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  • Corocoro-sama, do you happen to have Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT in your harddrive lurking somewhere, or know someone who does, if so, would you like to upload them please :3 It would be useful if it is a dubbed version too! (A friend of mine really wants it, so I'm seeing whether you guys have it!) Thanks in advance Corocoro-sama :3
    Oh awesome Corocoro-sama! Do you happen to have Xenosaga The Animation in your HDD somewhere? If so, would you like to upload it here? I would appreciate it. I'll ask in the anime section if you don't have it, saves me opening a thread.
    I went to the updates as instructed by you, and I know a lot more useful information, after reading more I found out ASF
    thank you very much
    hello admin corocoro
    I became a member of the ASF and that made me very happy, I want to learn more
    information about the ASF, such as birthday .... hope he aided
    thank you very much
    Lol cool... I was just about to ask you what a Marupon was... :P Also thanks for all of your uploads! They're great! :D
    I was adding you because so far I've liked pretty much everything you've posted on here. If that's not a good enough reason for you then you don't have to add me if you'd rather not. ;)
    the 1st human who have honor of a knight in an anime sharing forum!! thx and good job!!!
    Hi can I ask what exactly means [SubDesu] Manyuu Hiken-chou [MOSTLY UNCENSORED] Mostly uncensored part?

    Are there some Epizodes not released uncensored or duno could you clarify plis good sir? BitteBitte
    mai otome dual audio ep 21 cant download please check link for me when i click download it doesnt work
    Coro, thanks for modding around the Creativity Corner. :) RL is quite busy atm that's why I can't hang around in the forum that much. :S
    Can it be use outside of ASF as well?
    I'm looking for something similar to Photobucket, but wouldn't get my pics delete by the site.
    Can you tell me which photosharing site you use to upload all your ecchi collections?
    I gotta feeling it's not PhotoBucket. I need to change so that I can upload pic without getting edelete by the site like PhotoBucket does.
    ^^... some movies released but...i don't see your upload..!
    subdesu has just released Inda no Himekishi Janne 02 !
    May be some people are waiting for your!
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