What brought you to like anime?


Global Moderator
Nov 3, 2010
So... as the title says, what made you like anime as of today? Was it because of a certain anime you saw when you were young? Was it because a friend introduced you to anime and you've been watching it ever since? Explain.

As for me, I saw Sailor Moon when it was airing back at the time I was a kid in America. After a few years I got a computer and started watching some more anime. And ever since then I've been watching anime, thanks to a good old show ^^
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For me it was because i watched Saint Seya when i was really little. I never missed an episode back then. I was really addicted. >_>
And soon after it ended i discovered Cardcaptor Sakura and my addiction just kept growing until today. ._.
as for me, everything began when I saw Evangelion, that was the trigger -_-, the I start lookin' and found saber marionette, blue seed, and 'til now I still.
I guess it all started back in 1986 for me.
At that time, the local TV station, RTM (and the only TV & radio station at that time - I might add) plays most animes that were quite hit back then the whole weekdays.
Monday we got Super Dimension Fortress Macross,
Tuesday there's Mospeada,
Wednesday they played Tousho Daimos
Thursday it was Space Cop Gaban (not anime though)
and on Friday it's Miss Comet (also not anime).

Few years later animes started become primary entertainment sources for Malaysian kids, outmatched Western cartoons. We have;
Dorvark (hard to find the torrent - still searching)
Toppo Gigio
Moby Dick (there's no whale in it)
Alive in Wanderland
Lupin the 3rd
Voltron (old & new version)
Saber Rider and the Star Sheriff (English dub of anime Star Musketeer Bismarck)
Three Musketeers (from that anime I knew the name of the 4th Musketeer - d'Artagnan)
Blue Noah
Bush Baby, Little Angel of the Grasslands
Kimba the White Lion
Valley of the Wind (I believe it only aired once in TV)
Captain Harlock
Transformers (Japanese version, that is)
Heidi - Girl of the Alps
Patlabor (they used to aired it at 4:30pm)
Battle of the Planets a.k.a. G-Force
The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer
Anne of the Green Gables
My Daddy Long Legs

and many more that I've forgotten their name.
* Note - all those animes I mentioned were aired in local TV station at that time, not from VHS collection.

Nowadays, the reason I like anime is that the storyline, the background scenery(unlike cartoon where the city usually empty of people), the characters' design and the seiyuus.
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First of all when i was a kid, anime isn't easily reachable. only until TV programs used to air anime (from which i forgot whenever it is in english or in my native language).

some of these titles (which was nearly forgotten) were sailor moon, zenki, yu yu hakusho. and some titles I've forgotten. it was until then anime (yet again i didn't knew it was anime at that time.) became a part in my life, i saw other TV programs like cartoons. but the feeling when watching those kind of elements found in anime was definitely my only craving.

Yes, I did start to watch also cartoons. but it's feels different when watching that anime. so i sticked to that feeling before and find ways to bring those feelings back.

but sadly a moment of time when anime was removed within my reach ( i was a kid so they couldn't let me decide yet what i want.) i was at loss, and slowly anime was almost impossible to even heard of.

a few years after, when I had the cable service connection though international channels. Anime was once again within my reach. that's the time when i was really hooked into watching TV. then the internet came, i soon discovered the cycle of animation. and some trivia about anime. nothing stopped me from dominating my life with anime. I came to buy almost anything anime related.

Overall it was that kind of feeling when watching / experiencing anime that made it different from cartoon or other hobbies that people have. for me. it anime wasn't just merely from drawings or novels. it was an experience of life.
my reason would be my onii-chan~

he was really into anime and i always watch when he's watching. i think i started with Voltes V, Sailor Moon, and Dragon Ball. I was about 4 years old at that time~

As a kid I always loved cartoons. What kid doesn't? One day my local TV station started airing Speed Racer. I had no idea at the time that it was actually Japanese anime. I later learned that it was first serialized in print in Japan back in 1958. Yes... 1958. It was made into anime and broadcast on Japanese television from 1967 to 1968. It first aired in America in 1967. It was in reruns when I first saw it in 1974 or 75. It's hard to remember exactly because I was born in 1970. Yes... 1970. No old jokes please. :-P I fell in love with that show. Most American cartoons are basically plot-less with random or repetitive story-lines. Speed Racer could be called repetitive to some degree but it was different. I didn't know it then but it was JAPANESE! :-) I never missed an episode and watched it for years. After that the rest of what America called animation seemed lackluster in comparison. In those early days it was almost impossible to pursue an interest in anime. However one day some really smart guys came up with a glorious anime delivery system. You may know it as the "internet". Life has gotten a lot better. It has been about 35 years since I saw my first Japanese anime. I still love it.

Most of you guys and girls probably only know Speed Racer because of the movie they made in 2008. Not sure I got the year right on that. If you are old enough to remember it or have an interest in the basis of the movie check out the link below.

