Question about death penalty

One of the first things you learn at boot, is to only provide your name, rank and serial. So in the shoes of a civilian, besides you name, never say ANYTHING! Without a lawyer. It will save you a galaxy of trouble.
Regarding that exception this doesn't mean that they can suddenly surround a college student who's just muttering drug terminology as he's walking to an exam (or class).
Maybe not. But how about a teen reciting rap lyrics misinterpreted as a 'threat'? Or 'threatening' other people with an iPhone app? Or merely paraphrasing a few sentences in an attempt to make a reference to Fight Club, which is immensely popular?

I believe there IS a law that officers can't hold back or arrest individuals unless they are suspected of a crime--walking along and muttering acetaminophen is probably not a criminal act, nor is simply having a gun with no suspected criminal charges. They must all be suspected of SOME criminal act--not because they are capable of committing it.
On the book, maybe. In reality... well, how about people who are not even capable of committing a crime? Granted, those aren't police arrests for the majority, but the mentality remains the same. Obey.

On the other hand, I just brought up the Miranda rights because that's one of the most basic laws (aside from the Bill of Rights, which you learn in Elementary Social Sciences courses) that one should know for their daily lives. However, some people don't know it--that's just really sad... How can you trust these kinds of people to be able to give an intelligent and reasonable response to such a topic as "Is Death Penalty a good or bad thing?" or even realize "X leads to death penalty"? (aka, people still kill someone even if it makes them a felon. I really don't think a death penalty would make them stop.)
I will have to disagree. The Bill of Rights (and by extension the Fifth as well as Miranda Rights) only applies to Americans, and non-Americans are in no way under obligation to know about them. Similarly, if they ever set foot on US soil, they likely won't be treated as American citizens, in the sense of rights and 'protections' bestowed. But, if they happen to cross paths with law-enforcement officers, aren't read Miranda Rights, and end up lying or giving false statements―either deliberately or simply by fear and unclear thinking―you can bet they won't get fewer charges just because they're foreigners.
I will have to disagree. The Bill of Rights (and by extension the Fifth as well as Miranda Rights) only applies to Americans, and non-Americans are in no way under obligation to know about them. Similarly, if they ever set foot on US soil, they likely won't be treated as American citizens, in the sense of rights and 'protections' bestowed. But, if they happen to cross paths with law-enforcement officers, aren't read Miranda Rights, and end up lying or giving false statements―either deliberately or simply by fear and unclear thinking―you can bet they won't get fewer charges just because they're foreigners.

Then I guess it's good that I know of this. If I ever go to America.
Simply put, all I wanted to point out was that as long as you live humbly, act cynically, and trust no one, you're pretty much set to live by yourself.
Similar to many of the articles you've provided, even a poptart is a weapon if eaten in the shape of a gun. I can probably tear a paper napkin into an L-shape and be arrested as a felon if I carried it to a random middle school--it's ridiculous.

What can I do about it? --That's pretty much the big question.
Ultimately, a cynical student like me would realize that the world fits things to their perspective--in their eyes, they are right and everyone else is wrong. This is the human mind, and that's why I'm a cynic. I don't have anyone I really trust (even my own blood-related parents to some extent), and I live humbly. There is no possible threat that comes from me, nor would there be any reason for anyone to approach me for their benefit (as in, I have little to nothing that can be stolen).

I'm a normal human living his life, conscious of everything I do so I don't harm anyone around me. There's no possible way to "accuse" me of doing harm to someone, nor is there a reason to. In the end, that's how everyone else should live--be a vulnerable target, but be someone not worth hurting in return.

You know those people who are even scared to crush a cockroach under their shoes, right?

P.S. I love how the discussion went from Death Penalty -> Miranda Warning -> Cynicism. Sorry for changing the topic, but I guess it's all relevant some way? xD
1. Is it fair that death penalty exist in most American States while other States don't have it?
Each state is independent and sovereign. Is it fair that the death penalty doesn't exist in many countries in the world, but exists in others? These are separate nations and the federal government is merely an agent of these several states.

