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  • Yeah it's fun. Do you have a Wii U?

    Yeah, Bravely Default is basically a homage to the older Final Fantasy games, it's fun to play. Will you play Bravely Second after? What's your 3DS friend code?
    Well the gameplay is more like Persona 3/4, but instead of Personas the Fire Emblem characters grant you skills.

    Yes, I have a 3DS. Do you?
    In Japan it's called Fire Emblem x Shin Megami Tensei I believe. Basically a JRPG that mixes Fire Emblem with Persona/SMT series. It's fun.
    Yeah, I'm not sure if I'll get FF XV though. Lost a bit of faith in the franchise after XIII, XIII-2, and Lightning Returns. I'm the the HD Remaster of FF XII though.

    I don't mind some English VA's. Like Laura Bailey as you mentioned. If the English cast is good I don't mind, but if that aren't that great then I prefer the Japanese VA's.
    well it was terrible this year so you didn't miss anything :/

    I really wish Cold Steel had dual audio :/ don't like the Dub cast.
    few new areas to explore, and upgraded combat system, New Game Plus and a higher difficulty option. Not much else.
    It alright, my English too get worse by the day ever since I start relying on auto correct ^^

    And yea that Milla from tales of xillia 2
    Didn't noticed it had SB in it though o_O
    Funny coincidence xD
    Eh eh, Yea sorry if I went too deep about it, made wall of words in the progress
    Text was too long so I had to slip it xD

    I don't sure if it was Bandai but believe it or not, it thanks to that TO studios stop with that trick (since they done the same with almost all of their games before vesperia)
    And released more games oversea, Bandai took the wheels and made them change stuff in their policy, Bandai are still not the best company out there but at least they done something good this time around :p

    Soon when I hopefully release my mod open beta I will be free to play again :D
    Well you don't have to buy one if you don't want, it costy and not always worth it :p (though for otakus I say Sony is something you must have one way or another since more jap games are made for it)

    I 'm not was super fan of consoles tbh, sure I like their games and really love them as a kid, but when I grew up I realized that they also were trick to let companies get control over us, most of the consoles games can work on pc just fine if they were made to, and these days we can use joysticks and televisions with our computer as well, not to mention that most of the consoles back at the day were anything But portable, the lack of mouse and keyboard effect your delay time in FPS (which is why the companies don't mix the pc servers with the console servers (they tried it once and saw how pc players just wipe console players out xD)), and they also slow down the graphics evolution since their games were made first for consoles and only then had poor port for pc,
    It was all about money honestly, companies want to lock us in their own garden (OS) which don't let us do much unlike pc OS, that way they also ensure less piracy.

    You could say that the only benefit they had at the time was that alol of their games need the same hardware, which let us save more money rather than buy new hardware for our pc each year, but it not really true for today as well, my old Gpu was 4 years old and still was kicking just fine

    Luckly the last console generation finally start to use hardware that similar to pc, which made it easier for them to make stable ports, that why you see more pc ports lately.
    There are many stuff I can say on 8 and 10, but to short it out I just say 7 is better :D (atm at least)

    I thought you had ps3, I may mistook you to someone else xD

    Vesperia had eng ver for the Xbox but it was cut version compared to the ps3 ver that added so much more in everything (even plot), tales of studio used cheap tricks to get money and plan to release the complete ver after they will get money from MS, and the ps3 ver was jap only, western fans felt betrayed,
    Berseria look really good in terms of game, plot, and characters, the eng ver will be out in early 2017 (at least from the official announcement few days ago)
    Like Zestriria it also have pc ver

    I got legend of heros cold steel but never played it yet ; (

    Have too much JRPG laying around >.>
    Yes, SNES and the handheld GB. I play other consoles too but only know a few games of them. PCE is also one but I remember only playing bomberman. =\
    The crack should work on win7-, I never tested it on 8 or 10 and prefer to stay away from them ^^... too bad DX12 is only for 10 though, my new Gpu won't be able to run DX12 games till I will be force to upgrade >.>

    In the last almost-year I didn't play much games aside the dam game I modding :/ (guess real creators need to suffer Dx), I have pile of games for the ps3 I need to start, I wanted to buy ps4 but now I rather wait for the new ps4 model Sony will release soon, I don't own any portable consoles aside the old gameboys and used emulators so far to play pap games (in moded ps3 and Xbox 360 we can play old games and even psps as well :9 )

    People were able to mod the ps4 lately too xD

    I really want to play tales of zestriria and ps3 ver of vesperia with the eng patch for the last year/half year :0

    I feel like i stuck in a loop and that time pass really fast on the outside

    Mostly emulators for console and DOS game, but for Windows 95 game I need specific patch/mod for each game. =\
    Well modding games required experience with some stuff but most of all required tools, I don't know how to make the tools but I know how to use some depend on the game or application, I recall I gave you PS crack few years ago eh eh

    Iirc I also recommended you what DOA5 to buy for the ps3 back then

    It funny that it come to that but thank to me know PS and a few tools I can now mod DOA skins xD (not that I tried it but the tools the community made seem to be easy to used)

    I think you can do it as well if you know PS

    I can help you with PS gifs and Web / video formats if that what you meant but I let you know I didn't done it for years so I probably don't remeber much for gifs as I did back then

    I fine thanks
    Been busy in the last years and start modding some games rather then actually play some ; (

    It somehow made me skilled in photoshop and 3ds max though xD

    How you been mate? :P
    Thank for joining my group nawi-senpai! Hope we can have some discussions if you don't mind?:D
    Oh nice! Mech battles sound fun, would like to try those out.

    I'm glad the same cast of characters are returning for the sequel. Now I need to finish CS 1!
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