
I Am Admin, Hear Me Roar!
Oct 16, 2010

Original Name: うさぎドロップ
Alternative Name: Bunny Drop
Categories: Daily Life, Josei, Slice of Life
Producer: Production I.G, Fuji TV

Going home for his grandfather's funeral, thirty-year-old bachelor Daikichi is floored to discover that the old man had an illegitimate child with a younger lover! The rest of his family is equally shocked and embarrassed by this surprise development, and not one of them wants anything to do with the silent little girl, Rin. In a fit of angry spontaneity, Daikichi decides to take her in himself! But will living with this overgrown teenager of man help Rin come out of her shell? And hang on, won't this turn of events spell doom for Daikichi's love life?!

My Opinion:
I saw people fanboying over this for quite a bit of time, so maybe I went in with too high expectations. It seems to be well made, but it's also typical slice of life - and as such bores me without end. Oh well, I'm sure someone will soon spring up to defend it. :P​

Yes, a lot of fanboyism for this, manga already concluded if i am not wrong.

Yes, your slice of life show, but this has got real potential, and I really enjoyed the first episode.
It seems to be well made, but it's also typical slice of life
QFT and sums out this show.

I love the manga for the realism and it is quite touching sometimes. You watch this for Rin. If you love Rin, then it should be good for you.
Dawwww > 9000!

I think I had several heart failures while watching this episode. Rin is just TOO FUCKING KAWAII. I have to give this series a high praise, the direction is very top notch, you can feel rin's insecurity and sadness when daikichi left her in the nursery, and how sincere Daikichi care for Rin.

As for the story itself, it's really heartwarming to see how Daikichi is trying to adjust to his new responsibilities as a parent and how they're clashing with his work as a salaryman. I can definitely relate since I have a tight schedule as well, so that adds a whole other layer to the story for me. He'll definitely have to start being more organized if he hopes to keep this up. Production I.G.'s little touch ups like the flying animal icons at the Kindagarten and Rin's various faces especially the pouty face also really help set the atmosphere and just calms you down while watching (as while as being kawaii as fuck).
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This was the perfect time to enlarge the cast a bit, and to have Daikichi spend some time talking with other parents about how best to approach his situation with Rin.

It was so heartwarming to see Rin bonding with the rest of the family, her sister/step grandmother in particular. I love how subtle the show is when it comes to drama (and basically everything else, actually), it's a welcome change from last season's Noitamina. I very much prefer this approach, it's not as tear jerking but it feels much more natural and realistic, and as such works better on me.

Nothing to say really apart from the fact that it was a fantastic episode. Nothing too dramatic, nothing too comedic, no otaku pandering, no lolification of Rin, Daikichi acting his age and a total boss. It's covering the source material very well so far. It was heartwarming as hell and I have no complaints. 10/10

And yes... I'm one of the people that fear that it will sell poorly, and I expect it to do so. This series has no otaku appeal whatsoever. Now only if the original noitamina audience back from Honey and Clover and Nodame Cantabile S1 days was still around...
Just more good episodes from this series. I like that Daikichi has found a parent that he can talk to and relate to in some ways. After all while circumstances are different they are in a sense both single parents trying to manage. While he can talk to his cousin or some coworkers having a parent with a kid the same age and going to the same places to learn is pretty handy for Daikichi.

Plenty of cute moments for Rin. Things could be tricky for her at school since I doubt kids could really understand her background that easily. I loved the bit where Daikichi just picks her up and starts running home . What a great reaction with her looking around to see if anyone could see her being carried . Was nice seeing them shop for her and Daikichi luring her into buying a desk that will last her right into high school rather than one that would only work for a few years before needing to be replaced.

Looks like we're moving towards Rin's mother. May soon get a real picture for the kind of person she is.
Just wondering here, but why does the title called Usagi Drop?
Is there any rabbit in the show? Or does Usagi is some kind of a codename or something?
Rin crying at the beginning of the ep :(:(:(. Then she reaches for her bear instead of daikichi
major lulz were had.

Why is it that every episode feels like it's packed with so much content, that I'm watching it for more than 25 mins?

Rin is taking the title of the most adorable grade schooler of recent times. The child's voice def helps in that direction.

In that last scene, it feels like Rin is growing up a bit. Well, she's already grown up enough for a child; I meant she was even more expressive than previous episodes, giving an even stronger bond to their relationship =03. I can easily see her wrapping her finger around Daikichi as she gets older.

As for Masako, she feels kind of complicated... compared to the other characters in this anime, she is definitely a whole lot less perfect, but you just can't hate her for some reason. Just kind of mm... makes you think.
I was hoping for something else <-- please do not mind me

Just wondering here, but why does the title called Usagi Drop?
Is there any rabbit in the show? Or does Usagi is some kind of a codename or something?

there's a rabbit on the opening theme showed there.. and rin likes rabbit stuffs toys..

rabbit somehow like a symbolism in here.. ~ i guess
I see, thanks for the info.
I'm sure going to check this anime out, one day.
I loved this episode just as much as the previous ones. It was full of those little moments that makes me wonder who the real adult is - Rin or Daikichi. Rin's already very mature for age, no doubt it was because of the influence of Daikichi's granpa. He seemed like a very wise old man, the kind I can't really see having an affair with his young maid. I'm a bit surprised Daikichi hasn't tried to confirm who Rin's father is with Masako - not that it matters much at this point, I think he already loves Rin as family (so do his parents).

I actually greatly enjoyed the tree story. I dunno how to put it into words... something about the tradition of it, and more than anything the sense of family, of belonging. When Daikichi said Rin's tree was the same kind as his, something about that really moved me.

