Ew, messaging you I think caused my FFXIV game to crash o.o; but anyway I have no idea if I am able to go to Moogle or not, I used my "Legendary" (1.0 Character) who was already Lv.50 but she was Hyperion server but if none of my friends from FFXI want to play together and I can change then see you on Moogle sir. xD
Thanks man, great to be back and omg that MonHun video was epic - I seriously hope we get it stateside. Perhaps like 6months after JP release I hope. :/
Oh really?
I'll wait for your next siggy then.. Prepare to get scratch on your face hohoho..
Ah.. it's all up to you, neither PS or gim.. they're both fine.
just give your best shot
Your first made siggy are good like unown's and selva.
These siggies have same point i wonder ;p
whatever your app to make the siggy.. you're doin well.
Nice job ;3
But i'll give you two thumbs up if you can make a self-made GIF siggy.