I tried to hook いけない子作り ~親友のお母さんに種付けしまくる1週間~ and 母さんのオトコ ~野獣のような男に牝の悦びを覚えさせられる最愛の母~ trial edition with the h-code "/HBN-18@6ED9E:neesan_no_kareshi.exe" (I changed the "neesan_no_kareshi.exe" with the current game .exe) and it did not work. Am I doing something wrong (Normally I just put the code in the blank space and press enter)? Or can someone tell me a working H Code for these? I am using ITH. By the way, I could play 姉さんのカレシ ~憧れの姉さんが親友と付き合い始めました~ and I highly reccomend it, the story is very simple, but the art and the Nukige factor are very good, I am anxious for the 母さんのオトコ release.
Other thing, most of the Atelier Sakura games are good to hook without H-Code, but their new release "エンジェルゲーム trial edition" have a little annoying thing, the best hook do not get the full name of the characters, this already happened to me in other Atelier Sakura games, there is a H Code do fix this?
When I have the time, I will try to learn how to make my own h codes.
Ah, and by far the game I am most hyped for is 妻の媚肉を弄る父の太い指 ~知らぬ間に父のモノになっていた愛妻(つま)は、悦びの喘ぎとともに腰をうねらせていた~ , that is because I really liked the art, direction and ntr of 壁の向こうの妻の嬌声 ~愛する妻の肢体はもう、隣の旦那を忘れられない~, the story could be more complex to add even more ntr, but it is really one of my favorites ntr games.