Downloading via XDCC

By now, most if not all of you must have heard how the Megaupload takedown has caused an indirect domino effect to most other major file hosting services. For people like us involved in content sharing and downloading, this ultimately means inconvenience caused by dead links among other things. More details about this have been discussed here.

In relevance with our Fortune Arterial translation project, we have also taken the liberty of providing the game via XDCC for those having problems obtaining a copy. More details here.

What does this have to do with XDCC?
Lately, we have been seeing posts/comments/messages asking us to reupload certain ASL releases. Normally, we would just reupload the requested files, but with the current state of file hosting services, chances are you would be told to try downloading from torrent or XDCC instead. Unlike torrents, XDCC does not depend on seeds and the files will always be available on the bots unless something unexpected happens. This is especially true for older releases, which obviously are more likely to have dead links.

What do I need to download from XDCC?
An IRC client, that is all (okay, also an Internet connection and sufficient disk space). For XDCC to work, you cannot use a web client like Qchat or Mibbit. You need a standalone IRC client, e.g. mIRC, Irssi, XChat-WDK, KVIrc, HydraIRC, etc. Some clients might require you to tweak some settings first before you can download smoothly via XDCC. For this tutorial I will only be giving an example each for mIRC and Irssi, two clients that I personally use. For other clients, please refer to their respective manuals.

Please note that these are just standard settings meant for easy downloading. To connect to an IRC network (in this case Rizon), you can usually use either one of these commands:

Or one of these for SSL connection:
[PLAIN]/connect -ssl 9999
/connect -s 9999
/server +9999
/sslserver 9999[/PLAIN]

Note that Rizon provides more than one port for SSL if you have problems connecting to a specific one. For more elaborate details, check Rizon's server list or try connecting through a standard non-SSL connection and check the MotD to see which ports the server you're connected to allows SSL. If this paragraph makes no sense to you, just ignore it altogether and stick to using either one of the first set of commands.

If none of the commands above work for you, please consult your client's respective manuals.

  • mIRC:
    Tools -> Options -> DCC. Check the "auto-get file" option and adjust it as shown on the picture below.

    Then click the "trusted" button and key in our bots' hostmasks (if you have no idea what hostmasks are, simply entering their names in the format shown below should suffice). Note that you do not need to have all bots in your trusted list; only add the bot(s) you plan on downloading from. Users in your trusted list can send you files without asking for confirmation; add any other users at your own risk.
    • AS|Sena is for ASL releases in FLAC.
    • AS|Hinata is for ASL releases in V0 VBR MP3.
    • AS|Ruri is for AST releases and related files.

    And finally, go to DCC -> Ignore. Choose the "accept only" option and key in *.rar.

  • Irssi:
    Simply type the commands below, one line at a time. Again, you do not need to have all bots in your autoget list.
    [PLAIN]/set dcc_autoget ON
    /set dcc_autoget_masks AS|Sena!*@* AS|Hinata!*@* AS|Ruri!*@*
    /set dcc_autoresume ON[/PLAIN]

    If you run Irssi on a non-Unix-based operating system (e.g. Windows or OSX), the default configuration for directory path-related settings may not work (Irssi is, after all, inherently intended for Unix-based systems).

    To change your download directory, first type
    /set dcc_download_path
    and see what Irssi returns. This value is set by default to ~ but you can replace it with whatever path you prefer. You can use an exact path
    /set dcc_download_path C:\Users\Adaline\Desktop
    or a relative path,
    /set dcc_download_path ./Files/Downloads
    whereby . points to your Irssi installation directory. For example, let's say I installed Irssi to C:\Program Files (x86)\Irssi. Therefore, my download directory will be C:\Program Files (x86)\Irssi\Files\Downloads.


    Make sure the target directory is fully accessible (not set to read-only; something like 755 or drwxr-xr-x if you run it on a server). For this reason, it is not recommended to set your download path to a protected directory (e.g. C:\Program Files). It is also not generally a good idea to run Irssi or any other IRC client with administrative privileges; therefore, please set your download path to somewhere writeable like Desktop, another disk drive like D:\, etc.

How do I find what I want?
There are two ways:
  1. Go to our XDCC parser and find what you want. It automatically interprets spaces as underscores, so do not worry about them. Found what you are looking for? Good. Click on the item you want and you will see a pop-up box with the syntax you need to paste in your IRC client.


    And that is all you need for your download to start. You need to stay in the channel (that is #[email protected]) at least until the transfer is complete. The bots will not acknowledge your DCC request if you are not present in at least one of the channels where our bots are.

