Visual Novel Cafe

Finished A-5 and clearly they don't bother at all about story as long as they got nice h-scene lol, Yoshitsune story was bland, Margit route was so short because additional character (basically they just throw many character in 1 route), and Takae story was so absurd that it works for me, minato literally want to play bad so the expectation will not as high as now lmao, oh my stomach hurts.........
Good news, the newest version of Purely X Cation's crack fixes the issues I've been having, I should have waited a few days before starting it but... nah, I don't regret it even though I've had to play through Sumire's route three times (one time on normal, one on easy to confirm the stats problem, and once more on normal with the fixed crack). The last run was pretty nice, the stats checks are not that harsh and unlock short scenes in which I could really feel the MC and Sumire grow closer to each other.

Succeeding at the various checks was as I expected not that difficult, and I'm quite disappointed at how easy it is to get them all at once. The reduction in the number of stats is probably to blame, along with the disappearance of items. Just focusing on Strengh, Knowledge and the heroine's hobby seems to be the way to go, along with paying attention to the text for special locations to visit and gather event-specific items. I'm kinda sad there's no more "Give Present/No Present" choice in the middle of the route either, it used to offer a little variation in situations in the previous games that made replaying routes enjoyable while trying to complete the item list.

I'll probably play at least Minami Mai's route eventually, Sumire's super cute and her route was very relaxing, but so far I can't say I liked it as much as the other games. I also don't approve of the direction the series is going : less and less game elements and noteworthy stories since the pinnacle that was Lovely X Cation 2.

I played a bit of ChuableSoft's latest あなたをオトコにしてあげる! as well, completing Rika's route. As much as I like ChuableSoft, this time around it really didn't work out that well. The common route was honestly pretty bad, with the heroines approaching the MC in very obvious ways but with him discarding it all as simple teasing. Add to that the usual 'accidents' leading to lucky sukebe, and a series of gags and situations that I didn't find very funny, and it was kind of a chore to read through. Halfway through it's possible to finally try to get closer to one heroine, but impossible to really focus on one. I don't like when MCs are yuujuufudan but I can cope with it usually. However, when the game apparently gives me a choice but forces my hand anyway so that I have to make the MC flirt with everyone, I absolutely hate it. Since its ChuableSoft I kept going but otherwise I would have probably stopped right there.

Once entering Rika's route the game was not all that bad though, the plot points were a little too easy to predict and the contest not as spectacular as it was made out to be but it was enjoyable enough. Since the previous game had animated ecchi scenes I was expecting some as well but nope, none this time. There's also a bunch of reused backgrounds from previous games and the usual product placements, it's always been the case with ChuableSoft's games but this time around I felt more deja-vu than the usual. I'll probably leave it at that and not play the other three heroine's route, they're quite particular but I can't seem to find them cute enough to care.
Sumi's route was also the first in PurelyXCation I tried. I think it's been great how her character (subtly) changed over the course of her route, even though I haven't completed it yet. At the same time I also started Touka's route and love her playful character :). Mai seems to be like Honomi character-wise and that's perfectly fine for me. I know the latter was for some people pretty boring in PrettyxXCation 2, but I loved her route.

I also played into Wizards Complex. The main heroines are really adorable. However, I feel pretty bad for Iris, who got stuck with (so far) unlikable characters in the West Tower student council and who try to "sabotage" her interaction with the MC in the common route. If I were the MC I'd tell them to watch themselves, no matter how magicless he is.
I agree with kzel's earlier post in that I'm not that fond of "useless" MCs if the game wants to utilize the setting of the field he's useless in. Here it's some kind of magic battle between the two towers. If I had to guess, he'll probably discover his magic attunement during the respective routes as he clearly *has* magical energy in him but no element affinity, which in this setting is necessary to use magic at all.
So yeah, I HOPE that the West Tower trio around Iris will become more tolerable. Sharifa is gorgeous *lol* and they have their own (mini) sub-routes.

