What makes you come back to a forum?

Sometimes there's no reason, and I just like coming back to this forum.
I think I can provide a thought provoking reason: http://www.health.am/psy/more/what-makes-the-internet-attractive/
you can stop reading when you see "treatments."

Really, I've not had an interest in forums until I started making one. It then occurred to me that I have accounts for all kinds of forums. (in which most ask you to be active :f) While I can say that there's nothing like having a friend next to you, it's a little different with being online. (assuming you've read most of that page :p) I may come back with some more comments another time~
to spam and because i have this obsessive need to know how ppl responded to my posts. i feel uneasy if i dont know
For some more of this:

The count to a million thread. I felt what has been started also needs to be finished~ :goodtea:
O.o why? ur one of the few ppl on here who dont go around murdering each other dont go Dx
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now i wonder why did cancer came up to your mind thats bad you know

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