Speed Racer
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My first manga was Doraemon (ドラえもん), it was around 1990, I was 3 years old, I couldn't even read at that time, but I look at pictures and try to guess. But I was too young to know what that is, or where does it come from. In 1994, the local TV station started to air Sailor Moon. I watched it, because the girl was cute, the story was somewhat boring to me though, consider it's for teen girls, but the transformation gets my curious how girls look like behind the clothes ^^.

Eventually from 1995 onward, I read many Manga series: Conan, Dragon Balls, Teppei (ore wa Teppei), and some random Tsubasa soccer something (no idea) etc etc etc, those were the only series that licensed my country, they are interesting. I also watch more anime in addition, mostly from 1998 to 1999 (rented VHS tape): Mukamuka Paradise (ムカムカパラダイス), Super Pig (愛と勇気のピッグガール とんでぶーりん) for the same reason: the protagonist is girl, and is cute.

In 1998, there's a hit in my country, the real anime hit: Pokemon, it's quickly gain its popularity and became very famous, I can see Pokemon every where, pens, book cases, even on my school bag design.

In 2000, they introduced shoujo manga, which back then, well we (the boys) didn't know it was for girls. The art was weird, but somehow most of the girls in my class keep recommending the boys those manga series, we never could have understood what's so fun about those manga. Right now I do: they were for the girls, so that's why. During the time I started collecting cute wallpapers, many of which was from eroge, but I didn't know, they were non explicit too. I keep wondering why don't they make some hentai out of these cute girls :3 (later it turns out - they did hahaha)

In 2001, this is a big year for anime, Naruto and OnePiece started to replace Pokemon.

In 2003, Pokemon was completely replaced by Naruto and OnePiece, but I've never had any love for the two series, the Narutards fan irritated me so much that I hate anime in general, judging that they are just for kids and retarded. At the same year, I played my first eroge - Heart de roommate

In 2004, While looking for some hard-core hentai game for the first time in my life (youngster's curiosity), I was trolled by one of my friend, he gave me Heart de Roommate, I spent 8 hours of game play without actually have any ero scene. Though the story was interesting, thus I keep playing until very end (and get to Momo's ending, never know that I could have chosen other girls), concluding that this is a weird hentai game.

From 2004 to early 2007, I was in emo state due to being rejected so many times by the girl. I stopped reading manga altogether, this is a blackout period for me.

By middle 2007 My friend try to cheer me up by spamming me lots of hardcore hentai. I have never bother watching them seriously, but he gave me a part of the OVA Mizuiro, it was a completely different Hentai from what he gave me, so different that I have to dig a little deeper. There's my answer: it came from the eroge Mizuiro. I dig out more hentai anime that based on the eroge, among of them was Canvas.

Until the end of 2007,Thanks to Nursery Rhyme OP and Colorful Aquarium OP. I played a great deal of them in 2008, including Da Capo, the first epic title I've ever played, different from many title JAST licensed. This lead me to watching Da Capo II anime as I learn there's Da Capo II, and there's an anime based on it. After the first 30s of the Da Capo II anime, I instantly realized that this anime is different, this anime isn't anything like Naruto or OnePiece, this is the way anime should be.

In 2009, I collected a huge amount of eroge, and I know eXalpha's blog, eventually, I hang around and quickly gain popularity. From 2009, I watched more anime, play more eroge, I learned a great deal about the game and was completely addicted to.

Most of you guys and girls probably only know Speed Racer because of the movie they made in 2008. Not sure I got the year right on that. If you are old enough to remember it or have an interest in the basis of the movie check out the link below.

No actually no, I've never heard of it, but that's understandable because I'm around 1987 generation.

I agreed that having internet was nice - it connects people with the same interest together, and since they have the same goal, they collaborate much more effective and create amazing things~ I'm talking about the capper, fansub, distro, etc... I learnt so many thing from the internet, if not everything. I found that what school teach me was completely out of date, thus I've never put any real effort into schools much :p
Wow Check! You wrote a novel there. You even quoted me. I'm honored. lol.

You said "After the first 30s of the Da Capo II anime, I instantly realized that this anime is different, this anime isn't anything like Naruto or OnePiece, this is the way anime should be."

That is exactly what I was trying to express when I compared Speed Racer to American cartoons of the era. I didn't know at the time that Speed Racer was Japanese anime. All I knew was that it was different and that's how it should be. Well said Check. Speed Racer had fast cars, people got shot and killed, the main character had a girl friend and there was a story line. I'm not positive, but it may have been the first time there was an anime aired in America that had a kiss in it. the other choices at the time were Tom and Jerry or the Mickey Mouse Club and the like. It was a real eye opener. I think perhaps that moment of realization was exactly what Cocona was asking about when starting this thread. Maybe?

