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New member
Apr 3, 2012
Hi guys!

So, I've been lurking here for quite awhile, but I'd like to be a bit more pro-active. So here I am!
I'm HurricanePandaBear, though I'm also widely known on the internet as Ariah`. I'm a musician (violinist and vocalist), taking a break from college right now for who knows how long. I'm also a cosplayer and going through a huge anime phase right now, probably because I got back from a convention not too long ago. =P

I'm looking forward to being more active here and meeting you all! :]
Nice to meet you too Ariah. It'll take me a while to remember your name but I'll try. Welcome to Anime-Sharing Forums~!

Ah, a musician. So cool! >:3 (I always wanted to be one)

An anime phase...a lot of people go through that. Is it where one watches a bunch of anime? Which convention did you most recently attend?

We look forward to having you here. Enjoy your stay. ^w^
I'll probably stick the name Ariah` in my signature as a reminder to people or something. =P After I get all settled!

Yeah, where I obsessively watch anime for periods of time that are unreasonably long, haha! I feel guilty about it... but I just can't stop! I just got back from Otakon, in Maryland. :]

Thankyou so much for the warm welcome! <3
Cool~ which Anime are you going to be watching for the time being? :goodtea:

It's been a few months since I last attended a convention. Will be going to another one next month.

And no problem. =]
I just recently finished Madoka Magica, which was incredible!! O_O And now I'm working my way through the second half of Fate/Zero, which is also incredible! And then I've got this massive list of stuff to watch since I started using MAL again. xD
Oh! Fate/Zero is such an awesome anime. One of Type-Moon's best works. If you ever get the chance to, I'd recommend watching Kara no Kyoukai, which is an anime movie series by Type-Moon. All the movies sum up to around 10 hours (maybe more) so it's definitely worthwhile to watch while you're in an anime phase. *ehehe*

Madoka is one of those anime that I say "I'll watch" but never get around to doing so. I will at some point, maybe...

I've never used My Anime List since I don't really feel the need to do so. I'd rate an anime if a person would ask me to do so. =]
Welcome to AS HurricanePandaBear~

Hmm hurricanes and pandas o.o Well drop by the spam/games when you have time~ xD
Welcome to ASF HurricanePandaBear.
Enjoy your stay and have fun ~
Drop by games n spam sections if you have a time
Nice to meet you :3
Welcome in the AS-Island, HurricanePandaBear!

Rock your soul here out!!!
D'awww, you guys, thankyou so much for the warm welcome!
I definitely will stop by all these forums. I need to look around and get better acquainted with the place. :]

Ooh yeah, I've heard of Kara no Kyoukai! I'll definitely add that to my list of stuff to watch. =P In fact, maybe I'll bump it up to the top of the list since you're definitely not the first to bring that series up.

You should definitely watch Madoka Magica! It's worth it. It starts off as your typical magical girl series and then does a total 180 and sends you flying! O____O It's amazing.

I don't really use MAL for the rating system. I just like the lists so that I can keep track of what I'm watching, where I've left off, what I want to watch, etc. Helps keep me organized. :]
Hello Welcome To The Academy...To get you of started with your classes you should watch Hell Girl, Another, Durarara, Sword Art Online, Eureka Seven,Last Exile and aquarion (Second season because its better) and be sure to watch Madoka Magica ...if you didint watch it
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(didn't know about half of those~ lol)

Clannad, Air, and Kanon~ (in that order) :goodtea:

I wonder what kind of music you're more into~ I generally like voiceless music :P

If you chat a while here and there, you'll feel settled in. (took me a while actually XD)

btw, I recommend you get anime from BakaBT or Nyaa

you can also use animenewsnetwork.com to learn about different anime and all~

you can call me ushio btw~ lol
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Wow, you guys are so helpful! Thankyou so much for all of the suggestions! :]

Of your list, Mato, I've seen Durarara and Madoka Magica, but I'll definitely look into the others. I've been hearing a lot about Sword Art Online lately, so I might check that one out first.

Oh man, what kind of music am I into... ? That's a loaded question, hahaha! I listen to just about anything, save for most country and hip hop. Mostly japanese and korean music, but I've been listening to a lot more folk and celtic music lately. I like instrumental pieces as well, but I can't listen to them forever. Maybe it's because I'm a vocalist. xD But I do love the Journey soundtrack!

I actually know about BakaBT, but I hadn't known about Nyaa. Thankyou so much! =]

It's great to meet you, Ushio! (:
Welcome to Anime Sharing, HurricanePandaBear/Ariah`~!
Enjoy your stay and have fun.

I only completed 29 anime within the time frame of 1992-2012.
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