Del Sango has been pretty average so far. You have a girl with a talking hat, a chuunibyou, the cousin with the crush on the MC who is his self-proclaimed sister and a hologoram *lol*. The MC seems to be also pretty average. He has a little oddity when he hasn't his glasses on which will surely be used again. I'm interested on how Ame's route (the hologram girl) will be used, seeing what she is.
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Back to try English Seinarukana and forgot that this game was hard (my mind still stuck at Regalia kind of difficulty) if your character underlevel + not getting good rank mission + not getting right skill for boss battle, basically Megaman Classic Airman Difficulty orz, welp since i know what's wrong will play from start again. P.S to people that just want to play for story Cheat Engine always a solution
As for me, I've been giving なまラブ a try lately. It's oct works first game so no particular expectations. The game started fairly well and for once the common route was pretty interesting. The MC's way of thinking is somewhat unique and I can relate to his complaints. The various heroines are also, while nothing original, pretty cute in their own ways and the school festival burst of effort from the MC was a nice thing to follow. I liked how he gradually got closer to each of them. The BGM is heavy on piano which fits my tastes perfectly, and the whole atmosphere is relatively calm which is also to my liking. The drawings are alright if a little too generous on the chest sizes. The game uses E-mote which is a nice effort, but since it has no lip-sync it actually feels pretty weird when characters shift body positions when they talk but keep their mouths closed. I eventually turned it off.

Unfortunately the game falls apart pretty quick during character routes. I only played through Kotoha's so it may be different for the other characters but in her route, pretty much everyone other than the MC and her fades out of existence for no real reason, and the story progresses abruptly. Once the couple is formed, it's ecchi scene after ecchi scene, a tiny bit of drama, then more ecchi and credits rolls (then more ecchi in the epilogue...). At some point I was honestly wondering if I wasn't playing a Nukige, that's quite a shift from what the game looked like it would be from the common route and to me at least, a big disappointment.
I finished Himari's route in Dal Segno after I have been kept distracted with other things.
Her route was fine, short and brief. Once the mood shifted to the beginning of the drama, I knew what would happen. The drama itself was kept rather short. And you - the reader - are kept in the dark about the usual things, aka Medesu's existance: magic hijinx or some strange technology? BUT, given how her talking hat was important to her route, the (namable) MC and Medesu had surprisngly hardly any interaction. Let it have been two dialogues or so.

Hatsuki's route on the opposite felt quite slow-ish. Her drama and mytery element covered basically most of her route where the breather episodes were also connected to it.

D.S. pulls a lot on your suspension of disbelief. I'm sure the whole technical issue of the Island's futuristic system has been flying over my head but thanks to D.S' great scene recollection feature I can always type the dialogue in a JP word processing tool and look it up; should I feel like it of course *lol*.
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I've been jumping back and forth between a few titles lately. I don't usually do that but I still haven't found something that really caught my interest enough to play multiple routes back to back.

I've continued and finished Yoshitsune's route in 真剣で私に恋しなさい!A5. I liked the election's multiple choices and the little scenes that follow each decision. It's also one of the rare occasions in A5 so far in which Yamato actually makes himself useful rather than just follow along and watch the girls do all the work. Once the election is past it's sweet loving time with Yoshitsune interspaced with the usual short humorous scenes with random characters. It's not super interesting but I found it entertaining. The main event of the route that could be seen happening from a mile away, the fight between Aki and Yoshitsune, was okay and even has a few animated movies like in Tsubame's route back in Majikoi S. That leaves me with Margit's route left but according to the recollection screen, it's going to be filled with sex scenes...

I've also been giving a try to Dal Segno. I like the setting, the island is quite peculiar and mysterious, I'm sure there's going to be some big reveal in Ame's route which is probably unlocked after all the four other girls are dealt with. Those pendants are awfully suspicious. The MC can be really dense in the common route but once his mind is set is really dedicated to his lover.

So far I've played Io and Noeri's route. Io's route was the first I did and I found it pretty nice, seems like I have something for chuuni characters that can't maintain their act when pushed too much. Most of the route was fairly calm and pictured the MC and IO getting closer together progressively which was nice. It's my first Circus title so I don't know if that holds true for their other games but there's not much ecchi, one scene and a half I'd say, but that was enough and a nice breather from other games packed with them I've played lately. Once January rolls over it's time for some sudden drama but also time for the MC to show his dedication, I liked it a lot.

