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  • D
    For 3DS I have Fire Emblem: Awakening, DOA Dimensions, Kid Icarus: Uprising and Pokemon Y. I did have a PS3 but it broke, so now I'm saving money for a new one and Bravely Default for 3DS. The good thing about U.S. is that the consoles are HALF THE PRICE. I have to pay double.
    Maybe I'm expecting too much then. I thought we in Sweden was horrible at speaking English but apparently not according to some list lol. German feels harder than Swedish though, but it might be because I'm used with Swedish xD

    Hmm, I actually killed it in 4 turns or something. 2 turns for setup and then 2 turns for attacking xD

    Lol... I can look at the "Special Offers" tab and I only see 3 shitty games. Arcade Classics 3D, 2 Fast 4 Gnomz and Football up 3D :sigh: They really hate EU.
    It's not mandatory but teachers explain it anyway. C = 5/9 (F-32) It's pretty simple as long as you have a calculator.
    It's ok we know that wierd system here. 20 ounces= 0.56 L.
    lol ounces. I guess that's about the same here.
    No 12 packs though. Or 6 packs.
    How much does it cost? Cause I bought some in Bosnia, it was half the price here, and it also wasn't as good as here... Maybe it's diffrent depending on the recipie they use in factories in diffrent regions.
    Hmm... Yeah, and because of around flying debris parts from timber houses* and etc. ...>_>
    Well yeah, how I in the news seen have, was really crazy - 80 tornados (how said was) - and the damaging, but in this case no wonder...>_>
    *Phuuu...~* Then am I really happy, that with you (I hope that it's) and your family all OK is...:runhappy:

    :eathead: But sad for the killed persons and for the the their stuff (home included) lost have...
    Nice! Great to hear they have a german speaking community here. I'll check it out later ^^
    Hey, Daniel!

    Hello Daniel, how are you? - I've just today morning heard, that around Illinoi and at other citys some heavy tornados by the settlements snubbed is. - Please contact me, if you the chance have, okay? >_>
    Hmm... why not just release it in English first at least? Like 90% of all people should be able to speak it (or else I'm horribly wrong). We in Sweden was apparently in the top list of people speaking English. I got no clue how we ended up there since ton of people here can't pronounce the words right.

    Also, I beated a miniboss in the 4th Stratum. I'm on the final floor of this Stratum now :3
    general chat XD

    its basically not only about fairy tail, but that is a big part there.

    there's a lot more aspects present.
    Yeah, I guess that we should be happy that we at least get the games though. But I don't get why they even release it later in the first place. Games are in English in U.S. and they're in English in Europe as well. So how can it be that hard to only make the game available for Europe? They most probably does it on purpose just to mock us :/
    Need to save some money for the license first ;_;

    chocolate and cookies :runhappy:
    I hope I won't get fat >.<
    It seems to be fun and relaxing catching the fish on their own :3

    I will :3
    I would never turn away from cookies :runhappy:
    Hmm, yeah I will. But right now I'm doing all the side quests that I haven't done. There's one that I can't finish yet though... I need something that can poison or bind legs. There's an enemy that turns invincible which improves his evasion rate by shitloads and he counters with a powerful attack for every attack you miss against him. So he gives me trouble. My Arcanist suck at binding for some reason :sigh:

    It's because nintendo suck... Not really joking there either. They're raci-... nah that would be taking it too far even though it really feels like that to me.
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