Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

I remember tentacle was a pretty small part of that game.

Play it again. IIRC, every bad end involved corruption via tentacles/monsters. The NTR in the normal routes involve the girl being fucked by a lot of different guys, but never actually "stolen" (except in the end where you pursue her slutty friend). It felt like a waste playing an NTR game where the majority of the corruption happens from tentacles and the girl is only successfully stolen by an actual person in one route (and even then, there were like two scenes portraying it).

And when tentacles are on the cover of the OVA, I tend to worry.
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Uhhhh, hello again guys. I would like to ask if there's a walkthrough link for [煩悩本舗] ヤンヅマ心春 ~お前の嫁は俺のモノ~ or there is no need to. I just finished downloading it and tested it and I encountered several choices from the start. So If there is a walkthrough, I would like to ask for a link. Sorry for bothering :)
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Uhhhh, hello again guys. I would like to ask if there's a walkthrough link for [煩悩本舗] ヤンヅマ心春 ~お前の嫁は俺のモノ~ or there is no need to. I just finished downloading it and tested it and I encountered several choices from the start. So If there is a walkthrough, I would like to ask for a link. Sorry for bothering :)

It doesn't need a walkthrough. The options that come up when you first start the game aren't in-game choices, but a selection menu. You take the first option to start the game from the beginning, other options having various extras and stuff I'm not all that sure about.
But once you start the game it's quite linear so you won't find any walkthrough for it.
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The next April will full of surprise game for me. Not mention new game of Bishop, but also demonion 2. Last time we have NTR Scenes in Demonion 1 so I guest we will have much more in Demonion 2. Which games do you interest in March 2014? Please, recommend some so we can check release date.
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It doesn't need a walkthrough. The options that come up when you first start the game aren't in-game choices, but a selection menu. You take the first option to start the game from the beginning, other options having various extras and stuff I'm not all that sure about.
But once you start the game it's quite linear so you won't find any walkthrough for it.

Oh, is that so? Thank you very much! I just finished the game, although I hate the yaoi part it made me limp, DAMMIT! Well I have another request for a walkthrough and it's for [101001][ディーゼルマイン] 快感! SPOT☆LIGHT. I don't read japanese and that makes it difficult for me to search them. Although some are quite easy, well some are not. so, if it doesn't bother anyone, please pass me a link. Thanks in advance.
Oh, is that so? Thank you very much! I just finished the game, although I hate the yaoi part it made me limp, DAMMIT! Well I have another request for a walkthrough and it's for [101001][ディーゼルマイン] 快感! SPOT☆LIGHT. I don't read japanese and that makes it difficult for me to search them. Although some are quite easy, well some are not. so, if it doesn't bother anyone, please pass me a link. Thanks in advance.

Sorry, but as far as I can tell there doesn't seem to be a walkthrough around. They don't always bother to post one for these short nukige unless it's interesting.
Also, I don't read japanese either. You don't really need to, since the japanese title of the game is usually right there and easy to copy and paste into google. Just search for "'eroge title' walkthrough" and see if you get any hits. Anyone can do it.
Oh, is that so? Thank you very much! I just finished the game, although I hate the yaoi part it made me limp, DAMMIT! Well I have another request for a walkthrough and it's for [101001][ディーゼルマイン] 快感! SPOT☆LIGHT. I don't read japanese and that makes it difficult for me to search them. Although some are quite easy, well some are not. so, if it doesn't bother anyone, please pass me a link. Thanks in advance.

Here go a walkthrough for it ;)

Was this one even NTR? I asked before but got no replies. The exhentai gallery looked good and was tagged netorare, but the synopsis just makes it sound like it's about a country girl who tries to become an idol and gets passed around from guy to guy. No mention of a boyfriend or anything.
Yawn said:
Was this one even NTR? I asked before but got no replies. The exhentai gallery looked good and was tagged netorare, but the synopsis just makes it sound like it's about a country girl who tries to become an idol and gets passed around from guy to guy. No mention of a boyfriend or anything.

As far as I remember the boyfriend is her manager, but it is from her point of view and NTR feeling is rather negligible (a girl from start want to do everything possible for her career).
Oh, is that so? Thank you very much! I just finished the game, although I hate the yaoi part it made me limp, DAMMIT! Well I have another request for a walkthrough and it's for [101001][ディーゼルマイン] 快感! SPOT☆LIGHT. I don't read japanese and that makes it difficult for me to search them. Although some are quite easy, well some are not. so, if it doesn't bother anyone, please pass me a link. Thanks in advance.

Yeah, but other than that yaoi part that game is hot with fantastic art.

Spot*Light was cool, I still remember some INO's cg for it, though it's been a while since I checked it out.
Yeah, but other than that yaoi part that game is hot with fantastic art.

