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  • It is possible! The game creators can do it!
    You can play like a pro! I can't!
    My imouto doesn't like me. What!!?? I meant you keep taking care of your imouto, so i thought she must be 8-12 years old.
    o_O what is the last show you did? Now i am interested which group you are in~
    >_>. I probably take years to reach the cap.
    A rorikon and imocon always have them!
    Suggestions on easy carry hero to play? Melee dies easily.
    Oddly when i played range heroes, I don't die that much like killed by tower when i play melee hero.
    I don't like shotas! Manma is hilarious!

    So you are a yuricon?:P
    You interested in adopting more imoutos!
    WHAT? Anything wrong with that?
    Just finished A channel 07~
    I want all 50%~
    Slowly read though~
    What if she doesn't accept the lollipop? Lol, sounds like 8-12 years old only >_>
    AWESOME! Are you doing any anime this season?
    How long you going to take to lvl 200? The highest is still lvl 200 right?
    Are you hiding lolis in your closet too?
    What hero you recommend to learn first? I always use PA.
    You adorable-con! I think Kazuma is gay for Ayumu LOLOL.
    What do you think of Manma?:P

    ...... ;_;
    So you watched any yaoi anime or played any yaoi games?
    I am repeating it every day~ I am watching Madoka anime the third time~
    Win her in terms of size?XD
    o_O, by a lot?
    Heh, jap still sucky and half-assed.
    Doubt lollipop will change anything >_>. LOL, given you keep taking care of her, i thought the gap is like 8-10yrs~
    UWA! /me respects Nemu chan. You tell me you didn't know jap or you doing other jobs? Doing any series this season?
    What job are you going to be?
    You both are~
    I AM SO NOOB, don't want to make ppl lose >_>.
    Lol, whosyourdaddy! I guess i will play with ai ;_;.
    o_O now you are a shotacon! You want everything adorable to be your imouto/otouto`
    Anaru's name makes me laugh hard~

    Don't de9, accept your real feelings~
    Eek, so you are a fujoshi? Yaoi is no no for me!
    What? There is nothing wrong with that!
    Adorable troll :P. She keeps trolling Yuuko~
    Yeah, that's what all the tsunderes say!
    Ehh, of course I do. And yep I have. Why, you jelly? (゚∀゚)
    Alright then. I wish Nemu-chan would turn the way I and Kou want her to be - that way all the wishes will be appended~

    Aru yo! You always stop saying something midway, making us curious as to what you want to but don't say!
    It's not! I swear I'm not dreaming within a dream within a dream within a dream...
    B-baka! Who'd love girls like tsundere or anything! Don't think highly just because you're a tsundere! Hmph~ (don't we love the hmph's~)
    Eh? Where? Where to hit me?

    I see. Do you actually not like her or anything though, if I may ask?
    Ahh, he's just horribly missing his girl atm :p
    Not really, since she dislikes my big sister (which I also do lol) and to some extent also my dad, which leaves it down to me and my mom by whom she likes to get treated lol
    And yeah, she is ^^ Ah, I'm never giving her to you, you hear!?
    I took 3 months to get to 3rd job!
    Dota is harder so you more pro. /me respect.
    Then how?>_> My imouto isn't nice as your imouto~ Btw how much is the age gap between you and your imouto?
    You always bully me by not telling me anything! Hmph!
    Starting anew in maple? I suck at MMOs too.
    Even iggy says you are an imocon, rorikon and tsundere~
    I did read them, i just don't know how to apply them.
    Today i feed again in a stranger's match, they call me to leave game :(.
    There must be someone most moe~ It is impossible to stay unbiased.
    Anaru is more tsun tsun. Nokemon!

    It makes sense, it is a fact that yuri is adorable and awesome~
    No, you gain more points unless you like yaoi. Girl X girl relationship is sacred and holy!
    >_>. I appreciate excellent stuffs.
    Tohru is a troll~
    Yeeess~ I'm so bored I'm looking at some DMC4 pictures lol.. xD
    *spank**spank**spank* o.o
    Woah, grind so much till reaching 4th job~
    Uwa, you dota addict. /me bows down and respect Nemu chan.
    Uuu~ Then, i just give you mine without any conditions~
    Ehehe? Tell me!
    Like your imouto and dota~
    Oh you! Tsundere!
    Hmm, I did use/read them before, but i still noob, or may be I don't actually know how to put them to use.
    I don't even think i can recall if there is one hero i can use nicely.
    No! Like Tohru from A channel is the most moe this season for me!
    It is still the same sound~ Main char? Everyone look like main chars to me~

    Reasonable/realistic logic~
    Yea, nothing wrong with yuri between homuhomu and Madoka~
    I am just impressed how well made the video is~ Like the beginning homu reset time, then introduction of chars and their darkness, then the tragedies and so on :P.
    I want to hug Tohru~
    First symptom: denial. ╹ω╹ Mmm I guess, after all girls are fluffy and cuddly, aren't theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey~
    Yes~! I wish Nemu-chan to be an imocon no more, and to be yuri and oneecon, and to be tsundere no more, and to be more honest /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    But you always do the same yourself! You always make us force you to tell us something! Happens to both me and Kou, even!
    I-it's not like I like tsundere or anything dakara ne~ Don't get it wrong! Hmph. Meanie, meanie, meanie!
    /me says ouch

