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  • My Lady~

    It's been a while hasn't it :3? How have you been doing these days?
    Everything going well?
    Haven't been around a lot lately due to Finals.. just had one. 8 more to go :deadsad:
    But not matter what, I can make some time to visit my friends on ASF ^^

    Take Care~!
    Hiya renano~ (^o^)/

    Really? I just changed the colour of my profile~ Not doing to much! XD
    I want to change it with some picture, but I didn't know how to do it~ :alopro:
    And thanks~ My profile picture is from otome game that I really like for now~
    I put it as my profic when I found it~ :P

    Ah, I know that feeling too, but I can't resist the cute clothes~ :blushing:
    Thats why I keep doing my window shopping~ :P

    Yep I have~ mostly its chocolate cake! And jelly with fruit flavor~
    And talk about jelly makes me remember the jelly that my mom make two days ago~
    Its really delicious~ I want to eat it again~ :blushhappy:

    Maybe, because I drink coffee more than drink tea~ ^^

    Well, mostly I buy the one with flower decoration or the one that have lace decoration..
    I also buy the design directly, not the nails.. just the design~ I can just put it into my nails everywhere I want! :blushhappy:

    Yepp, especially when you have a round one~ Its so cute and fluffy~ xD
    You can sewing them? I never done it before.. ^^

    See ya around Renano~
    Sit just mix well together xD like Sushi and Soy Sauce xD
    I like to see how human beings struggle through the daily life in Netherlands :P This country will turn into Greece very soon if the government doesn't do a thing xD
    That's true :) L eats sweets all the time xD
    i kinda hoped it would get you laughing.
    here ~~ aaaaah .....

    These guys have a lot of time on their hands to respond to you quickly...

    No no, thank you for being there for me (:

    I wish I could make my signatures better than Dav's. So far that isn't working out, he's way better than me.

    I like to snuggle with my pillows after a long day :3

    I could dance longer, but I wasn't in the right attire to be dancing. Ex. Hoodie and jeans.

    No, not really. I don't find much amusement at the amusement parks I go to during the Summer.

    Common sense is indeed hard to find nowadays. I may be one of the few who still have it.

    That may be the case. I do appreciate what you're doing for me and the others, renano. Thank you.

    I guess you could say that. There's always another person who joins the group at times.

    Yeah, the doctor told me to drink some 'Anti-bias' medicine.
    Not a problem Senorita ^^

    It is some pretty hefty work to do but the result is always excellente (excellent lol)

    I hope you and everyone you cherish has a great and wonderful day ^^

    /me big hugs renano ^^
    At your service:fulfilled:

    Renano,last year or was it this year in a writing in english test i had to write about me watching a thrilling movie,i wrote:

    i was watching a thrilling movie and eating kfc party meal,big sized popcorn,corn all for myself until i heard a noise a so i took a piece of chicken as a weapon then i walked slowly but i found out that it was just a cat scratching on the windows so i killed the cat i needed to hide it so i threw it on my neighbors backyard then returned to watch the movie i got thirsty so i drinked a pepsei then orange juice then water but again i heard a sound from the backyard so i took a chicken with katchup and left to the backyard i found the neighber burying something so i jumped 360 and threw the chicken with the katchup on it and got him a head shot he died i found out that he was burying a cat with the cat i killed so i needed to hide the man but there was no time so i cut him to pieces then made a barbecue and continued to watch the movie their were too much food left so i threw the them in the garbage and found out it was too late so i've gone to bed the next day the police came and investigated the missing neighbor they reported that the man was killed by two cats then the cats tried to bury him but half the way they got hungry so they ate the man so the two cats got poisoned and died.

    so renano,what do you think??
    Hi, just dropping by, what's good.. (*ゝω・*)
    Hope everything is cool
    a relative (not really by blood, it's just that whoever is a child of your parent's friends is considered a cousin from where I'm from) is on holiday to The Netherlands for a good two weeks.. So I'll be really inactive for a while to keep her company! Also just finished translating a track that was a pain in the bum-bum to translate, but other than that I'm pretty much almost done with school!

    Oh, and grandma asked her to get rid of some of my crap that has been laying around in her home in Kanazawa.. So she's kindly saved some space in baggage to bring me some CDs, books and mags (not the dirty ones) to bring over here; so yeah, have a good single that I bought last time I was in Japan, if you're interested!

    And you know what, I'll just throw in another album I have.. Pretty bad Hip-Hop in my opinion, but definately good (party) music (´ゝ∀・`)
    besides, Hip-Hop culture is all about innovation, so this isn't that bad.. Love the track with PUSHIM, definately something different

    Enjoy! (o´^ω ^`) Remember if you have requests.. You know who to ask! Currently waiting to actually buy the new album coming out from EVISBEATS

    Anyways, I'm out, I'll be popping in and out with my phone once in a while but take care of my threads will you? Hope the English-translated Hip-Hop lyrics thread will get some notice here, maybe can get some convertsヽ(*´^`)ノ
    Hello again, just taking a break for a while. And yes, visualization (a.k.a. Imagination) plays a big part on the things that the likes of me does, a simple yet very important ability, that everyone can do.

    Anyway, thanks for your words, right now, I am still not hearing any updates from them or from my friend who is a fellow Psychic, which makes me very anxious, though I will try to be calm and proceed to the important things I need to do so that I can further help my friend... I am not a doctor, so this is the only way I can help my friend right now, through the use of my abilities and asking help from others who are also capable of helping Miya.

