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  • Yup true that. The only one done good was Clannad. And I've heard Little Busters was done Ok too.
    That's the part I meant! fucking hilarious! :spitlaugh:
    But you know what? They left away that part in the anime which made me sad. Don't watch the anime btw, it's bad and very rushed.
    when you play the sequel, play tsubame's route last. that one is much longer than any of the other ones
    yeah, S is the sequel. it has continuations of previous routes, and some new ones too
    The lack of proper lighting makes it hard to see the figure clearly
    and ruins the shots tbh. Cute though.
    Oh that part, lol x3 Already have a favorite character yet? :3

    I see you DL'd KoiChoco. Is it difficult to get the patch working? D:
    Ooh that's great then. I wouldn't have accepted the extra costs, I'd ask the post office/Mandarake to do something about it since it wasn't your fault.

    Yea I know. How far are you/which route are you on? ^^
    There's one part with Michiru where I literally had to pause the game because I was lolling that hard XD
    About damn time! :runhappy: Pics looks nice and I got my dat ass pic so I'm satisfied x3

    Haha yea I know, the comedy in Grisaia is on point. I lolled a lot too XD

    Yea I've seen the spin-offs too. Didn't get to download it yet though. I think I will eventually =)
    it was interesting. not great. i'm already on michiru's route now

    i'm largely playing the VN for the art
    that's good. i decided my route pattern for koichoco. Chisato--> Isari--> Satsuki--> Michiru--> Mifuyu. i saved Mifuyu for last because i like her, and i think she'll have the most dramatic route
    Rogers just got called for intentional grounding at his own 10.

    Oh heck... Lions pass interference. :(
    I've decided to let that one figure I showed you go: This one
    Here's the original GIF:

    Why? 1. They changed her mischievous expression to a surprised one in the figure. Let ruined one of her charms.
    2. Her clothing is obviously black, dunno why they gave it a blue hue in the figure.. same goes for her eyes, they aren't blue either.

    Shame though, the rest of the figure is flawless.. :deadsad:
    It's been a whule since I played it bit I remember doing Sachi first and finishing with Amane. To be fair, save Amane for last. It'll leave a great feeling finishing the VN.
    Start with Michiru, it's probably the lesser route. Don't get me wrong though, I liked her route too, to some extent.
    It's a lot of reading but as I mentioned, it's an enjoyable read. The comedy is spot on and great voice acting.
    Haha yea, I did :3

    No snow for us for the time being it seems..Just...Rain..and rain.. :deadsad:
    It's hard to say really. It depends on your reading speed and of you don't skip (or skip) some (H-) scenes. According to VNDB, it's well over 50 hours of reading.
    But its hours and hours of reading but fun reading and good stories (apart from 1 which is slightly odd, you'll notice)
    /me flips Elos
    No gentle, just stay away =_=

    Unfortunately she doesn't have a route. Kinda sad because I like her too :3
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