    Please note that:
    • Javascript is required to use the parser, so you may want to (at least temporarily) disable NoScript and the like.
    • Static content on the parser is cached by our CDN service. This means that your search results may possibly be outdated by up to 24 hours and newly added releases may not appear immediately. For newer releases, please refer to the alternate way below.

  2. Alternatively, join #[email protected] and use the !find (or @find) trigger to find what you want (e.g. !find shimotsuki). The bots will then send you a notice containing the search results.


    See that each search result begins with numbers? Those are pack numbers; copy-paste the numbers corresponding to the releases you want and send a message to one of the bots with them.

    For ASL FLAC releases:
    [PLAIN]/msg AS|Sena XDCC SEND #[/PLAIN]

    For ASL MP3 releases:
    [PLAIN]/msg AS|Hinata XDCC SEND #[/PLAIN]

    For AST releases:
    [PLAIN]/msg AS|Ruri XDCC SEND #[/PLAIN]

For details on AST releases, please refer to either the info page or this thread for details regarding grabbing the releases via XDCC. Our bots automatically announce new releases as they are added, so feel free to lurk in the channel to get our new releases faster than anyone else (with the exception of staff, of course).

And that concludes this tutorial.

This thread will stay open for questions, not general and/or unrelated comments.
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You're welcome.

As a side note, you might want to take a look at GUI-based IRC clients for OSX, such as LimeChat or Colloquy. (However, I won't provide a tutorial on configuring them as I don't run OSX.)

Thanks for the suggestion, but may I ask a stupid question?

What's the big advantage of using a GUI-based client?
Thanks for the suggestion, but may I ask a stupid question?

What's the big advantage of using a GUI-based client?
Easier to configure, I guess. You only have to click and sift through options instead of typing commands with the correct parameters. Even first-time users can simply try to navigate their way around a GUI-based client on their own as the options are often self-explanatory, but with a CLI-/TUI-based client, you may need to read some tutorials before you understand its functions.

It's a matter of preferences (I personally prefer a clean, TUI-based client for IRC like Irssi), but most aren't willing to go through the latter.
may seem like a dumb question, does one need to anonymize one's traffic to prevent the ISP from taking action, when downloading using IRC?
DCC stand short for Direct-Client-[to]-Client. It means that beside you and us, nobody else*knows you're downloading something from us.

*except NSA & its friends
If you're worried about "six strikes" or similar policies, then no, they only apply to torrent downloads. Nonetheless, encrypting your traffic -- whether through a VPN or by using SSL connection on IRC -- is generally a good idea for a multitude of reasons.

Encrypted bits of traffic may look all the more tempting to the NSA, though.
i see, thanks for the response. I just discovered IRC and could very much use all the info I can get.

@Ignis mentions SSL connection on IRC. If I use OpenSSL, this would be useful to me for encrypting my traffic on mIRC?
Yes, OpenSSL should be all you need to enable SSL connections with mIRC. Don't forget to connect to an SSL port (such as 9999 for Rizon) instead of a standard one. It'd be moot otherwise.
Damn it! I must be the biggest noob when it come to IRC, eventhou I used to roamed around the IRC channels back in 2002.
I couldn't even get to any channel? Much less I could DL anything.
Ignis, I've failed you, even after I tried follow your instruction.
Damn it! I must be the biggest noob when it come to IRC, eventhou I used to roamed around the IRC channels back in 2002.
I couldn't even get to any channel? Much less I could DL anything.
Ignis, I've failed you, even after I tried follow your instruction.
Here's the standard procedure if you use mIRC, TL;DR version:
  1. Connect to Rizon: /server
  2. Join our channel: /j #anime-sharing
  3. Find a packlist: !find <keyword>
  4. Start your download: /msg <botname> XDCC SEND <pack number>
Failing that, could you elaborate your problem? What message did you get upon failing to join any channel?
It looks like you did something wrong with your connect command. Did you type /server server or /connect server? Disconnect your current connection attempt (which will never succeed) by typing /disconnect or clicking the lightning bolt-shaped icon on top left. Then type or paste this, and just this, on mIRC:

If it succeeds, you should see a barrage of messages that starts with something along these lines:
11:19 -!- Irssi: Looking up
11:19 -!- Irssi: Connecting to [] port 6667
11:19 -!- Irssi: Connection to established
11:19 -!- Please wait while we process your connection.
11:19 ! *** Found your hostname
11:19 ! *** Checking Ident
11:19 ! *** Got Ident response
11:19 ! *** Your host is masked
11:19 -!- Welcome to the Rizon Internet Relay Chat Network root
OK, I'll give it a try.
BTW, my previous post (#62) was a double post.