Noeri's route was not as great as far as I'm concerned, mainly because the MC sometimes acts (unintentionally) like a jerk towards her and is the trigger to the drama that occurs in her route. As with Io things went progressively and slowly but I found her route less funny that Io's, and the scenes had less impact overall. Maybe that's because the MC didn't really pull as much effort towards making Noeri win as he did with Io. Even the big confession scene just didn't resonate too much with me. Once the drama starts the MC once again shows some dedication but I found he got tired and ready to give up a little too fast, two weeks isn't that long.

Finally, I spent last Sunday on Purely x Cation playing Mai's route. As I suspected there's not too much story going on and it's mostly depicting a not so eventful daily life. I was expecting more interactions with the sweets shop but there wasn't that many, and I didn't really feel the MC's interest in Gourmet impact the relationship with Mai as much as Movies did with Sumire. In fact, I can't remember passing or failing any Gourmet test. I managed to get all but the last pure bonus on the last ecchi scene on my first run on normal. I only failed the basket match test, with 75 strength it still fails so there's probably some Sports needed as well.

It seems Mai is the character that follows the MC around as he explore the city this time, I always liked that in the previous games and wish the others heroines did the same. Mai's character took a turn for the unexpected halfway through and confirmed what I thought before : this time around there's a lot more effort put into ecchi scenes. The xCation series always had a large number of scenes but this time around they felt both longer and better written than most of Pretty x Cation 1&2. There's a little tiny bit of drama at the end but it's solved quickly, and an actual alternate ending (without credits), for what amounts to a nice, painless and heartwarming read.

As a small aside, I wonder why there's no "hibiki" choice in the Lovely Call system. All the other characters do call the MC by his name, at least if the default one is kept. I went for oniichan with Sumire and found it really integrated well in various lines, but for Mai it was a pretty tough choice. I eventually went for Kyou-kun (on-yomi of Hibiki) in the end but it's pretty strange the default name is not an option.
Noeri's route was not as great as far as I'm concerned, mainly because the MC sometimes acts (unintentionally) like a jerk towards her and is the trigger to the drama that occurs in her route. As with Io things went progressively and slowly but I found her route less funny that Io's, and the scenes had less impact overall. Maybe that's because the MC didn't really pull as much effort towards making Noeri win as he did with Io. Even the big confession scene just didn't resonate too much with me. Once the drama starts the MC once again shows some dedication but I found he got tired and ready to give up a little too fast, two weeks isn't that long.

HA! I was never fond of Circus' imouto-type routes, except D. C. 1. I hated some parts in Da Capo2's Yume and Da Capo 3's Himeno route. Guess I'll do her route first to get it out of my way, who knows maybe it's still better than the previous examples!

