193]nanashi1[/MENTION]; [MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41391]♥ Sky[/MENTION];

Some of you aren't really answering the questions being asked, but all the responses are good enough to make butterflies inside me \^o^/ I'll give at least 4 hours from now for people to revise their posts if they want to~ I might let this stay up for overnight to accommodate time-zone differences, then pick one in the morning. Feel free to ask for clarification if you're not sure about something~ Give a like to 1 or 2 of the entries above please :3 (outside ppl can give likes too btw~ lol)
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

[MENTION=17020]~SnowAngel~[/MENTION]; but it's harrrrddd talking about stuff like that
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

You could always try again a year later :)
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

[MENTION=41391]♥ Sky[/MENTION] ; lol, that's why this thread is in this section. These are hard questions that needs lots of thought :P

And a high-five to musangbeku for being a jazz lover. Good stuff there. (Cowboy Bebop op.)
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

[MENTION=36056]aati[/MENTION]; uploaded.com gives 30 or 60 days of inactivity rate (I think it's 30) and it gives about 10G of space to free users.
ul.to gives unlimited space, and deletes every 90 days of inactivity. If you're wanting to talk more about this, try this thread

Thanks for the link but I think I'm going use Mega Cloud Cuz Kim Dott.com is back.
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

Him and his upload site. But he won't give out any money for users to upload though. Well, if it's good enough for you, go ahead. :3
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

Snow> Well, I cba to change it as I wrote what I think I should xD. In the end I didnt even do this for prize it was just fun lol.
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

Well okay... Then think I that I until there a warm tea drinking...:goodtea:~>

PS.: Ushio, just take the time for this...
Re: Why do you like music? [Free ul.to 3 month premium~]

I agree with Monjster there. Although the prize/contest atmosphere does serve to inspire (or, light a fire under our backsides), this was really fun! :XD:

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