[Psy] Subliminal Messages


Mar 24, 2012
In simple terms, a subliminal message is a hidden message that people don't really notice.
Advertisers use this all the time for food, brands, media, and pretty much anything they can~

There's different forms of subliminal messages, most of them are within pictures, music and movies today.
There used to be a form where a product (or logo name) was flashed faster than the brain would notice. This method was not proven to be effective if it was at all, so it's not used today.
Also, there used to be a popular method where if you play certain music backwards, it gives a message that would mock people of faith.

Today, more direct messages are used. The obvious one is in movies. This can be done by placing products that have nothing to do what is going on. (I can't find the video, but put it here if you can find it~)

In some movies, you'll see soda machines, apple computers, ipods, certain cars, pretty much anything that has little to do with the main action. You may also be told certain values/beliefs, or things that relate to you. This is the forte of the music industry, or the media in general. They often give messages to people that they want to hear.

By listening to what relates to you, you're feeding the emotions that you want to have.
For example, there's lots of music that focus on relationships (in love, broken hearted, etc.). People who are surrounded by that type of music puts themselves into a certain group that's easy to study, control or advertise to.
People in a relationship are more likely to buy things than if they were single. People who are having an emotionally hard time are likely to buy something to feel better.
It might not sound convincing for the music idea, but I encourage you to look into it since I'm just relaying from memory~ I may add something extra about it, since it's the most significant thing.

see this video:

feel free to skip around. If you don't buy something, that's fine~ try looking into it more if you want to know whether something was real or not.

Some questions~
1. What are some things you think may have subliminal messages?
2. Do you think the messages work? what if you were brainwashed to think that way? :3
3. What is the benefit for businesses to use the messages?
4. Could you make your own subliminal message? :3
1. What are some things you think may have subliminal messages?
Hmm how about those ads like... ehh what was that crappy thing called? Axe? Where the guy uses it and suddenly girls are swarming :goodtea: Supposedly axe would have that effect *coughcompletebscough* but there is no real logical connection between the two things or at least it isnt proven or whatnot~ Also stuff that reminds you of certain things you want or whatnot thus relating that thing you want to the thing theyre trying to sell... theres also the bandwagon effect where everyone *coughcompletebsagaincough* has something so you must have it if you want to be "cool" *coughnooneelsecarescough* I think im getting sick of all the bs that they advertise nowadays :casserole:
2. Do you think the messages work? what if you were brainwashed to think that way? :3
Hmm they work on my sis perfectly fine but i really dislike ads... i would sit there and call out all the failings of ads when i see them... they need to work on their fallacies... politicians need work on that too... I would prefer something that has more thought in it and would entertain me than a pile of random messages i dont care for... I try not to just follow stuff blindly without having some say in it... so brainwashed... well idk i probably am to some degree but i try to keep an open mind~
3. What is the benefit for businesses to use the messages?
People may buy that product because they believe whatever message without actually thinking through whether that actually has anything to do with being "cool..." a word which my sis just loves to toss around for her actions and stuff...
4. Could you make your own subliminal message? :3
They probably wouldnt be that hard to create... Im pretty sure that just having that mafia game ad in my siggy and being the spam king has some effect on people who see it :goodtea:
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1. What are some things you think may have subliminal messages?
Most of the mainstream games/music/movies are full of them and that's a fact. System trying to brainwash people isn't just a conspiracy theory like most people think it is.

2. Do you think the messages work? what if you were brainwashed to think that way? :3

Well not really brainwashed but easier to manipulate by. Actually my father showed me that, he hypnotized me (well not really he was like jsut standing behind me and said "U are gonna bend backwards and my body did".) Just to show me how easy was I manipulated by by the influnces that are all around us. Or since we got Disney TV, I was watching my little sister when she is watching it, it's like nothing on her face and u can see clearly on the series what messages they want to send. They are appearent to us more mature, but to my sister, she cant really see it.

3. What is the benefit for businesses to use the messages?
Well at the worst scenario world domination by controlling the army of zombies (sounds funny lol)

4. Could you make your own subliminal message? :3


ahh hard topic. i remember first time i know about subliminal message is when I at grade 3 junior high school. and btw i quite shocked when i know all of Disney movies had subliminal message in them.

1. What are some things you think may have subliminal messages?
- i think all kind of movies, like anime, serial tv, etc had subliminal message in them. but i didn't think all of them is bad, there are some movies that had positive message in them, or we can say had a good moral, so it can change us to become better person. not instant, but if we get that message continuously, we will become more like that good moral person.

2. Do you think the messages work? what if you were brainwashed to think that way? :3
- yeah, i think it will work IF we get that every time, everyday right? say, it's like carving stone with knife, maybe it'll take long time, but the result will be permanent. hmm, do you get my point? :P

3. What is the benefit for businesses to use the messages?
- it will make the businesses get more profit, say if there are many advertisement about some product or the product have some nice design, we will try it right? and then rumor said that the product is great bla bla bla, unconsciously we will think that the product is really great.

