
  1. ~SnowAngel~

    [Psy] Subliminal Messages

    In simple terms, a subliminal message is a hidden message that people don't really notice. Advertisers use this all the time for food, brands, media, and pretty much anything they can~ There's different forms of subliminal messages, most of them are within pictures, music and movies today...
  2. ~SnowAngel~

    [Psy] Gender stuff~

    I originally planned to go into great detail for some specific things, but I think it'll be more fun to simply talk about everything~ Sometimes I'll add a link here to a post for a certain topic. We'll go from one topic to another to try and keep things together~ When I have the time, I'll go...
  3. ~SnowAngel~

    [Psy] Cyberbullying

    This topic is made to bring awareness and interest to the reader. It is in no way aimed at any particular person or group. Please keep any personal experiences as anonymous as possible by not saying who, where, etc. I'd never want someone to be hurt because of something like this. I'm willing...