Spot*Light was cool, I still remember some INO's cg for it, though it's been a while since I checked it out.

I've been thinking of removing the game from my collection. I don't want anything to do with yaoi. I feel disgusted. Sorry for the yaoi fans out there, I have no interest in that genre.

And I also think that Spot*Light is cool judging from the character illustration and sample cgs. Well that's how I choose my VN's since I don't intend to study the japanese language. Although I am very interested in the story also. I just TRY to understand the plot through their actions and emotions and the environment. I'm not sure if I would really understand the story through that but at least I try and most importantly: I get turned on.
I stand corrected. Which just goes to show that there is only so much you can do without being able to speak the language.

Well to search for a walkthrough for ~80% of the games, you don't really need to ;)

Here go a little help >

Paste in the search box (upper-right side) the name of the game you are searching, click "サイト内検索"

entry is a review/summary
entry is a walkthrough
entry is a save
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Well to search for a walkthrough for ~80% of the games, you don't really need to ;)

Here go a little help >

Paste in the search box (upper-right side) the name of the game you are searching, click "サイト内検索"

entry is a review/summary
entry is a walkthrough
entry is a save

OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH! So there is something like that in there!!! I always encounter that site whenever I'm searching for VN stuff. I have no Idea there's a legend like that in there! Whoa! I'm very surprised, amused and THANKFUL! :eek: Thanks for the tip! 'twas a huge help.

P.S I really act like a newbie there. Well, it doesn't matter.
I don't want anything to do with yaoi. I feel disgusted. Sorry for the yaoi fans out there, I have no interest in that genre.

And another thing. I read my own post about feeling DISGUSTED about yaoi stuff. Maybe I used a strong word. Forgive me for saying that. Let me rephrase what I said: The sensor between my legs does not respond and will never respond with the yaoi hentai genre. It exclusively responds to regular females and NTR. I won't discuss "regular females" any further, I'm too lazy to type so you're free to think what it even means.

That, in short, means: yaoi fans, please don't get mad at me hehe :whistle:
I personally liked the shota scenes in Yanzuma Koharu. I'm not into traditional yaoi stuff, but I do like the trap/shota variety.

I kinda wish the shota got NTR'd from the MC in that game, though. That would've been perfect, haha.
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Well to search for a walkthrough for ~80% of the games, you don't really need to ;)

Here go a little help >

Paste in the search box (upper-right side) the name of the game you are searching, click "サイト内検索"

entry is a review/summary
entry is a walkthrough
entry is a save

Thanks a lot, that's a useful thing to have. I think I actually came across that site several times during various eroge related searches, but never realised what those links in the entry were for. It would have saved me a lot of trouble. orz
Think I'll keep that link for future reference. :D

[MENTION=56269]zero_1234[/MENTION] I can understand how you feel. Yaoi doesn't do anything for me at all. I'm pretty thick-skinned compared to you and can shrug it off if I come across it accidentally, and for the sake of being unbiased I've even made myself stop and look to see if it made me feel anything and I wasn't just having a knee-jerk reaction. But once my initial aversion faded and I got used to it, my reaction was still pretty much 'Meh'. Unless it's at least female I won't feel a damned thing, and even then I'd prefer it to be my type of female. It's just how I'm built. Not getting aroused by something doesn't make you homophobic, no matter what some over-sensitive crusaders might say. So long as you aren't hating on it, no-one should be able to have a problem with you.
Personally traps bother me more than typical yaoi does. It's a shame since I know how much some guys go wild for it, even the guys who aren't normally into guy on guy stuff, but not only do I not like it, I also get irritated when it catches me off guard. I don't mind being surprised with something so long as it's something I get a kick out of, but when I get into something and think the character is cute, only to find a little surprise lurking in 'her' panties, I can't help but feel let down and irritated that I was tricked. In fact, it might be much the same way people who can't handle NTR feel when they come across it accidentally when they think they're reading happy sex. But even if I get a little irritated, I don't go hating or raging over it, which is the difference between me and them. Just my thoughts on the matter.
Though since I've got a thick skin and since everything up until the shota in ヤンヅマ心春 ~お前の嫁は俺のモノ~ was decent NTR, I didn't go as far as to throw it away. I just skipped the yaoi scenes and enjoyed the rest.
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Personally traps bother me more than typical yaoi does. It's a shame since I know how much some guys go wild for it, even the guys who aren't normally into guy on guy stuff, but not only do I not like it, I also get irritated when it catches me off guard.