Edit: Finished Noeri's route. Ok~ay... her drama was rather sudden. I mean, I noticed when it had started thanks to the BGM + her reaction as the first hint but seeing that there were a few in-game days of nothing and *bam* here it appeared again. And it felt strange-ish. In her route the MC sucked at expressing himself correctly, thus I agree that he was at fault. Then, there's Ame-chan as a goddess-esque figure and here the power to manipulate as in filtering the bad parts and keeping the good ones. Circus mystery element feels always in some parts somewhat over the top. Oh~ and when Yamato mentioned the head of the inoffical news club "Sugi...", I was actually wonder if or when that recurring name (yet in none Da Capo game directly related to each other) would, well, reppear.
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Hi all :) So,i started playing VN about 4 months ago.My first one was The Fruit of Grisaia.I was completely blown away how good is was.It was an incredible experience,so i didn't hesitate to continue exploring vn world.After couple smaller games,i get my hand on Muv Luv.The Extra part was nice,like good old vanilla harem animes.Then there was the Unlimited.While i was hesitant with the change of setting,the alternative universe , mecha, and aliens,its was still amazing.And finally,i got to Alternative.I have to say i am a huge fan of time traveling,and the idea to keep your both body and mind experience was phenomenal.Takeru became such baddes.He was good before,but i kinda like op characters more.And while i was thinking that this might be mi favorite vn of all time,it seems all good things must come to an end.I didn't really had a problem with Takeru flipping out when aliens attacked their base.Then he even got that nice motivation speech from Marimo.
But when he turned to look at her,all fun was gone.It wasn't friendly vanilla anymore,its was horror,the worst of the kind,brutal and gore and disturbing.I don't remember me crying that much for any game/book/anime.I am a kinda sensitive person,and that moment really got to me .I won't type what happened to her,cuz it would hurt too much, the wound is sill fresh i gues.
If you played this game,you know yourself.So,after sharing all this,i have 3 questions for people who finish this game.
First one being - could i take the wrong choice somewhere?Maybe i change future too much or too soon?
Did she have to die in that attack that way?
The second one is -
I know all of them are going to die,and even the end is not happiest one ,but i just don't want to watch my team members suffering and dying that horrible.Or it doesn't matter what i do and what my actions are? Is game that linear,and choice doesn't matter at all? I don't ask if i can change their fates, just does outcome must be always that horror disturbing.
The third one -
How bad is their end? I doubt it is worst from first meaningful death in the game , but i am not so sure anymore. You don't have to describe it , just to tell is it kinda normal and what to be expected or it will be also gory and disturbing?
Please sorry if i miss subject or write on the wrong post. I just wanted to get this off my chest and ask this questions cuz i don't want to leave this amazing vn unfinished but also don't want to traumatize me anymore if it really is bad in the end. Thank you :)
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Edit: Finished Noeri's route. Ok~ay... her drama was rather sudden. I mean, I noticed when it had started thanks to the BGM + her reaction as the first hint but seeing that there were a few in-game days of nothing and *bam* here it appeared again. And it felt strange-ish. In her route the MC sucked at expressing himself correctly, thus I agree that he was at fault. Then, there's Ame-chan as a goddess-esque figure and here the power to manipulate as in filtering the bad parts and keeping the good ones. Circus mystery element feels always in some parts somewhat over the top. Oh~ and when Yamato mentioned the head of the inoffical news club "Sugi...", I was actually wonder if or when that recurring name (yet in none Da Capo game directly related to each other) would, well, reppear.
Noeri's route did feel strange as her ailment seemed to appear and disappear at random for a little while at the beginning of January. I explained it as her shutting herself down in her own world only when she feels pressured, especially when her relationship with the MC is put in doubt. Who's that mysterious "Sugi..."? I haven't played any Da Capo games so I feel like I'm missing a reference there, he's mentioned at least once in every route but never shows up.

I've just finished the game with the expected unlocked-after-everyone-else Ame route. Before talking about it, a few words on Himari's and Hazuki's routes. I think they were fine but by the time I got to them, the stories' pattern was pretty obvious and neither diverged too much from the formulae used in the previous two route I played. Himari's route was good in my opinion, if a little too predictable at times. I wish the MC was a little faster in noticing the strange luck he was experiencing and Himari's reaction to it, but that would have made the drama pointless. I'm still not sure about Medesu, was it always a talking hat or did it turn that way because Himari wished it and Ame granted it..? I'm leaning on the latter and guess it was an imaginary friend before she moved to the island but I'm not 100% certain.

Hazuki's route was probably my least favorite of the game, mostly because I could see the drama incoming from a mile away right from the start. Generally speaking I don't really enjoy "trial" relationships and since that lasted till the end of the route... I had a hard time feeling anything coming for Hazuki. As soon as Haruhi's name was mentioned it was also fairly obvious how things would turn out, pretty classic story and not much of the island's magic is involved. Once again the MC is a little slow on the uptake for most of the route but eventually figures everything out.

Finally, Ame's route was a little disappointment as it lacked the kind of reveal or mystery I was expecting for a route that is locked until last. Even after completing it and the D.S epilogue, I honestly still don't see the point of locking it at all since there's no spoilers of the other routes at all, and is a pretty standard man & machine love story. Ame's cheerful behavior and voice acting was enough to keep it entertaining for me but I still miss some more global explanations of the island's system and Ame's particular wish granting abilities displayed in the other routes.