    Ah, is that so? I guess it heavily depends on personal preferences, like how Check gives no damn to his rl friends and keeps wishing to have an imouto (though I keep telling him that it shouldn't be the reason why he wants one >_>). I have one but I think I'm fine with both her and my rl friends - she doesn't make it hard for me to hang out with my friends or whatever ^^
    I only reach 3rd job at maple~
    wtf...i played dota for 3 years (albeit on and off a lot) but still noob! YOU SO PRO!
    Lets switch imoutos :3.
    Hmm, then what secret are you referring to?
    Lol, you learning Jap like most of the ppl here?
    Well, i guess i succeeded :P.
    In-depth? What? Teach me!
    There must be one char that is MOST MOE.
    Dat flower sounds so funny >_>. I like Poppo the most~

    Being a yuricon is a good thing hence a good example.
    I see you love yuri between Homuhomu and Madoka.
    OH GOD I CAN'T STOP WATCHING IT. The more i watch, the more awesome. Arranged excellently, like the ending fights.
    You want to hug everything!
    Oh, you tsun~ Yes, of course I do! Who wouldn't prefer something fluffy and cuddly to something sharp?
    Sure, why not? Coobie is cute after all /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Nah nah nah, nyahahaha~~~ Why do you always want to know anyway D<
    W-what have I done to receive that tsun kind of treatment now? Fine, I won't tell you either! Hmph~

    Fue, extra burden? You mean of having to take care of your imouto?
    I didn't quit though. I only lose a few things but i rage hard.
    4th year of VN, how about your dota?
    To be honest, I don't like imoutos that much, must be caused by RL imouto.
    About the secret you keeping. You are fansubber?
    Depends, you jap skills very good?
    But I don't see you turning into yuricon or oneecon~
    But i never improve even playing that much.
    Uuu~ You don't find any character most kawaii?
    LOL DAT FLOWER. I am getting bittersweet vibes for the ending.

    Older can't corrupt?
    You already played them, so it is a first step. ONE MORE AWESOME VID.
    Ui or Madoka more adorable?
    Maple needs effort and time.
    I think you dota more than me playing VNs.
    Imoutos are always adorable! Of course, she is my imouto! << evidence of imocon :P.
    Tell me! Tell me~
    Well, at least sometime you can sorta understand them.
    I only admit to corrupting you becoming a yuricon and oneecon~
    I got pawned, and making the team lose. FEEDER!
    So you like Hoshizora the most? Ano Hana is slowly becoming top in my list >_>

    Corrupting you~
    Nah~ Play more naughty yuri games~
    Madoka from hoshizora?
    Oh really? (oh, you!) Something sharp? Why not something fluffy and cuddly instead?
    I'm a pretty open person with a broad range of preferences, so I'll be fine with most (´・ω・`)

    Eh... I'll leave it at that, I guess.
    In a different way? What do you exactly mean? In a good or bad way? >_>

    ಠ_ಠ You imocon! I thought girls your age would like to have an older sister instead :o
    Me too, I gave my pass to friend so I am not sure is him or hacker orz.
    Well, they are all games :P.
    My imouto is not~ But you love your imouto!
    Secret O_O. I am going to assume you are a fansubber!
    Hanji and Kanji have some similarities~
    Heh, pretty sure you got corrupted before you met me, must be iggy! Cause I only turn ppl into those 2!
    At least pro than me. Uuu~ I didn't dota for 1 year and very newbie, only play mini games from time to time.
    So which series most moe and adorable this season?:P

    Don't resists! Embrace it!
    Playing naughty yuri games :P.
    You hitting (on) me? (Oh, my!) Mmm, felt as if a mosquito bit me (゚∀゚)
    Dunno, why ask me? Use your instinct as a girl~

    True! I can see the unseen and touch the untouchable :o
    Hmm... do you mean stuff like the Annoying Orange, Will It Blend?, Equals Three etc? (google those if you dunno lol)

    Oh? No one said you can't be both - why not be a full-fledged siscon and admit to loving both oneechans and imoutos?☆
    I actually do! Perhaps you just did it wrong that I couldn't feel it (´・ω・`)

    Because I know everything :o Muhahahaha
    Yes, that too! Also stuff like Double Rainbows and El Shaddai~

    And, *points below* I support Kou's intention to turn you into a yuricon and oneecon (・∀・)
    *gets hit and feels nothing*

    But, Nemu-chan! You'll eventually get exposed to things like Nyan Cat and whatnot... it's best to know them early :3
    Lol, still rmb i have noob items in maple story!
    Why can't compare?:p
    Is you imouto adorable? Just admit it~
    o_O you know a lot. You tl anime before?
    Hmm, you learned chinese in SG?
    WHAT? I didn't turn you into an imocon or lolicon. I will probably turn you into a yuricon and oneecon.
    Ppl who are better than me are pro so you are pro! I do play dota :P.
    @_@ a lot, following Deadman wonderland and Ai no exorcist?

    Yes! I see you are slowly turning into our side!
    Sono Hanibira series?:P
    LOL, you really listened to the video entirely? Took it around 30 seconds to break me and make me stop watching (゚∀゚)
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