4. Could you make your own subliminal message? :3
- no, i'm quite a straight to the point typical person lol
right~ even though alot of messages are bad, it doesn't mean that they're all bad or that they work 100% of the time. The only way that someone has the message stuck to them is if it's 1) in their culture, 2) the opinions/pressure of other people 3) or something you're likely to do. (video games, clothes, makeup, anything that means more to you~)
The messages can be neutral by shaping the thoughts or expectations of another person (which is used in magic tricks~)
You can also give someone a dose of emotions that they usually don't have (like a kissing scene at the movies~)
The more they see that, the more likely they're to give in or consider doing it.

Almost like how "love at first sight" doesn't work most of the time, the same can be thought of here, but it's more powerful. These messaged are made for you to have love at first sight :P even if not the first time, the temptation rises as you're more exposed to it. Even if people are aware of these messages, the opinion of someone can actually be shaped by what others around them would say. People who share common beliefs or behavior are likely to agree since another person of that group might agree. This steps into the idea of conformity~ which is peer and cultural based.

Making a subliminal message doesn't have to be difficult. People think that they're advertising something instead of doing something else. Everyday people make these messages all the time with friends, classmates, co-workers, etc. The idea is to give a thought to someone without actually telling them. (not exactly the same, but still~)
You can also think of it has "hinting" at what you want, which girls will often use~ :P

I had to reply to the last sentence: "Amount of subliminal messages girls use is too damn high".
ummmmm it's not as high as you'd think~ If they're intended on telling you something indirectly, you'll notice that something is up.
Don't confuse these messages with simply not understanding girls~ If you think of them as different, and perhaps as bad, you'll only notice things that agree with that idea. The more you treat them as a normal person, the easier it'll be for you to understand them~ ummmm I might go into more detail about this another time elsewhere :P
Hmm..... Question 1 to 3 has been answer & more or less will be the same if I answer it...

4. Could you make your own subliminal message? :3

Well.... Maybe.... I could get my friends to follow it.... Don't know bout people here....
Well dont really think girls are mystical or abnormal or anything, they have a lot of complexes though and that's what I don't like.
When u talk to them u notice that, and that's getting annoying to me, so Im just right now to find the one that those complexes fit with my personality lol as its not really possible to find one without any...

U should make one neutral psy thread then just from week to week or day to day start another topic there, and not just start these threads make them alive for few days then they get forgoten
mmmm I thought about doing that, but I wanted to have titles that would interest certain people rather than having things mixed up :f If I had one thread, I'd need to index the replies and all based on topic. But, there's no way to control which replies go where, so that's where a second idea comes into play~ once there's enough topics and discussion about them, I'll have someone put the threads together for me and index them that way~ of course, some threads may last longer based on popularity of the topic. For those threads, I may just leave outside until they've completely been covered~ :P

make sense? XD
It doesn't really serve the purpose that way lol. And just start one topic for some time, when it goes down start another and so on.
mmmmm it doesn't really work that way for me~ idt it would be how most other ppl would do stuff too :P
for example, do you have just one video game, sell it, and get another? Do you sometimes play older ones again?
Do you watch all of one anime, or several before finishing either? XD (that's what i do~)
do you like to multitask? (which girls are typically masters at btw~ XD)
ummmmm if/when you do homework, do you work on one subject each day, or several?
If a girl is putting on makeup, would they not sometimes put more of something else on when needed?
Do you have just one thing for a meal, or several ingredients? :P

it's one thing about me that won't ever change~ being unpredictable XD
this make me think how the media changing our world so dramatically.

look at our culture now, there are so many changes from older era (approx. 30 years ago) and now.
for example:
- now relationship between male and female are so vulgar and out of control, whereas at older era relationship between sexes is some kind of taboo or embarrassing.
- people become more impulsive nowadays, when in the older era people mostly modest and polite.

the point is, people change dramatically since growth of social media technology.

first, people influenced by television so much, so TV is become standard of ideal lifestyle. Like SnowAngel pointing out about first love.
and then now there is internet which change the mindset of people globally.

so, more advance social media technology = subliminal message become more effective. and easier to change people and their mindset.

nb: so sorry for my poor english :(
[MENTION=28672]musangbeku[/MENTION] Yeah all that is true. Every day they are trying to come up with a new ways to affect our minds... Until we are all aware of that we will be under influence...

[MENTION=17020]~SnowAngel~[/MENTION] U are getting more and more random with every line so I wont be commenting that lol
Hmm i think that old popular culture became the rebels and the rebels became popular... kinda like how students were expected to do well and whatnot in the past and the rebels would skip class but now skipping class seems normal and only those who "rebel" follow the rules :goodtea: I guess changing waves of "popular" things... not that i would really know what popular is or not :goodtea:
[MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION] indeed. and nowadays the method is focused in music industry, like Lady Gaga who rumored is a member of Freemason organization. we can look at her video clip, there are so many subliminal messages.

