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Shin rocketed the lpw... =/

Ehh... felt like I studied about 20x longer than the test took to finish =w=
Tea is good. Therefore mad tea is good.

Obligatory post of the day/month/whatever.
Ehh... felt like I studied about 20x longer than the test took to finish =w=

Well, in such situation usual do you lose the time-feeling: The time doesn't-want-to-end-feeling. - But what counts, that you somehow it managed have, or...?:goodtea:

Edit: Welcome and hello Unown-kun!
Hellos unown and gwee~

Ehh the studying took much longer =w= The test was easy...
『*cough*I think it is all *cough* salt's fault :/ *cough*I drank madtea*cough* and got a *cough*cold*cough*, I ate salty corn*cough* and I became unable*cough* to stop coughing >_*cough*<』

『*cough*Yo Popcorn-*cough*...』 /me coughs Popcorn-*cough* to cold.
『*cough*I think it is all *cough* salt's fault :/ *cough*I drank madtea*cough* and got a *cough*cold*cough*, I ate salty corn*cough* and I became unable*cough* to stop coughing >_*cough*<』

『*cough*Yo Popcorn-*cough*...』 /me coughs Popcorn-*cough* to cold.

Do you need maybe the power of Kyoudais...>_>?

Edit: Welcome you also Gwee^^!
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