Your top 10 games?????


Figure Collector
Elite Member
Jan 15, 2012
What is everyone's top 10 games????? Mine are the following (Not in any real order):

1. Ar Tonelico (series)
2. Okami
3. Persona 4
4. Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3
5. Metro 2033
6. We <3 Katamari
7. Metropolismania 2
8. Way of the Samurai 3
9. Star Ocean 3 - Till the End of Time
10. Lumines 2

The list I have changes a lot...this is out of my general games I've played.....on console, but I also have a top 10 for each genre and console. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
  1. osu!
  2. Old-school Pokemon
  3. Kingdom Hearts
  4. Kingdom Hearts 2
  5. Final Fantasy X
  6. Final Fantasy X-2
  7. Final Fantasy XII
  8. Golden Sun
  9. Fire Emblem
  10. Jak and Daxter series

Only thing I still play is osu! considering I no longer possess any of the other games (unfortunately). q_q

Most of them were from when I was younger anyways, so I'm probably forgetting a couple.
1. Age of Empires 2
2. Metal Slug X
3. Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2
4. Dark Crusade
5. Monster Hunter
6. Icewind Dale
7. Chrono Trigger
8. Star Wars Racer
9. God Hand
10. Pokemon Ruby
1.Viking: battle for asgard
2.Dynasty Warriors 7
3.Rise of Nations
4.Empire Earth
5.Fable 2
7.Command and Conquer: Generals
8.Warriors Orochi
9.Age of Empires 2
10.Burnout Takedown
Hmm i cant only think of two that i really went nuts with for long periods of time... Ill add more later i suppose if i remember or even have more (considering how my parents disapprove of gaming)
Dynasty Warriors (any)
Age of Empires 2 (The first failed somewhat and the third i havent played)
Maybe Super Smash Bros Brawl but i got tired of it
Tough one.

2. Lost Odyssey
4. FFX
6. Skyrim
7. FF Tactics
8. Everquest II
9. Borderlands
10. Cant think of the name.
Don't mind if I list only PC series. =D

10. Command & Conquer
9. Heroes of Might and Magic
8. Half-life
7. Age of Empires
6. Sam & Max
5. Portal
4. Worms
3. Z
2. Starcraft
1. Civilization
Not in any particular order...

TIE Fighter
Doom 1 and 2
Ocarina of Time
Zelda Majora's Mask
Age of Kings
Empire Earth
Clannad (hey, VNs are technically games too!)
Unreal Tournament
1. Monster Hunter
2. Final Fantasy VIII
3. Final Fantasy XII
4. Fable
5. Skyrim
6. Clannad
7. Persona 4
8. Starcraft
9. Final Fantasy XI
10. Heroes of Might and Magic
In random order:
1) Civilization 2,3 & 5
2) Silent Hunter 3
3) Ragnarok Online
4) Modern Warfare series
5) Battlefield 2 (mostly coz of it's mods)
6) Steel Panther series
7) Day of Defeat: Source
8) Counter Strike
9) Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far
10) IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles

1. GTA 4
2. Gta sa-mp
3.DMC 3,4
4.sims 3
5.need for speed carbon and the run
6.i am going in 2
7.dragon ball z budokai tenkachi 2,3 and budokai 3 , infinite world
10.RPG games
1. Starcraft/Brood War
2. Counterstrike
3. Team Fortress 2
4. Starcraft 2
5. Knights of the Old Republic
6. NBA 2k11
7. Mario 64
8. Mario Kart 64
9. Goldeneye
10. Pokemon

Yea this is totally NOT in and kind of order because its soooo hard for me to put them in order so here goes!!!
1.Metal Gear Solid 3
2.Guilty Gear xx Accent Core PLus
3.BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend
4.Record of Agarest War
5.Tales of Vesperia
6.Final Fantasy XIII-2
7.Namco X Capcom
8.Resident Evil
9.Tekken 6
10.Eternal Sonata
Japanese culture go to future.
Good thing infinity.
Do you say "Count the number of the bread eaten until now" to me?
OK,I will write to the can be remembered.

10. Jinko shojo 3
09. littlewitch romanesque
08. xx na kano jo no tukurikata
07. Custom made 3D
06. School mate 2
05. Custom rade 4
04. Natural 2
03. Natural
02. Natural 0
01. magical antique

There is no latest thing?
I don't memorizing for dotage is impossible.
1. Battefield 3
2. Assassin's Creed all parts
3. Skyrim
4. Mass Effect 2
5. Portal
6. Mirrors Edge
7. Anno 1701
8. The Sims 3
9. Snow Sakura
10. Katawa Shoujo
1. Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball
2. Dead or Alive Ultimate
3. Dead or Alive Online
4. Dead or Alive 4
5. Fatal Frame 3
6. Final Fantasy VIII
8. Counter Strike Source
9. Crossfire Online
10. Age of Empires
1. Resident Evil: Revelation (3DS)
2. Chrono Trigger (iOS)
3. Final Fantasy X (PS2)
4. Final Fantasy VII (PS)
5. Dead or Alive: Dimension (3DS)
6. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruins (DS)
7. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS)
8. Corpse Party: Blood Covered - Repeated Fear (PSP)
9. Black Rock Shooter: The Game (PSP)
10. The 3rd Birthday (PSP)
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1. Dead Or Alive
2. Ninja Gaiden
3. Fifa
4. Final Fantasy
5. Counter Strike
6. Halo
7. NFS
8. Dota
9. The Sims
10. AOE
Modern Warfare series
Mass effect
White Album 2
City Sim series
Gundam vs Gundam
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Can't determine which 1 is my top 10 in order especially between Memories Off and Symphonic Rain.... =x='''''

1. Memories Off (Series)
2. Symphonic Rain
3. Ar Tonelico (Series)
4. Record of Agarest War (Series)
5. Star Ocean (Series)
6. Suikoden (Series)
7. 星空のメモリア (Series)
8. Phantasy Star Universe (Series)
9. The Legend of Heroes (Series)
10. Luminous Arc (Series)
Ar tonelico 2
odin sphere
Xenosaga series
Star Ocean 3 - Till the End of Time
Arcana Heart 3
mana atelier iris
Stella Deus
Mana Legend
Wild Arms 5 vanguard

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telstar0906 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Please reupload RJ317553. Thank you as always.
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Hi, can you update RJ386993 with the new version with the english script?
CowSlayer69 wrote on Pheomizm's profile.
Welcome :cool:
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Hi,Could you reupload this?
YukiYuukiYuki wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
can you reupload this? 190125
Thanks Ryzen!