[LPW #115] My loli NTR'd me with my trap shota!! *cries*

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lvl ∞: Lolicon Dullahan
Elite Member
Jul 20, 2012
well then its time for another LPW~~!!! yAAAy~! is everybody hyped!? i know im not! im gonna be bored just like always and just use this to kill and waste time when i need a break from spam-gaming!
well then onto the rules!

- Insignificant spam is not accepted.
- Chit chatting is allowed.
- Quoting quotes is not allowed.
- Double posting is not allowed.

whoever gets the 1874th post WIII~NS!! BANZAII~!

now then imma gonna go play shadow of mordor for the ps4 which i just bought yesterday and have become thusly addicted to
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a trap is a guy who looks freakishly like a woman and whose gender is usually used as a sort of sexual joke in anime

you could say that trap was among my loli collection
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well then dear pupil the first step is to join my protectorate of heavenly loli's and observe and protect their utter awesomeness for all eternity!

after that we'll get to the more or less serious stuff
well then dear pupil the first step is to join my protectorate of heavenly loli's and observe and protect their utter awesomeness for all eternity!

after that we'll get to the more or less serious stuff

hmmmmm....... nah. eternity is wayyy too long for me to become a master.
mumumu~!! that should be a blessing if it means being around lolis 24/7! blasphemer! infidel!!
For Halloween I'll be this guy:
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