[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] yes i agree with you. it is like troll phenomena right? where if you become troll and annoy other people you become somewhat cool. become polite and modest people is not an option for today generation, instead if you become more impulsive and cocky you will become more popular.
Hmm yes... people are now expected to be aggressive and fight for their rights when simply asking the other person would achieve the desired effect without a screamfest...
BTW: Anime is full of it. Do not forget that.
Almost every anime that has lolitas are a forum of subliminal message.
It serves to pervert young man and to render them effeminate. Then, female will be no longer attractive to the males due to there lack of testosterone and virility. Creates division, disharmony, greatly reduces birth rates, MASSIVELY increases suicide. They also become more attracted to the fictional characters in contrast to non fictional ones. That is also why in almost every modern day anime, all the males look insanely effeminate.
Come on, some of you must have ask yourselves why they couldn't differentiate the males from the females at least once while watching anime.

There's also a lot more concerning the male character being voiced by females, their actions, personality, cross dressing but I think I've said enough.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_in_Japan [71% of suicides in Japan were male]
http://www.naturalnews.com/034007_testosterone_hormones.html [The changes involved in andropause are gradual over time. They often go unnoticed for years. In a large study of 858 males over 40, men with low testosterone had an 88% increase risk of death compared with those who had normal levels.
http://www.weirdasianews.com/2009/08/30/japanese-men-give-meaning-pillow-talk/ [Note: They're not that old (loli).]

Now, with all that being said, please read the paragraphs bellow.

"The physical way in which TV affects the brain makes it a perfect vehicle for propaganda. It’s important to note that your eyes grow directly, stem-like, from the brain. They really are the window to the soul and the perfect conduit to access the brain’s inner sanctums.

The human brain works at 4 basic frequencies. These are Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta.

Beta waves are produced when one is thinking and using one’s higher faculties and Delta is associated with sleep and/or deep trance like states. The radiant light and flicker rates of TV cause the brain to drop down to a level of activity somewhere between Alpha and Theta – essentially a sleepy dreamlike state of mind where the higher critical functions are turned off. Even if you’re reading text on a television screen the brain registers low levels of Alpha wave activity. Theta brainwaves engage inner and intuitive subconscious. You will find theta in places where you hold memories, sensations and emotions Any information therefore imbibed from the TV by-passes our logical, critically thinking sieve and goes straight into those sub areas of the mind associated with more emotive response. TV then appeals more to the emotions than the mind and of course how many of us engage in lively informed debate anymore? Very few. The more common reaction to big questions is usually an emotive response followed by a quick change in subject. TV viewing is a somatic experience which means it is “of the body, not of the mind”. I’m reminded of Huxley’s book, ”Brave New World” where the drug of choice was called soma and enabled people to escape un-palatable intellectual life problems.

Psychologist Thomas Mulholland found that after just 30 seconds of watching television the brain begins to produce alpha waves, which indicates torpid (almost comatose) rates of activity. Alpha brain waves are associated with unfocused, overly receptive states of consciousness. A high occurrence of alpha wave activity does not occur normally when the eyes are open. In fact, Mulholland’s research implies that watching television is neurologically analogous to staring at a blank wall. It’s worth noting that the goal of hypnotists is to induce slow brain wave states. Alpha waves are present during the ‘light hypnotic’ state used by hypnotherapists for suggestion therapy.

The critical side of your brain is the left. As you read this you are making judgements, passing opinions and coming to conclusions which take the form of beta brain wave activity. These are the waves activated when you begin to use that left hand side, the centre of logical human communication and analysis.

Researchers have found that once the television set is switched on, that left hand side and all it’s faculties tends to switch off. Instead the image from television go straight to the right brain. The switch from beta to alpha waves shows this. Alpha brain waves are the ones we associate with meditation and sleep. By no means does this mean that we are not taking the information in – we are taking it all in, we are just not able to critically evaluate it as we would with information coming from other sources.

Video Games have been shown to lower brain activity to below that of the Delta frequency!

The TV screen flicker rate alone is known to induce mesmerized states in people. This flicker rate is the rate at which the screen image is updated, generally about 50 or 60 times a second. DARPA is a US military funded research programme. One of their endeavours concerned developing TV flicker rates that could be played whenever a mesmerized state was required in a given section of the population."
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Hmm still wondering how you got the conclusion of the first part from the second :goodtea: There is little to relate to myself for the second part so it is little more than just a chunk that will probably fade whenever... Too technical? :goodtea: Though i have an idea what they all are~ Hmm how about the fact that sleep helps with the ability of a person to retain info :goodtea: People could always go back to rational thinking afterwards and change their mind on a subject~

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