    Also, thanks for the positive thoughts, good thing you guys are there, I have a feeling I cannot do this alone, or rather, me, doing all the work, will not be enough to help Miya...

    Ahaha, strange thing is I had a dream about her, PMing me in that gaming forums and stuff, I was really happy, but by the time I woke up, I realized it was just a dream, I went to check my inbox in that forums but no messages... on the bright side, it may be a premonition, I used to have that a lot, so maybe it didn't came true today, but it will in a few more days, I really hope Miya will wake up soon... even the doctors said we can't do anything but wait for her to wake up... not to mention she has a risk of having an amnesia by the time she woke up... my poor friend... what did she do to deserve all of that... even as a child... but no... I will drag her out of that hell, I will do my best.

    My emotions are really mixed right now, but instead of giving in, I will just have to concentrate on the things I need to do, so that I can further assure Miya's safety. Thanks again for your words~.

    These tasks I am doing are so important, yet very, very tiring to do, I can't help but take a break, even if I want to finish them in one sitting, sigh... I hope it's not yet too late... but I will do my best.
    I did once and it was all gloomy and darky xD
    But oh well we need both laughing and frowning and thats what make us human:)
    And thanks for the sweets xD I think will gain weight from such a delicious cake :3
    Haha~ a very perceptive way of thinking. I believe that smiling will also make others happy and can be seen as a natural cure to many things. ^_^

    Yes, I really like the sig. Its simple, and I like simple.

    Heh, Illyasviel is adorable~ One of my favourite characters from Type-Moon.

    If you don't mind me asking, what are your hobbies?

    And I hope to hear from you again too~

    See you around~ :bye:
    Yep~ I always do that too! Especially if I found some unique clothes, I will imagine how do I look if I wear it.. ;P

    Well, I can't handle to many bitterness.. But I can handle sweet nicely~ But not too much also.. XD

    Ah, I like mocca too~ And I didn't care about the caffeine.. i dunno why, but even after i drink coffee, I still feel sleepy and fell asleep.. :deadsad:

    Yep its really fun! But so hard and need really long times~ Sometimes i just buy nail art that already made, so I just put it in my nails.. ^^

    I like stuffed animals too, but the big one~ because it feels really nice when I hug it~ :blushhappy:

    I like to buy some earrings too and some necklace~ I like to buy earrings and necklace that have the same design~

    Thank you for the sweet~ I really like it, especially it served by two cute little girl~ To much cuteness! XD

    I'm also happy to know you more! See you again Renano! ^^
    Yep, I like to shopping too sometimes.. but mostly I just do some window shopping because my lack on cash.. :P

    Wow, I can't drink it black... I can't handle the bitterness.. XD

    Well, mostly I shop for some cute accesories or some cute jacket.. These days I really like to buy cute jackets~ For accesories these day I'm interested to do some nail art~ :D
    How about you renano?

    Ah, and my favorite coffee is cappucino~ XD
    Well, i must go now... :x
    have a nice time and good luck~~ *kisses renano's forehead* (heard it brings good luck)
    bye~ bye~
    Hello nya~

    Hmm fishing~ Ive been fishing quite a few times before but always caught them... oddly... mostly the smaller fish that follow moving stuff... and usually not through the mouth... :x

    I might not have the SSS vs Tenshi scene where it is... it seems a bit... too much... though i like how the thunder follows through every screen... and without that scene it also seems a little emptier...

    Your profile is quite nice too~ The background seems cute and playful while the other images seem more refined~ Neutral tones cover the back and compliment the simpler designs you put around :3

    Hmm yes though i do wish i studied harder in high school xD I try to retain memories that i find to be enjoyable~ And i suppose thats what life is~ Pursuit of happiness~ We do everything so that there may be happiness later~

    Hmm though i suppose body language is quite a factor in addition to the silence~ If you cant trust your right hand man then who can you trust? xD But in the end its just advice and you get the final say~

    Hmm whenever im in a crowd i never quite feel part of the crowd... usually just an intruder in a larger mass of people...

    Hmm yes... money is quite dirty... some people arent that great with hygiene... and its used by those same corrupt people ruining the world... mehs... As for having too much.. well idk i never really use it anyway...

    Hugs... well i probably gave about one real hug before and maybe even that one shouldnt be counted... i find them to be awkward... dont really know what to do... :x Embraces from side to side?

    Hmm not too much... i usually get really familiar with something before experimenting~
    Hmm i dont think i will... :x Just be among family and stuff~ harder to die in a group... if more difficult to survive overall with people's needs...

    Well yeah world wouldnt be quite as fun if everyone was the same~ Compromise means that they still keep their respective views but went with a somewhat neutral view~

    Hmm our interests divide here quite a bit xD I suppose the way they seem to linger in my imagination would be my reason for disliking them~

    Well a saint xD Is that really a bad thing~ But i suppose that sadism of yours isnt necessarily a bad thing either~

    Lol a lot xD But why not~ Randomness is enjoyable even if its only really randomness to others and i know exactly why i said something or not~

    The opening songs are quite useful for picking up random words as i would hear it over and over till the anime ended xD

    Ehh.... zombies... i dont think they would appreciate pokes much :x

    Hmm i dont really know how :x All that stuff sort of hidden off somewhere...

    I guess... somewhat of a weak connection though...
    It always nice to see you too! ^^

    I see, your mother like to shopping? :)

    Yes, it sure is nice~ though these day I only drink coffee to hold my sleeping desire... ^^
    to be honest... it was something... but ill wait untill you get online to tell you that personaly via PM
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