Hi all :) [...] Please sorry if i miss subject or write on the wrong post. I just wanted to get this off my chest and ask this questions cuz i don't want to leave this amazing vn unfinished but also don't want to traumatize me anymore if it really is bad in the end. Thank you :)
Welcome, I think this is probably the right place to ask. Unfortunately I haven't played any Muv Luv so I can't help you there, but someone else in here may have and be able to answer your question.
Playing Sengoku Koihime and again i forgot Erika was massive turn-off for me, "ooo kami yoo" = that's the trigger lol, while i'm okay with some religious teaching this kind of super-devoted speech in normal situation was kinda "ehhh why should you talk like that when other people just talk normally?"

Finished Tsumamigui3, yeah NTR was bad for my heart, Vanilla all the way (since i already tired irl)

as for top question read this only if you already finished
Muv-Luv Alternative basically just another sci-fi psychological horror, Earth already on Apocalypse, those Aliens can't be stopped, that's why..... i forgot which ending explaining that they don't have any choice but get out from Earth which basically why named Alternative, as for Takeru, personally he was big chicken after all of that but here's the answer : he likely send back to beginning of the story every single-time he died hence that's why he flipped at the end (imagine if you keep experiencing that gut-wrenching many-many times)

While MuvLuv have interesting plot, personally not really fond for those kind of story since all the part of the story was on extreme level, apocalypse=alien=human psychology on extreme environment (not to add the translation, since you can't read the hidden meaning on some japanese words), as some of my friends really flipped when they read Alternative for first time since they have naive expectation how the story ends.
Who's that mysterious "Sugi..."? I haven't played any Da Capo games so I feel like I'm missing a reference there, he's mentioned at least once in every route but never shows up.

His name in all Da Capo games is Suginami (杉並 ), who has usually the role the odd-ish troublemaker who takes an interest in the MC and - like Yamato - was member of the inofficial newspaper club in Da Capo 3.
As for the general drama in Circus games: From what you said and my unreliable memory, that should be pretty typical of Circus way to handle the drama. Can't say if good or bad but at least you know what to except *lol* ;)

Edit: Completed most route in Wizards Complexe. Well, I thought it was good but not great. ingame-days wise, the respective drama was certainly not long but it felt so. I was glad that despite the MC's donkan character being mentioned in the bios, it wasn't used in an annoying way within the story.

Sotry-wise Iris + Honoka's route felt more important than Kazuha's as the latter resolved the school-side problems quite swiftly. Overall I'd say I prefered Iris' route. Honoka's had its strong points, e.g. how it pushed Aoi's magic ability to its limit. If Aoi had any kind of additional martial arts, kendo etc training, he'd be quite badass from a combat point of view.
I should have probably seen it coming, but I didn't expect Aoi switching to the East Tower and their student council. Ignoring if that was good or bad, I thought it was rather sad, seeing how he spent most of the common route with Honoka, Kazuha and Mei. The way Aoi and she won the final magic battle was cheap but I could understand how it would be effective against Honoka *lol*. However, seeing how Iris' self-depreciating issue kept being one step foward, two backwards, it felt heavy-handed after a while.

It also felt sometimes like the story was more about Honoka and Iris and Aoi's koibito role was more like a mental support.

Overall, I would still put the title behind Witch Garden which is probably my favorite Windmill Oasis title.
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Playing Sengoku Koihime and again i forgot Erika was massive turn-off for me, "ooo kami yoo" = that's the trigger lol, while i'm okay with some religious teaching this kind of super-devoted speech in normal situation was kinda "ehhh why should you talk like that when other people just talk normally?
Assuming you've played the previous non X-rated version, how do you find Sengoku Koihime X so far? Do the newly added ecchi scenes blend with the rest of the game well enough or do they stand out? I haven't looked at reviews at all so far, and been pushing back trying the game out until there was more comments about it. I was half expecting Kri to tell us much about the game but I guess he's been busy lately.

