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  • How cute!!They do like eachother It seems :D

    I would also want to show you my cat if that is not a problem for you :goodtea:
    It's going to be immediate pre-order. I don't care for the price. Can't leave the set incomplete. And it's based off of one of Taka Tony's artwork so yea, MUST HAVE <3

    Pretty awesome tbh. Love the base :0 Man, Kotobukiya is really on a roll lately. So many great figures to come from them ^^
    250, whoa >_> Well, it's Miyazaki we're talking about so, no surprise there imo.

    Kotobukiya is going release some new figures for pre-order soon. Like, OMFG this one is going to be instant pre-order :shinies:

    I was hoping it would be made into a figure like the other 2 and Kotobukiya answered my prayers <3 Now I'll probably have to wait for about 4 to 6 months till it's release... :deadsad:
    I'm the opposite. I watch more shows than movies.
    There are really good ones out there with 13 or 24 episodes that you have to see. And if you start watching a new show, it's only a weekly episode so there's not much time lost. Only bad thing is that when an episode ends in a cliff hanger, it's a damn long until the next episode x3
    I haven't even seen Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke.. :forsaken: I do have both on my drive but I can't get myself to watch it for some reason, even when I know they're both really good shows.
    Hello again ~

    He's all okay,even ate his food and sleeps like a baby as always x)

    I guess it was because of that fish
    Ah I see, please do. I want to hear your thoughts on the Clannad Series too :3

    Any others in the feels department? Let's see..:
    - Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 (Holy shit this one took me by much surprise. I didn't expect much of it but god damn)
    - Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai (A must see. Slow paced in the beginning but picks up after 2 episodes or so and it's only 10 episodes)
    - Angel Beats (Will always have a special place in me as it's the first show in general that got me crying this much, 13 episodes)
    - Grave of Fireflies (.. ;-; )
    - Hotarubi Mori no E (short movie of 45min, highly recommended)
    - Kobato (May seem childish at first but stick with it, definitely a good watch
    Y-You haven't? ;-; Please, go watch it some time (soon x3) It's a classic that everyone should've seen. Clannad is based of a Visual Novel. The Anime is 23 episodes and it basically follows the routes of the VN itself. Pretty good anime with good romance and drama.
    First lemme ask you: Are you the type of person that actually feels for the characters and gets into the story when watching something? In general, not only for anime.
    Clannad After Story..now that's a whole different story. It's a direct continuation of Clannad and a Master Piece. It isn't the 7th highest fan scored anime of all time for no reason. 24 episodes of slice of life, comedy and drama. If you're even the slightest bit soft-hearted, you're in for one hell of ride. Like I mentioned in the LPW, even years after seeing the anime, I can't listen to some OST without goosebump or moist eyes. But hey opinions differ and everyone reacts in a different way. But it's worth a watch for it entire run. I have the entire series saved on my external drive. I'm meaning to watch it again some time but I can't get myself to do it.

    Just give it a try and see what you think~
    While we are on the subject on feels and sad stuff in LPW, have you seen Clannad and Clannad After Story? :3
    XB1 Exclusive!? Omfg ._.

    LMAO, I always have retarded teammates too when playing online on games like CoD >_>
    Sounds like you're having fun x3

    I've played Halo a very long time ago. Don't remember anything. It'll be nice to start all over with Halo 5 :3
    lmao! That's why I prefer PS over Xbox xD
    Have you gotten to play it yet :3?

    EDIT: I see you requested a reupload of Monobeno. You little pervert x3
    Thank you for searching up for this dear,you're really kind!
    It would be nice not to blow early leads. :(

    Week after London is our bye week.
    nope, not doing it. i saw one trailer of MGSV and it showed me that quiet was a buddy. didn't wanna know. it would've been an awesome surprise. not watching trailers. nope
    I guess thats a good reason..but well even adults love kinder for example me xD

    Well,if you ever visit turkey again just choose any market and you'll find all kind of surprise egg xD
    Lol xD

    They're everywhere even not only kinder many company produce their own choco egg xD

    im so shocked to hear that because its u.s @-@ americaa xD
    Yeah man, you gotta say positive. Might have lost this year, but you have a young team with some playoff experience you can't be in a better position.

    Plus this means I can hope for a Yankees v Cubs in 2016 :D
    Yeah same. But she is 55 so far. so she is doing okay.
    Döner is life XD

    Though I only eat it when I go out with my friends <.<
    Its everywhere on turkey lol xD
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