2. Is death penalty fair in the first place? Or is it wrong?
i'm kind of split on the issue, honestly. Some crimes i see committed are so heinous and anger me to such a degree, that i think that the death penalty is justified.
Then again, sometimes, such as those responsible for 9/11, terrorists who attempt attacks, etc... they should receive torture and slow death for their crimes.
on the other hand, many people are convicted of murder and sentenced to death who turn out later to be innocent. Minorities and those with less financial resources are disproportionately effected by justice system, including death penalty cases. the wealthy can afford better lawyers and minorities suffer institutional racism.
I'm not sure if I should post this here, so please tell me if I did something wrong.
I got this project about death penalty and if anyone want to, please answer these questions.
1. Is it fair that death penalty exist in most American States while other States don't have it?
2. Is death penalty fair in the first place? Or is it wrong?
I'm sorry for asking these questions and for my grammar.
Thank you.

1. Each state is sovereign, and should have full decision over everything that happens of it's territory independent of the federal government except that which is delegated to the federal government by the constitution.

2. Don't go around committing Murder, pedophilia or rape and you won't get executed. There are unfortunate cases where the incorrect people are punished; but as our forensic abilities rapidly increase, these have become rarer and rarer. I'd dare say it's very rare to have such unfortunate incidents, especially considering all the appeals provided.
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Late reply, but I'll gladly give my opinion on this matter.
1. Is it fair that death penalty exist in most American States while other States don't have it?
I think the States being a hardcore believer in liberalism have outshadowed their stance for equality etc.. Life and death is not a simple matter which could be controlled by a piece of document which ends someone's life, so it's obvious for people to have differentiating views on matters, even within the same geographical borders. So, if the people think that death penalty should not exist since it's heavy and cruel, then so be it.

2. Is death penalty fair in the first place? Or is it wrong?
I can't say for sure, but if you don't issue death penalties and issue life sentences instead, there'd be this economic issue where we've got to feed those prisoners and leave no vacancies and governments have to spend millions and billions just to invest in prisons just to give prisoners shelter. So, the rational thing to do is to issue the most vile ones the death penalty, since they kind of still do it while tens of people have already undergone executions for these crimes, they kind of deserve it. Death penalty do not exist to create fear or just to protect others, it's also to serve as a heavy deterrent against crimes. Furthermore, the idea of execution has been going on for thousands of years, so I think it's part of how civilizations operate.
I'm not sure if I should post this here, so please tell me if I did something wrong.
I got this project about death penalty and if anyone want to, please answer these questions.
1. Is it fair that death penalty exist in most American States while other States don't have it?
2. Is death penalty fair in the first place? Or is it wrong?
I'm sorry for asking these questions and for my grammar.
Thank you.

Well I think that death penalty is kind of wrong, even if it is a good solution to problem.
but that is pure sentimentality, I feel bad for the criminal and I dont want to be lumped up as blood thirsty as him by allowing such punishments, but this is pure sentimentality, so as for your questions now:

1)Is it fair for some countries to have death penalty while some dont? It depended from the point of view here, if the majority approves this act this means they have no problem with the deed or even have problems if the punishment is not carried out.
But if the majority dosent approve of death as punishment well thats their choice and they have the right for free will also other countries might judge the Justice system of the place that approves it, Israel can be a good example where terrorists kill go to jail and set free after some time because of international pressure, please remember I am talking about people who killed other living human beings.
what I am trying to say is that there are many factors for this is called "fair" since the majority agrees on this or avoids the question, No one wants their close once to receive this punishment.

2)Is death penalty fair as an act of punishment? yes it is, but it depended on the reason of punishment.

But this will never be approved because imagine what tool this brings to the table, you can now kill people in a legal system.
Imagine for a second how many innocent people that are set up will be killed, how many families will be destroyed how much more people will rise to look for revenge for something thats now legal.
In conclusion I hope that no one will ever approve this, corruption is everywhere and this only makes it more powerful. :goodtea:

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