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  • Hmm... basically you want to eat everything ;p But the party isnt today~ Hehehe~

    I was in dorm before but it wasnt the best experience?

    The sun is... warm? xD
    Lol welll idk might have some dinner of sorts~ But for now im just sitting in front of a laptop? xD

    Ehh not really? Im living at home...

    Well yeah theres some sun atm~
    Thanks again ;p Hmm... desserts... ehh i dunno~ might get some might not but there will be cake i think x3

    Sun... i suppose if you mean going to school and sitting in a building all day instead of at home? xD Uni is going... ok?
    hideki isnt really around, so it's only a couple that are really talking.

    yeah, watching anime, but only watching anime won't get me anywhere in life xD

    hope your good times will last~
    atm the uk ppl and some others are mostly active. some left as well. dont know of you two left first, but mokou is not there anymore.
    i saw your name, and the green dot. :>
    then i told everyone on skype.

    so-so i guess. life's become somewhat boring. and i lost the little bit of ambition that i had. in other words i have become even lazier. (university sucks and the students and profs suck)

    and how have you been?
    hii.. atashi genki desu...

    ya im glad u come back tho.. u can take your time here too.. i not very active too now.. ahaha

    Cheers.. Happy valentine too
    To everyone......I am ......I don't know what too say exactly.

    I've come back..and I'm here. in some state or an other..back...still beating....
    Sry for all concerns anyone might have had.........

    Well I am back....only time will tell how active I'll be, I missed you all here, and AS, a lot at times, never forgotten.

    I'd want you know I'm doing okey, and well, you might see me around some from now on here on AS perhaps, If I get time besides more vital matters.

    But there is still something amiss around here.
    There is a part missing from AS. And that can not be ignored !

    And here is some touhou for some good'ol memories.
    So heres the the bottom vid while looking at the top picture.
    Then if you want play that one also....
    Actually just do as you want...
    I'll see if I get more time tomorrow and see how many still remembers me.
    I won't likely be able to try and notify every person I ever meet here in AS. But anyone with an already VM here can at least expect an response from me, not simply leaving a loose unresolved thread.

    As for now, I've fulfilled my concern of notifying "AS", the many great and caring people around here I'm well and alive. I must now deal with my main concerns. And that is what will have my main focus.
    Genki... Seems I was too late once again...

    I'm really grateful for everything you taught me and for our pleasant and funny discussions. At the same time, I'm sad I couldn't talk with you once more.

    My very best wishes to you, my friend.
    Was nice to see you last time in skype today GenKiDan

    we don't chat much, but we still could say our farewell properly like we know each other for ages.

    remember that you don't alone in this, and that we may even meet again sooner then you expected.

    Take care Genki. You'll surely be missed by all of us.

    I'll miss hearing the talks between you and Hideki.

    We all wish you the very best in life and hope you continue on your successes and be well and merry.

    On Shiki's behalf, I would like to quote: 'may everything go well' 'then see you in winter~'. =]
    Just leaving a message here for all the people I was so privileged to get to know.
    Everyone on my friends list as well as everyone else that I've come into contact with at one point or an other.

    I'm packing my stuff and my pc and all that I got today, so This might be the last you hear from me.
    I'm very sorry for any loose ends, missing replies or what not. There are a bunch of people both left and right I'd like to talk to before this, but right now I just can't find the time.

    Take care all, be vigilant in your hearts at all times. And ...oh I am bad at goodbyes, even just writing them.. goodbye my fellow friends. Even those of you who might think I'm talking about someone else and not you ! ;j
    Hello to you once more~

    I apologize for cutting off abruptly in Skype. I'll try to come back and discuss things properly.

    My mother needed me to attend the BBQ we were about to do and later on, go shopping for dresses. Lol~

    Have more parties and social gatherings commencing soon. =_= Busy...

    A 'hug for my heart'... I find your analogy very heart-warming as well. ^^

    Haha~ I'm not too sure about the 'food part' as well. I might need to look it up. Maybe I just meant to eat whatever you like and just enjoy life~ Organic or not. ;3

    Very true. Learning any language requires time and motivation. It's still pretty cool to know the basics. Less dependent on translators or translation devices.

    You might hear more 'nyaas' from me. :3 Spending time with you or anyone else will always be a pleasure~

    Special season with some special depth and a lot of intense colors... I shall look forward to more of the summer then.

    You take care as well. We can't have summer colds roaming around. Lol~

    Bye for now~
    Lol Monsters in arms xD

    as for the the talking live part i will be glad to :)
    but i don't have steam and don't really love to use it as chat program :P
    through can i install it...

    aside from that i have xfire, skype, MSN and maybe other programs that i don't remeber xD, i mainly using skype for the last 3-2 years since xfire gave me alot of disconnecting issues ;(

    well since most video game's companies started to leave xfire/other chat programs and use their own new services i guess that most people abandon xfire anyway xD
    Hmm well i guess it could work xD I dun particularly want it to be the last one though ;p

    As for ultimate... i wonder about that~ Im pretty sure everything can be improved on~

    Last stand... thats kind of not very ultimate... xD Sort of just a little moment of glory before being defeated or something~
    if i will tell you that you just took my words... will you believe me? 0_0

    i in really similar situation (can say the exact same one) and look at it at the same view (though even if i will say that it "exactly" the same view, each person has it own way of seeing it, so you can't be 100% sure that you see and feel the same even if you think you are xD)

    I too do absolutely nothing aside from play video games and watching animes and awake mostly at night hours.. or at least was till i start to make habit of ruining my clock last year and start to wake up at random hours (that is the next stage after the: " i have no life, sleep at the day and active at night thing ;D i done that since elemntry school ... time to level up xD) , i too follow the "inside" me and don't expect anyone to understand even if he claim he/she do, yet trying not to judge so fast others.

    there are other stuff i wanted to say but from this point on people may think that i'm werido, a "zombie","emotionless" and other unrealte words that will make me sound like a monster =D so i prefer to shut up ;D
    he he thanks xD

    believe me that i know what it feel like not having enough time to be active at forums (or at anything at al lol, though you may have other reasons for not being active here like internalization , life , etc)
    that is actually the only forum that i try to be more active then usual~ i lost track of life long ago =\ and don't feel like doing stuff at all lately~

    you can say that i lost myself xD
    thanks and nice to meet you GenKiDan-kun :3

    hope we can get along

    sorry for replying so late : o

    i don't happend to be online since yesterday >.>
    Thanks for the app..
    Hope we can get along well.. XD
    See you arround buddy :3
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