[LPW #144] Ephemeral Wish

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Jezebel is being evil today? Does that mean I should avoid walking out the door until she calms down?
Ahhh, it's me helping KK and Checkmate. I should have done this a year ago, but got too busy with personal stuff. Now I have a little time to help them out.

Ah, then a another Mod star will soon born, I see... Hmm, lately is this somehow to a trend become...:goodtea:
Oh jezebel is going for third stage evilution and changing from uploader to mod? xD /me mashes B repeatedly~
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/me wanders into the LPW.

Seeing all those stickers reminds me of when we started having them. Got lazy adding/editing them and thought we had enough sets, so I pretty much stopped doing them, but I see there's interest in having more of them... When using stickers, is it easier for you people to simply reuse image links KK used (I don't know; maybe some of you have a note of those somewhere close by) or type syntaxes such as :sticker_happy: to call upon them? If I were to add, say, ten more sets or so to the forum, would you pick and rank them?

Aside of what KK has already posted, I also have some from the very first time we started adding stickers uploaded to my server. Here's a link for list view and here's another for gallery view. Password is asf (please don't propagate those links outside the forum). Got quite a lot more sets around; just need to sort and upload them.

Let me know what you think. (I don't usually read the LPW, so please consider mentioning or quoting me.)
Shin would love them as syntax or a more convenient form!

C-cakes? :bigeyes: /me skips towards the cakes :runhappy:

...But who made these?
/me glances at Shin.
Shin totally doesn't know...umm...umm..
/me Ruler of the Planet Appears

Hellos everyone and goodnights Carla and Nanashi
once upon a time when tigers smoked There was a dude called Sam, he killed the LPW. The End.


/me goes around trying to catch his tail
And we count off the number of horses running on the tracks to see them crash into one another as Sam runs off to class.

I'm heading home too. Might login later if not too tired.

Hello and good-bye!

/me sets up a tea party with strawberry shortcake and Earl Grey tea


Special for a certain someone, but anyone can dig in.
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