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  • i wish it was just mewtwo. all the ones i still need to catch are very difficult. an example would be totodile. to get one, you have to trade it from heartgold/soulsilver and transfer it to black/white 2. then you have to put it on the pokemon bank (which is a paid service) and then i think you can finally put it on pokemon X/Y. i have to do that around 150 times. also, i need to get a 41 different legendaries/event exclusives
    maybe, but i don't know how the online works. it could be region locked for all i know.
    not immediately after. a couple of months or years will go by, and i'll either delete it to free up space, or i've gotten a new computer
    i like the game mostly because of nostalgia. it's a game i played when i was 10-12 years old, and it was the funnest thing ever.i still install it on my computer every once in a while to play it XD
    i can, and i will :objection:

    you can have your own preference all you want as long as you enjoy and respect the diablo series :raging:
    i will not be disqualified, for i am also the referee!!. i know, this battle is very biased
    You're my sweetheart too~:bigeyes: I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you :bigeyes: omg so happy~ ;-; daaaaawnnnnnnnnnnn ~~~<33333333333:nekopara_hug::nyanmusu_happy::nyanmusu_cheer::puniko_love::puniko_happy:
    I love you so much imouto <3
    i'm trying. that's why i haven't talked to her since july. it's sad, since she was my best friend, but i know if i'm around her, i won't be able to fully move on
    T-this makes me blush and super happy ~ :fullblush:
    yeah.......that's a long story that i'm tired of telling already :sigh:

    point is, i don't wanna love her anymore
    i don't have people i hate. i have a person i love, but it doesn't count if i'm trying not to
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