What game are you currently playing?

In about 10 mintues, Dragon Quest XI!

For now, more Fate/GO x Fate/Kaleid crossover
Splitting my attention between HoTS and Kenshi.
playing that now, loving it so far

Great to hear, hope to get to that level soon. Playing through an old DQ VIII save now.
Forgot most of what's happening - might just watch Let's Play to re-cap on the story rather than restart.
At least I remember one thing I was doing though - grinding.

Xenoblade Chronicle X (Wii U)

Still haven't gotten a chance to start this - I hear it's long. Any news of a Switch Port?
Although at the same time, kinda hoping they won't because I'll have to buy it again.
Still haven't gotten a chance to start this - I hear it's long. Any news of a Switch Port?
Although at the same time, kinda hoping they won't because I'll have to buy it again.

Yes, Xenoblade Chronicle X is very long. I'm past 50 hours and I haven't reach half of the story's chapter. I just got my first mech. The story so far is very good though, the planet is full of surprise even for a long time SF fan like me. It have difficulty spike but overcome them open new possibility so it's very good.

I don't know for a Switch port but the game wasn't so well received and Xenblade Chronicle 2 either. Too japanese for the rest of the world you know... So I don't think it will come to the new console.
Yes, Xenoblade Chronicle X is very long. I'm past 50 hours and I haven't reach half of the story's chapter. I just got my first mech. The story so far is very good though, the planet is full of surprise even for a long time SF fan like me. It have difficulty spike but overcome them open new possibility so it's very good.

I don't know for a Switch port but the game wasn't so well received and Xenblade Chronicle 2 either. Too japanese for the rest of the world you know... So I don't think it will come to the new console.

Damn, a Switch port would be perfect (imo). Sucks that it's too 'Japanese'. Xenoblade Chronicles on the N3DS was great (although a little long/grindy...)
Cool, I'm glad to hear your liking it though. 50 hrs isn't too long for an RPG (after games like Persona 5 and The Witcher 3), especially if it's good. Keep up the good work!

Playing through an old DQ VIII save now.
Status: Still just playing through DQVIII.
Atm this: キミへ贈る、ソラの花
-Also fixing old games, to run smoother.

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telstar0906 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hope you could re-up RJ402136, RJ431484
CowSlayer69 wrote on theoiulkj's profile.
Welcome :cool:
MR.KANI wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
can you reupload this? RJ01297375
Thanks Ryzen!