His name in all Da Capo games is Suginami (杉並 ), who has usually the role the odd-ish troublemaker who takes an interest in the MC and - like Yamato - was member of the inofficial newspaper club in Da Capo 3.
As for the general drama in Circus games: From what you said and my unreliable memory, that should be pretty typical of Circus way to handle the drama. Can't say if good or bad but at least you know what to except *lol* ;)
I see, thanks for the reply. If I ever am at a loss for something light on ecchi with a little drama to play I'll keep the Da Capo name in mind.

I've spent about a dozen hours giving ワガママハイスペック a shot and so far it's pretty good. The common route is fairly typical, with an accent put on the comedy aspect with a few stupid friends and situations to resolve revolving around said friends messing up or being plain morons. Not too much lucky sukebe for once, which is nice considering the MC's side job and the way he met with Ashe. Toa and Mihiro's teasing is funny but I couldn't help but sometimes pity the MC a little, they really don't hold back. Kaoruko and Ashe don't really strike me as wagamama so far, closet pervert ojousama for the first and plain and simple tsundere for the later, but that may appear once entering into their routes.

I've played through Toa's route and as far as wagamama heroines, she's certainly up there. Although rather than the usual, spontaneous and childish kind of wagamama I'm most used to and find cute to watch the MCs endure, I found she went sometimes a little too far in treating her big brother as not much more than a slave. As the route develops we get to hear more of Toa's feelings during short changes of perspective, especially during the drama part that happens in the later half, but she never really breaks her superior attitude (sometimes during ecchi only) when she interacts with the MC. Her words can also be pretty mean, but since that doesn't make the MC's feelings even flinch I guess that serves to show just how much he cares for her.

I'm currently a third(?) of the way on Mihiro's route and it's pretty nice also, but she's somewhat lost her teasing side and got a rather pronounced lonely one.

Sunday was as last week spend on Purely x Cation, playing Touka's route. What started as a fairly typical teacher route took a turn for the unexpected after the first ecchi with some rather unique plays from both sides. I always have a hard time with teacher stories since they tend to ignore that if the relationship was found out, said teacher would probably get fired (and in my country, probably face criminal charges...) but for once it was touched a little bit here and here and gets some importance by the end of the route. Nothing too amazing and the MC and Touka still go on dates in the open, holding hands and more in public without any fear of being discovered, which kinda broke my suspension of disbelief. I guess they're just in a very accommodating town. That put aside, Touka's character certainly has a cute side, I wish she kept her teasing nature a little more once things got serious, as it somewhat disappears after a while. Once again the game on normal was easy. Just stalking Touka around on the map and maxing out strength, study and music was enough to unlock everything.

I've been playing a little bit of Hikari's route as well but, more than any of the other three heroines, I have a hard time imagining she would still be single by the time the MC arrives into town. I'm just past the confession so there may be some reason behind this, we'll see.
Assuming you've played the previous non X-rated version, how do you find Sengoku Koihime X so far? Do the newly added ecchi scenes blend with the rest of the game well enough or do they stand out? I haven't looked at reviews at all so far, and been pushing back trying the game out until there was more comments about it. I was half expecting Kri to tell us much about the game but I guess he's been busy lately.

Yeah unfortunately my job is so busy recently that I cant find any free time to play eroges at all. Hell I actually cut my sleep time down to only 4 hours just for being able to play Sengoku koihime X, even if its a little.

In short I'm not even at middle of it, But still I can talk about the parts I have finished;

First of all game is realllly LONG. The original version had 22-23 chapters and was still "pretty" long, now this time we have 31 chapters at the original game, and 8 more after you finish it which makes 39 at total. Seems like it takes 60-70 hours even for japanese people, probably more for those who are not very fluent with it. Which is a great thing because the game has 50-60 heroines and getting a solid relationship between heroines & mc takes time. I definitely prefer being long instead of going with something like "hey I know we just met one day ago but we have to fuck now because we cant make this very long" thing. They certainly met my expectations and even surpass it about the length of the game.

Other than this I really liked how they pinpointed which characters' need new stuff while which are not. They didn't go with something like "lets add 3 new events for all characters", they actuallly looked and decided which characters have to get something new while which characters dont. Well thanks to this first part of the game is almost same with the All ages version while second part is getting all new stuff, but I guess I can deal with that much since Oda's characters already had more than enough scenes.