Also, Rin is remarkably responsible for someone her age. I love how at the end Daikichi and Kouki were grumbling at each other and Rin's just standing there going, "... we're gonna be late."
Heartbreaking episode really, if you listen to Haruko's dialogue. The worst part is not when she's crying, but the things she says when she's smiling. And the episode offers her no easy solutions or happy endings, just Daikichi's usual GAR shoulder to lean on if she needs it.

The subtlety of this show is wonderful, but I especially love little touches like the scene when Kouki comes over during breakfast. Watch his face during that scene, especially when the D-word is mentioned. So much meaning with so little effort.

And yes, having grown up with two older sisters and a Mom who was slooooooooow when she shopped, the postscript scene was absolutely perfect. The natural alliance between Daikichi and Kouki is a small but very important part of the dynamic, and I hope it continues to develop.

My favorite moment of the episode definitely goes to when Daikichi stopped for a moment when he returned at night with Rin to see his house lighted up, imagining what it would be like if he was married. That sort of directing subtlety was just amazing.
I guess they won't do the timeskip part (haven't watched latest epi yet) since the manga ending is the type of ending you like it or hate it.
The anime is quite good, except that they use light colors instead of a normal kind of anime..I find it pretty amusing. Heh. :3
manga ending eh.....

i will just watch till this animu ends
@Coolio - The colour is one of the strong points, sorta enhancing the slice of life and innocent feeling.

@Terumi - I can spoil if you want (obviously they won't go there, lack of episodes).

A very well done ep ... moving in some deep ways. I loved the "visit the graveyard scene with biological mother looking on" sequence in the manga, and it has been brilliantly reproduced in ep 8.

This ep also illustrates the complex feelings I have for Masako as a character very well. At a point in her life she made the decision to pursue her work related dreams rather than care for her child (i.e. Rin), and she has been living with that ever since. There is a part of her that really regrets her decision that she cannot get away from ... kinda like her ... erm ... "selfishness" is at war with her motherly instincts. With Daikichi and Rin coming back into her life she is "forced" to deal with that once again (previously she seemed to try and "bury it"/deal with it by immersing herself in her work.

I admit that I do not like the character of Masako, but at the same time I certainly can feel sorry for her and can appreciate how "real" and true to life her portrayal is. There are people like that out there, even if I personally might not approve of the action of giving away a child to follow one's work related ambitions. Simply because they make a decision I personally disapprove of does not mean that they are somehow "forever on the out" because of that decision - they also carry on with their lives and try to do the best they can and "process" or learn from their decision(s) proper.

Masako is kinda portrayed in a somewhat similar manner as Haruka in the last episode - the character is simply presented, without necessarily "passing a judgement or an evaluation" on them. The viewer (or reader in case of the manga medium) is left to come to their own conclusions and ponderings on the subject.
Damnit, what's Daikichi waiting for? Rin provided a golden opportunity for him to get closer to Yukari, but he didn't seize it. With that said, I feel Yukari has actually already noticed Daikichi is interested in her and that she sadly doesn't share his feelings. The look on her face after Daikichi sheltered her under his umbrella was foreboding. If that's truly case, that's a really shame, as the four of them would make a wonderful family.

Kouki was pretty funny. His interactions with Rin are always pretty cute. Rather than seeing Kouki and Rin in a more sibling relationship, which is understandable given the event that happened at school, I'm more so looking at the angle of them being really close [childhood] friends. It's really nice to see what good friends are like during childhood w/o them being really shallow or filled with melodrama.
Oh nos Rin is sick. Thank god, this is not a KEY visual novel, so she'll live.

Children are fragile things, and since Rin is fairly mature for her age, she hasn't been too hard to take care of. But hey, illness gets the best of us, and it can be scary when children are sick and you don't know what to do. It's one thing to take care of yourself, but to take care of someone else when you're not completely sure on how they feel can be frustrating. Dakachi's been pretty much living alone til now, so he surely has a handful this time.

The biggest problem is that regardless of remedy, it's gonna take time to recover, but fortunately Yukari knows what to do, but wait she's no longer sick but Yukari's not that well; ah crap...

This is probably one of the biggest hurdles yet. It doesn't seem like that much, but for someone who just started to learn to take care of the child it seems appropriate to make this the last arc for this season.

came and went, liked it quite well, spoiled myself on manga, definitely alright with the ending
That was a nice ending to a nice, short series. One thing that really stood out for me in a good way was a light touch of BGM and animation flourishes during the last few minutes of the final episode. Nothing over-the-top, but still something striking enough to effectively tie the series up and leave off on a strong note.

I will say, though, that I'm slightly disappointed that Yukari didn't end up with Daikichi romantically, but I guess this might be a basic case of source material constraints affecting the anime.

On the whole, a good heartwarming ending, and an interesting and often compelling commentary on parenting from a wide array of perspectives. Perhaps it's for the best that such social commentary was a major, but subtle, focal point in this finale.

Usagi drop make me all fuzzy and warm inside and is one of the top series this year. This series chronicles the life of single parents, showing the challenges they face, but also the wonderful things they get back for it. The way this series has handled its themes are quite clever: at the center we have the main character Daikichi who ends up having to take care of his 9-year-old niece Rin. throughout the series, he runs into all kinds of people who are in similar situations, and because of that this series can show many different sides of the same coin.

Another major strength of this series is that it’s pretty much the most realistic series of the entire year so far. It doesn’t try unrealistically force its drama, and the things that Rin and Daikchi do throughout the series all feel wonderfully down to earth. Most of the show is really seeing the two of them live out their daily lives, and this is very well described and written.
I really liked it as well. From what I remember, it felt very real, and was always nice and warm. Used a nice soft, washed-out colour pallet that doesn't get used all that often.

I was going to read the manga because I wanted more, but I didn't think I could bear to watch Rin grow up. XD

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