Voting and sign ups for Mafia Games 6

Which theme you vote for and host

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You mean make the story long?
What I understood from what you said is make another story of how you pissed him off & your background a second time and you''l allow it

woops i mean lets say 1792 you ran over his dog and then 1793 you bought a cannon and decided to try it out and made a hole in his mansion....

[MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION] [MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION] [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]

you know what story i like? this story :D

You, Nawi and Ogikumo went around the village looking for weapons. Any you can find. You sent Nawi searching through empty houses for kitchen stuff you could use as weapons, Ogikumo searching the lumber yard and other workshop-like buildings for tools that might be used as weapons while you yourself went searching village's police station (that was completely useless...) for some firearms and sidearms... When you approached the station, you saw that no one was in standing guard... The door to main building was locked so you simply broke the window. There was no alarm... You went inside. After searching through all the rooms, the only things you managed to find was 1 handgun and 1 police baton, in other words, the equipment of that one guard that was absent... After leaving the police station you regrouped with other shikis. Their findings were bigger than yours but still nothing impressive: just about 20-30 kitchen knives and forks, 4 axes and 2 saws... Nawi also reported that while searching through houses he found Samye hiding in Infamous's house... So you 3 all went after him. You easily entered the house and reached the second floor where he was hiding. Once you opened the door, a sack of powder fell on your heads and clouded your vision. Afterwards, a glass vase hit you. After vase, kitchen knives stabbed in you (you weren't sure whose they were though...). But you didn't care, you just took out your gun and started shooting wherever you thought was lower than Samye's head... After a few seconds you regained you vision and saw Samye laying on the floor, knives all over his arms, legs, torso and around him, 1 axe in his leg and other axes laying around, there were lots of blood on him so you weren't sure whether you hit him though... You were quite a mess too and it was painful as hell, but since you were shiki you were able to get over it... You 3 quickly took Samye to bathroom and dropped his still alive body in bathtub and closed off it's drain so that blood remains inside. After a bit of time, you took out your glasses, filled them with his blood and drank it. Afterwards, you left already dead body where it was and left...
Hmm you really like it that much? ;p The door which sint started closing and you slammed shut~
yep and i also killed you in mg5 too, maybe i can some how kill you in this one too XD
yay then that counts as 3 out of 3 XD

When are we getting our roles? Tomorrow or the day after, I assume?

tomorrow (14hrs from now my time would be 10:20am) i just finished with the maps today and some rules so i want a break
『You'll see how much votes will be different once Dangan Ronpa anime starts xD』

『Also, yeah, maybe Sin's stories are hilarious and good, but my stories ain't that bad too ;p I like my last one a lot ^_^』
『And here Infamous was saying he wasn't a bully in another thread? ;p』
『Wow, he is Mio now... Guess Decalcomania really wants to play...』

『I liked the Rachel set more though... Oh well...』

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