About the h-scenes; The ones I have seen so far certainly blended with the rest of the game well enough, but they were skipped at the all ages version with something like "and we began to get naked" > end of scene type thing so I guess its not a surprising thing, this time they are showing instead of skipping its all. I have to see second parts' characters for being able to comment about this, since there wasn't any mention about how they had sex at the original game at all. You have to play at least 10-15 hours until you get the first h-scene though, they are definitely not rushing things at all, at least so far.

I'll comment more as I play, but so far I really cant say anything else since as I said the first half of the game is pretty much same as the original.
Assuming you've played the previous non X-rated version, how do you find Sengoku Koihime X so far? Do the newly added ecchi scenes blend with the rest of the game well enough or do they stand out? I haven't looked at reviews at all so far, and been pushing back trying the game out until there was more comments about it. I was half expecting Kri to tell us much about the game but I guess he's been busy lately.

Yes, and finally finished this super long story (it's exceed my assumption, probably more than 60 hours long if you read slowly), for h-scene some blend nicely with story, some was super awkward (especially Shino). As first part story not changed much only little details, main story was good (while h-scene for few characters seriously unnecessary, and worse they take out some good event CG.....), Houjou chapter was poor writing, there's many thing i can complain, it's more like Houjou chapter writer not really understand main story writer, overall Bad Scenario, the character can't be compared to Kuon/Kazuha/Miku/Hikari as the story itself not really good (i push skip on some part in Houjou chapter, and if i push skip = not interesting/garbage).

Favorite part maybe story around Kazuha/Yuu, and other character sadly not have enough story especially legal wife as main heroine :(

Overall 7.8/10

P.S if anyone got lossless version for OST and Bonus Sofmap CD please share
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i'd dare to bet that senkoi X will get a DLC, more daimyous are mentioned at least there will be another 2-3 clan, with each DLC for every clan.

typical baseson business strategy...
ah forgot to mention Eiyuutan 123+ which have route for Ei + Yue Banzaiiiiii

damn i'm old already it's 9 years gap from original series
Eh... Don't know how to understand it. "Amanoha" delays "Ichibun no ni Koigokoro" again. Again! From 27th of May to 29th of July. Seriously, they can't release the game more than year and a half! What happens, OMG, how can they live with it?
They don't say anything, only excuses. "Sorry, sorry, sorry, we're so sorry, sorry, sorry"... I think that the problems are very serious, but I don't know what is it. If they trying to finish the development until deadline (but that's really strange, it's the 7th delay), why they just can't set up "TBA" date and that's all? Poor artists and writers, I think, that they already done all work on this game. Is it new company, yes? How can publishers let him make delays again and again? Thank you for the answer. It's so pity.
Seems like Sengoku koihime X is selling pretty good, so good that they are having shortage of stocks problems and they decided to release a "trial" after the game itself, so people can start with it while waiting for the game's second edition.

I guess its good news for the people who'd like to play a fandisc or some kind of DLCs of this series, like me.
Eh... Don't know how to understand it. "Amanoha" delays "Ichibun no ni Koigokoro" again. Again! From 27th of May to 29th of July. Seriously, they can't release the game more than year and a half! What happens, OMG, how can they live with it?
They don't say anything, only excuses. "Sorry, sorry, sorry, we're so sorry, sorry, sorry"... I think that the problems are very serious, but I don't know what is it. If they trying to finish the development until deadline (but that's really strange, it's the 7th delay), why they just can't set up "TBA" date and that's all? Poor artists and writers, I think, that they already done all work on this game. Is it new company, yes? How can publishers let him make delays again and again? Thank you for the answer. It's so pity.
Yeah, I say the delay yesterday and this time it's a two months delay. Total of one year and four months of delay now. They are self-published so there's really nothing stopping them from delaying it forever, apart from running out of money to pay their staff. Here's hoping the game will be worth the wait.
Playing Wagamama High-spec just because they got anime......... bad choice lol expecting smart comedy just to found stupid Monkey that no one can stop even the teacher, while it's funny at first it became annoying fast.