I try to download flac releases using mIRC, but receive the follow message: "AS|Sena No such nick/channel", i will wainting for your reply, thanks in advance.

I try to download flac releases using mIRC, but receive the follow message: "AS|Sena No such nick/channel", i will wainting for your reply, thanks in advance.
Hi there,

The message you got means that AS|Sena wasn't online when you tried to download from it. It was likely experiencing a slight downtime. With mIRC, you can check the list of names on the right side to see if it's online or not.

As of the time of writing, AS|Sena is online and fully functional. We apologise for the inconvenience.
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I solved this issue changing the default server of mirc to rizon server, result I happy and downloading releases of xdcc.


See you :)
Hi Ignis..
Thanks for replying my PM..
okay, here is my problem..

i use HydraIRC client..
and follow the tutorial as you post in #1 ..
this is the step i use in hydra irc..

>open hydrairc
>type command "/server"
>type command "/msg nickserv identify ___"
>type command "/j anime-sharing"
>and last type command "/msg AS|Sena xdcc send #xxxx " (xxxx is for number from the Packlist)

and this is the screenshot i mention earlier in my pm that i can't download from the Bots
or this link

i also try with another Bot and with nothing changed..
and.. here's the results..


so i have no idea what is wrong from me..hope anyone could help me..
thanks :)


  • ss+(2015-02-14+at+05.14.31).png
    90.9 KB · Views: 132
  • ss+(2015-02-14+at+05.24.05).png
    64 KB · Views: 123
so i have no idea what is wrong from me..hope anyone could help me..
thanks :)
Hi LuPhie,

I've tested downloading several files using HydraIRC (even from my own PC to myself, sending them from mIRC), and it didn't work at all :confused:
Could you please try with this pre-configured mIRC client and let us know if it works fine for you?
It might be an issue with HydraIRC only, or it might be our own bots not liking it :P

Either way, I hope you can start downloading our files soon :nekopara_tehee:
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Hi LuPhie,

I've tested downloading several files using HydraIRC (even from my own PC to myself, sending them from mIRC), and it didn't work at all :confused:
Could you please try with this pre-configured mIRC client and let us know if it works fine for you?
It might be an issue with HydraIRC only, or it might be our own bots not liking it :P

Either way, I hope you can start downloading our files soon :nekopara_tehee:

Thanks Traxis..
already tried with mirc too.. and still not working.. lol
trying with #1 post tutorial and still can't grab file from the bots..
maybe bots hates me :(
it's said unable to connect

i'll try to find another way later ^^


  • ss+(2015-02-15+at+10.21.06).png
    140.3 KB · Views: 286
already tried with mirc too.. and still not working.. lol
trying with #1 post tutorial and still can't grab file from the bots..
maybe bots hates me :(
it's said unable to connect
When you tried to download from AS|Sena with mIRC, as you initiated a DCC connection, was the IP address shown or anything starting with 127?

Your earlier HydraIRC screenshot showed that for some reason AS|Sena's IP was misidentified as This is a local address that cannot be queried from outside the network. If your PC tried to make a DCC connection to that address, that means it was trying to send a request to a destination within your own network.

We suspected that this was a fault with HydraIRC as Traxis' earlier test confirmed that for some reason HydraIRC seemed to misidentify AS|Sena's IP as mIRC, however, worked fine.

If even with mIRC you're still seeing, you may have a misconfigured router that blocks DCC transfers. However, if it worked with one bot but not another as your previous HydraIRC screenshot seemed to indicate, you may have an anti-virus or network security tool that hinders DCC transfers of certain file extensions (in this case .rar).

I tried downloading both files you were trying to download just now and both attempts worked without any errors. (For the record, I use Irssi.)


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Hi, I tried searching 'date a live op mp3' and found the pack number '/msg AS|Hinata xdcc send #1969 ' but when I tried pasting it into my IRC client, I got a reply from the bot AS/Hinata that 'no such nick/channel'. I tried pack numbers from #1967 ~#1972 but still got the same message. Are there any solutions by any chance?
I got a reply from the bot AS/Hinata that 'no such nick/channel'.
When you see such a message, that simply means there was nobody online with the username you were trying to send a message to. AS|Hinata was indeed offline for a while, but it has been brought back online now. Please retry your download.

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Excuse me, would you reupload the links, please? Just the Mexashare is fine, thank you
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