Hi everybody

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Yup, Welcome to ASF..
Have fun but mind the rules...

May God be with you..
Interesting Avatar o.O

welcome to ASF katrin!

my name (or at least my user name :smug: ) is Egozi

nice to meet you :hi:

hope we can get along ^_^
Welcome and enjoy your stay.

It is truly a pleasure to have more new members.

I am sure you'll get along with everyone.

Please have something sweet~

Hi there katrin1988
Welcome to AS Forum..
Drop by on spam n game sections if you have a time.
Nice to meet you :3
Welcome to Anime Sharing, katrin1988~!
Enjoy your stay and have fun.

Not much to say to you.
Hi katrin! (○・▽・○)ノ
Welcome to Anime-Sharing!
Hope you have fun and enjoy d(`・ω´・d)

Peace ヾ(・∀・`o)
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