This month surprisingly kinda slow since all my target delayed, time to finish backlog.
Yeah, I say the delay yesterday and this time it's a two months delay. Total of one year and four months of delay now. They are self-published so there's really nothing stopping them from delaying it forever, apart from running out of money to pay their staff. Here's hoping the game will be worth the wait.

They'll have to delay it one more time or they'll get crushed at july; We are getting Yuzusoft's, Purple Software's and Sagaplanet's new games, Baldr Heart and Koihime Eiyuutan at that month. There is no way that anyone would buy 1分の2恋ゴコロ instead of those.
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Playing Wagamama High-spec just because they got anime......... bad choice lol expecting smart comedy just to found stupid Monkey that no one can stop even the teacher, while it's funny at first it became annoying fast.
Agreed that Saru's character gets old really fast in the common route, and it doesn't help that he's the source of most of the problems the MC faces. Thankfully he doesn't appear much in character routes (played all but Kaoruko so far). So far I've played Toa, Mihiro and Ashe's routes, they haven't been too bad. I loved Toa's route but as I said previously, you have to be able to endure her harsh words and attitude, I definitely wouldn't want to be in the MC's shoes. In Mihiro's route, the plot twist was so obvious from the start that it made the whole drama seem pointless. Ashe's route was pretty sweet, the drama at the second half was again obvious and could have been shorter, but it made for a nice final scene.

They'll have to delay it one more time or they'll get crushed at july; We are getting Yuzusoft's, Purple Software's and Sagaplanet's new games, Baldr Heart and Koihime Eiyuutan at that month. There is no way that anyone would buy 1分の2恋ゴコロ instead of those.
They're still 32nd in the pre-order rankings on Getchu, but yeah competition is going to be harsh on July. Speaking of which, May titles come out in about a week so I took a quick look. Not too much that really caught my fancy this month apart from appends disk, which is a good thing since I'm not yet done with April's titles yet.

見上げてごらん、夜空の星を FINE DAYS : After stories for the four original heroines, plus additional routes for Yoshioka, Hinami and most importantly, Miharu! Just for the latter I'll make sure to play it.

僕と恋するポンコツアクマ。 すっごいえっち! : Extra scenarios for everyone including the sub heroines, I can't say no to more of Tama-chan... hopefully it'll be as funny as the base game.

タラレバ : Sounds interesting, an adult re-living his high school experience. Bonus points for having Akino Hana in the cast.

ナツイロココロログ : why not, and for once Yahiro Mami is voicing a main character in what doesn't appear to be a nukige.

そして初恋が妹になる : again, why not?

サクラノモリ†ドリーマーズ : sounds good...

Sorry for the rather uninspired comments, as I said before nothing that I'm really looking forward to apart from the former two.
I'll be definitely be skipping moonstone's new title. I'm uneasy with many types of dark(ish) games + vndb mentioned gore scenes, so that's a no-go for me. タユタマ2 -you’re the only one- is a maybe. I didn't play the prequel and even though I intended it at one point, I just couldn't motivate myself.

そして初恋が妹になる: I agree: why not. Probably the only one of this month I may try, ignoring fandiscs.
I think I'll probably give サクラノモリ†ドリーマーズ a go, I'm a fan of horror and given the CG previews on Getchu it doesn't look like it will go the whole tentacle/demon/rape way. I don't know if you've noticed, but タユタマ 2 has been delayed all the way to September, that gives you (and me, the games look interesting) more time to play the prequel.

By the way, I forgot to mention 聖鍵遣いの命題《プロポジション》. I gave the demo a quick try earlier, hoping the game would contain some RPG/Dungeon-Crawler part but alas it's 100% Visual Novel. I'm not a big fan of long battles in text form so I'll probably give it a pass (the gorgon fight before the opening was seriously too long). Still, the art style is interesting, and the cast is pretty good, with Kusuhara Yui and even Kiritani Hana as a sub character.

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Excuse me, would you reupload the links, please? Just the Mexashare is fine, thank you
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Hi jaki90! This one you updated 1y 1month ago is down. It's the
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