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  • Thanks for all the sweet little things! (Ok, with my name/avatar/badge this sounds a bit wrong :S but I hope you get what I mean)
    Hello Renano~~ (^o^)/
    How are you today? XD

    LOL, Thanks so much! I like that kind of colour~ :3
    But I like blue sky the most! ^^

    Thank you so much renano! XDD
    It works! XDD

    Ahh, well.. because I didn't understand japanese language I can't read it.. I only play the game~ And the sequel still in my list! I haven't play it too, I didn't have some free times to play some games these day... :deadsad:

    Yep! I like kittens too! And puppy also~ They're soo cute~~ I want to hug them all days~ :fullblush:

    I like truffles too~ and yup! My mom often make some jelly and bake some cakes! And they're really delicious~ :blushhappy:

    Ah yepp, sometimes its burn my tongue too... TT^TT

    Yeshu~ It takes time to put it in the right position~ But when I finished its soo cute! xP

    Wow! you're talented! I cannot do anything like sewing~ and.. stuffed animals~~ :bigeyes:

    I hope you will be healthy and happy too renano chan~~
    I'm not a good writer, hoho~ But yeah I have a blog
    There's an otome sharing thread at Nihonomaru if you're interested~
    And for news blog I know theres VisuaNovelAer and for updates === :D
    No I just started out last year, like you I also played eroge and bishoujo games first then got into English Otome games and after I discovered this place; well the rest was otome games~ XD
    Do you maintain a blog?

    my badddddd...... T_____T miss u okaaaaaaa-san... :deadsad:

    pls bear with this when i goo to journey find my identity...

    Im like.... want Roxas from Kindom hearts.... if someone could create and awesome pic on him i would be like very gratefull... since.... problably he is the only one i could cosplay like lol.
    hmm otherwise... i don't know about signature.... (lol changed subject sorry)
    Aoyagi... :x i have him on skype :x
    though.. he have been offline for a while.
    Listening to music and chatting asf~~ yes~~
    and nyaa~~ /me rubbs his head against renano
    Im free from school today~ so im just at home relaxing~~
    And it's a bliss to get your greeting~~
    Woooooow, those are a lot of animes. :l I guess I really missed a lot of good ones. :( I'm really not into VNs and such.. Specially when it you need to "read" hahaha.~ The subject/plot should be interseting enough for me to really read it out till the end. But, I do read manga.^^

    Oh no, thank you^^ You and many ASF members have been really supportive.^^ You also shared your time with me so I'm glad. :) I hope we can talk again soon! Have a great week.~
    Yes always a pleasure to chat with you too :3

    Well caught the gill before and stuff :x

    It works well atm but i feel that the scene is a bit much xD Makes my profile seems more hectic than it needs to be~ Maybe a simpler scene would work better~

    Hmm so youre changing the theme of it every time? xD I suppose thats pretty fun too :3

    Well im pretty sure most if not all people like happiness~ Achievement is something we search for throughout our life~ Need to have a goal of sorts or life might get somewhat boring~

    Hmm dont particularly believe fortune tellers and psychics... probably some trick behind it... sometimes the stuff they say would just be common sense... not that ive ever been to one myself :/

    Ehh well as i said before i usually just exist... just another person in the crowd except not interacting much with anyone... usually find some way to entertain myself though~

    I have not once drawn from my allowance xD My dad gave me a credit card and i only used it once when he told me to so yeah i dont really use money at all... unless however much dinner costs counts...

    Ohh... weell ehh probably experienced both before but i wasnt the one hugging xD

    I try to minimize mistakes that could be made so i give it a bit of practice first~
    Chocolate zombies... then people would be the ones eating the zombies xD And the zombies biting back... well guess that makes them even? idk xD

    Zombies and humans xD But zombies dont really think? They kind of just react to their hunger or something...

    Hmm a movie xD You seem to be thinking about movies quite a bit today~ Not sure how that particular movie would turn out~ But i guess it would be interesting.... actually i think you would just be chasing me with stuff the whole time and i would be running away xD

    Hmm i doubt i could be a saint either xD Saint is quite extreme and im usually quite neutral~

    Well no one is truly random~ Its just that they have more connections to a certain though that others would think of for that instance so it seems random to them~ Bubblegum~ Hmm actually i dont know where that came from... i was thinking about the google thing... hmm actually i think i might know where it came from xD

    Ehh well any song that they show the lyrics of and is used continually throughout the anime can be useful for picking up words~

    Chocolate... i think these zombies would need to mutate really fast and either be able to escape hordes of kids or fight them off easily xD

    Lol hmm geeky side... i wonder what would be mine~ im pretty sure the stuff i know isnt too geeky~

    It would probably be a good idea to strengthen it...
    SURE! ;D thanks for adding me too! you're the first one to add me up too thanks, really haha! ^^
    Rice and raw eggs with soy sauce goes together as well you just need to get used to the taste of it XD
    The government here aren't trying their best as it fell apart so the 18+ here need to vote in a few months for a new one before Netherlands is poor as hell
    A nice didn't notice it :3 maybe I will see them XD as the chance is probably 10 to 35% or something XD
    I am jealous of L being smart and eating sweets without getting fat XD
    And thanks :D I feel honoured.
    Crap I didn't notice this...
    How rude of me...
    Thanks Renano! Blah, I really am having a hard time being active in the forums;
    too many games to play, anime to watch, and VNs to read. :deadsad:
    triple glomp?? xD ... .///.
    thats too much for me XD

    the only voices i heard were hideki, genki, dav, kealy, mix0r and pacchan :D

    and if CV still had it, it would prove SO useful against sam~ >:3
    but well...since its gone, whatever~
    well, as long as you enjoy replying everything should be fine :)

    and sam spoke one skype? o.O

    i asked him as well...he wont ever hear my voice again <.<
    nyahahaha :lmao:

    i have come to poke back, as you wished xD

    how are you doing? busy with replying i guess~
    sounds like a hassle :)
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