Totally off topic, but I just realized this is my 10th post. WooHoo!
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Nearly four years ago, I have looked Anime on Shuffle!... I like it very much and it was the beginning of the scene that I began to Otaku. The now I'm crazy about Hatsune Miku a lot.
tracing back to the memory lane... the first anime i saw was tetsuwan atomu or astroboy... dubbed in english on the local tv. well fascinated about the boy who had a sister flew around helping people and even carrying heavy objects. as well the big eyes and cute yet chubby faces. i didn't know that astroboy was a robot at that time, i was thinking that he was a boy with an extra ordinary ability until my brother told me about it, then it follows same robot, voltes five, daimos, mazinger z and other mechs. as well those classic retold story adaptation like tom sawyer no boken, peter pan and the list goes on. and up to now i m still hooked. thanks to the tv ^O^
I was 4 when I first saw Akira in 1988, I have been a loyal fan since. I just was hooked to the story telling, the beauty of the hand drawn animation, the complete different regard to what kids see on a normal basis off of a cartoon. When I was a kid there was Thundercats, The Smurfs, The Snorks, The Flintstones, etc. Watching that one anime, completely changed what I enjoyed to watch, changed my perspectives in respect to what artistic expression could truly be. The freedom provided by an anime in comparison to a bad movie for example, the anime can have a bad episode and bounce back with something truly epic. Whereas the movie, will not get a sequel due to its complete failure.

Astro Boy was another major anime for me, but unfortunately it definitely was before my time. Another anime that brought me to the absolute adoration of such, was Studio Ghibli's Castle In The Sky.
Well growing up I watched shows like Voltron and Transformers like most American kids, however I was unaware at the time that they were animes from Japan. It wasn't until I was about 16 years old I happened to be bored on a Friday night and I was looking for something to watch. I didn't have cable in my room and honestly didn't need it I suppose.

There was a station that I was able to get a good reception on, one that I never seen before as I only normally watched the typical local stations. This station did "Japanimation" every Friday night at 10PM. The night I discovered this station happened to be during them airing Crying Freeman. I was totally amazed and I found myself tuning in the next Friday and the next after that.

Soon after I started buying anime on VHS at a local video store. I stopped watching anime for a couple of years though for some odd reason. One night I happened to be channel surfing and I came across a station playing Trinity Blood. And I got back into anime and have been since.
^LOL The first Anime i saw was Shuffle too!
it was two years ago
I watched it on youtube and Loved it!
One year later i started to watch Anime again and THEN i became TRULY an Otaku ^^
Can't really remember what was my 1st anime, but back in '86, our local tv station(and only one, back then) made the wisest move ever(IMO) by airing different anime each days at 6PM (Monday - Macross, Tuesday - Mospeada, Wednesday - Tousho Daimos, Thursday - Space Cop Gaban, Friday - Miss Comet) *OK, those last two are not anime*

After that I got hooked to anime, even thou I still like cartoon too, at that time.
*Those days' cartoons ain't that much shitty as todays' cartoons. Back then it was violent+comedy(Looney Toons)*
hmm my first time anime is Cardcaptor Sakura i think, and i Love it
and i become addicted to Anime :D
Well, my reason isn't really too far from all of you.

What brought me to like anime?
I was born to love Anime!!
well iv liked anime since i was a kid but didn't know what it was i just though it was the cool looking shows but 1last year i started watching one peice and i stopped midway because im more into drama/school life /romantic animes so i started watching them everyday now i have more than 120 animes that but my favorite will always be code geass,clannad,kanon,and sora no otoshimono
:D:D What made me an anime watcher.. hmm...

For me, I was watching anime quite a while back, though I stopped at around 2004 ~ 05 period because I was totally turned off by one of the anime shown on local TV channels (hint: first few minutes of the first episode is a dream sequence :D) I returned to anime watching after 2007 ~ 08 and never really stopped since then.

A little omake: that anime that turned me off back ironically is the reason I got back to watching anime in the first place :D:D (I am also grateful for it for other reasons too but that itself is an entirely different matter)
dream sequence??

hmm, dont know about that, most probably i didnt see that.

hmm hmm, maybe i do know..
What made me interested in anime is, first and foremost the art. It's captivating and unique. At a young age that stuff really sticks out to you. I didn't like a good amount of anime, but I was really into Pokemon and Digimon growing up. I still watch them with nostalgia being one of the biggest reasons.
The story and the humor as simple. :D

I's actually really hard for me to actually laugh at something, and anime makes me actually laugh.
And so the story. Many other cartoons that are not anime doesn't really have these things that Shonen-anime have. Really like it.
I watched pokemon since I was little but I never considered it as anime. Heck, I didnt even know what anime was back then. (talking about 13 years ago). Then in highschool a classmate randomly asked if I watched any anime. And yea my answer was No. So he recommended to watch Naruto, and since I was told its about ninjas I thought I might give it a shot. Watched a few eps and I started to like it, alot watching 6 to 7 episodes in a row. That's the only anime I watched untill I saw some epic scenes from this Anime called Bleach. So I started to follow that too.. Didnt watch anything else than these two for quite some time. Untill a friend told me to watch Sora no Otoshimono. Fell in love with it XD. THen came Rosario+Vampire, Clannad, Angel Beats and Elfen Lied. And thats how I became an Otaku~

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