How do people even get surprised by things anymore? I mean, maybe it's because I use exhentai where everything is pretty thoroughly tagged, but even if you get lured in by the cover art, a quick glance at the tags will tell you whether it has something you'd be averse to or not. You'll have to forgive me for saying so, but if you somehow make it deep into a manga or CG set only to find offensive content, it's your own fault for not looking at the tags beforehand.
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I personally liked the shota scenes in Yanzuma Koharu. I'm not into traditional yaoi stuff, but I do like the trap/shota variety.

I kinda wish the shota got NTR'd from the MC in that game, though. That would've been perfect, haha.

Haha, yeah. :D

Yeah, I'm not into regular yaoi but with the rest of the game being so good it didn't bother me. Yeah, trap and shota can be fun, also shota with an older woman.
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How do people even get surprised by things anymore? I mean, maybe it's because I use exhentai where everything is pretty thoroughly tagged, but even if you get lured in by the cover art, a quick glance at the tags will tell you whether it has something you'd be averse to or not. You'll have to forgive me for saying so, but if you somehow make it deep into a manga or CG set only to find offensive content, it's your own fault for not looking at the tags beforehand.

Of course, nobody whose been around the internet and interested in weird and wonderful world of eromanga for any length of time, would fail to check the tags first. But unfortunately a lot of people learn to be wary and check the tags before wading in the hard way. You usually have to be burnt once before you start being careful, and it can leave people ill feeling towards the source of the burn.
Plus not everyone knows what they are getting into, and a lot of people encounter stuff like NTR and Traps for the first time in these kinds of places without having heard of them beforehand. They just look at the tag and think 'what does NTR stand for?' and then shrug and decide 'I'll just have a look, it can't be that bad' and end up wishing they had googled it first instead. Hell, I didn't even knows what Scat meant when I first heard it referenced, but fortunately looked it up before I actually encountered anything tagged with it.
Have some sympathy for people like that. It's the ones who already know to be careful, and either can't be bothered looking or come along anyway just to rage and throw a tantrum that you shouldn't bother with.
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No sympathy from me, buddy. Trial by fire, son. Rub some dirt in it, walk it off, and you're good to go. That's what I did back in my day.

But seriously, with the netorare tag I can understand. "Yaoi" and "crossdressing" are pretty straightforward terms/tags (well, yaoi may not be, but it should be if you're in the business of fapping to Chinese cartoons), but netorare a totally foreign word that's only come into 'popularity' relatively recently. I can definitely imagine someone being tricked by it. And that's probably a good reason why it seems to incite more ire than any other fetish - people being ignorant toward its meaning, getting blindsided by it, and then holding a grudge.

I think I'm immune to practically every fetish, though, except for guro and maybe scat. But it's always fun when you gloss over a tag because it's not highly voted because it only appears on a single page or something. Then you get to the last page and see, "Onii-chan, watch me give birth to your shit-baby!" Good times.

In actual NTR news, I'm finally "playing" Triangle Blue now. I say playing, but I'm really only going through the sex scenes in a completed save file. The game is just too massive and I have a growing backlog of NTR games I want to play. But I was a little surprised to see that the game isn't completely voiced (unless my file is corrupt or something). I mean, I guess it shouldn't be too surprising considering the size of this game, but it's still a little disappointing. There were some nice scenes that I really wish were voiced.
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No sympathy from me, buddy. Trial by fire, son. Rub some dirt in it, walk it off, and you're good to go. That's what I did back in my day.

Like I said, most of us learnt the hard way. Including me. Back when I got interested in eromanga somewhere in the middle of the last decade, you were lucky if someone checked it and gave a warning of any extreme content before uploading it. The first sites I used just gave you links for downloading plus a pic of the cover and that was it. Same with hentai anime for that matter. You almost never knew what you were getting into, though it got a lot easier once scanlation became more common and all that.
Still yeah, trial by fire and I became thick-skinned to all bit the most shocking stuff way back. But I do remember wishing from time to time that I could have had some warning somehow, so I kind of sympathise for those who miss it. ;)
Cross-dressing maybe, though that doesn't always prepare you for a trap since you might just assume that the character will start off dressed normally and be forced to cross-dress during, or at the very least that even if they are cross-dressing it will be obvious. Nothing really prepares you for the girl who is 'too cute to be a girl' until you experience it first hand. No the kind of thing you see coming unless someone has explained it to you prior.
Yaoi is very well known within the anime/manga/VN commuinity, but is still an unusual japanese term out of it. Someone new to the community who stumbles into the wrong part of it without knowing what they're getting into, might still not know what it means.
NTR is of course, a bit more obscure. Heck, that was why the HF thread was started to begin with. Just like with the first post of this thread, to give a proper explanation of what the fetish is to those who'd heard but were confused, and increase it popularity. The guy who started it notoriously went out of his way to post on every eroge uploaded to let them know "This is NTR!", not to rage but to spread the love. The only reason we're all here now is thanks to him.
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