Star Trek VS Star Wars

Star Trek VS Star Wars, which is better?

  • Star Trek

    Votes: 50 45.0%
  • Star Wars

    Votes: 61 55.0%

  • Total voters
Just finished Mirror, Mirror (ST TOS)

One of the things I liked about the episode was the expanded role of Uhura. She was a real bad-a$$! It shows that Nichelle Nichols could have been used so much more effectively in the series. She has always been a fan favorite, but on the show, Uhura always seemed to take a back seat to other supporting characters like Sulu and Checkov. Roddenberry may have missed a bet on this one.

[MENTION=35259]Leggy[/MENTION]; did you watch Star Trek: Discovery. Overall I thought it wasn't bad, not great, but not the total disaster I was expecting either.

Have you watched any of The Orville episodes?
[MENTION=35259]Leggy[/MENTION]; did you watch Star Trek: Discovery. Overall I thought it wasn't bad, not great, but not the total disaster I was expecting either.

Have you watched any of The Orville episodes?

Haven't seen Discovery yet. I may check it out.

Orville... Stock stories, cliched characters, mediocre makeup effects (I can see that now, after watching several seasons of Face Off) and no great shakes at special effects and CGI.

The only thing I'm wondering about Orville is if it'll last more than one season.
Haven't seen Discovery yet. I may check it out.

Orville... Stock stories, cliched characters, mediocre makeup effects (I can see that now, after watching several seasons of Face Off) and no great shakes at special effects and CGI.

The only thing I'm wondering about Orville is if it'll last more than one season.

It's not great, but worth a shot at least. I just can't get used to the Klingon re-design.

Supposedly Orville had good ratings, but the show isn't that good. Maybe 1-2 seasons max.
It's not great, but worth a shot at least. I just can't get used to the Klingon re-design.

Supposedly Orville had good ratings, but the show isn't that good. Maybe 1-2 seasons max.

I can't help but think of the original ST TOS. The sets and special effects were primitive, and the makeup effects were pretty basic, but the characters were awesome, and many of the stories were legendary.

You don't need a big budget to make a great show.

Edit 9-28-17: Just watched the latest episode of The Orville. It's a remake of the ST TOS episode, For The World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky.

Roddenberry did it better.
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Well, Discovery is already dead to me, and my expectations were low going in. In a nutshell I find nothing redeeming about it worthy of my time.

From a visual and overall feel standpoint, it does not feel like Star Trek. Like the newer movies it looks and feels more like some random sci-fi/action movie in its own world than it does part of the Star Trek mythos. Lens flares, glowing lights and CGI are not what made Star Trek good. The simple and subdued effects complement an engaging story. Here there is only vacuousness between the next piece of eye candy.

What bothers me even more is that whoever is writing this show has even less respect for the original material than JJ Abrams. At least in JJ's case it was a different timeline "inspired by" Star Trek which was not something I wanted to see, but this blatantly gives the middle finger to its core audience by crapping all over the real timeline.

I remember a time (before and after this in the timeline) when the Federation encouraged different peoples to peacefully coexist with each other. Sure, that's not always possible, but the general idea was to respect each other's difference and cultures without forcing yours on anyone else. They wouldn't even talk to people without warp drive for fear of contaminating their culture. Essentially they followed the non-aggression principle without giving it such a nerdy name.

As any Star Trek fan knows, Klingons have a slightly different culture. They value honor and tradition, drink bloodwine, don't mince words and settle their problems with each other the way men used to do it, with a fist to the face or a duel to the death. They talk a big game about conquering the universe for the glory of the empire, but realistically they are just as interested in besting each other as they are everyone else.

This Federation does not operate the way you would expect the Federation to operate. No longer a group of peaceful explorers who just want to learn more about the universe, they have decided that Klingons should no longer have their own culture and must be absorbed into this new Federation where everyone thinks the same way and believes the same things.

There is a new Prime Directive in town: We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.

If you haven't chugged a pitcher full of Federation groupthink, that is where the "good guys" draw the line on you these days. Not being assimilated is literally the rallying cry of the "bad" guys.

There is a case to be made now that the Klingons in TOS have been retconned into the good guys, defending themselves against Federation aggression with an appropriate level of force and distrust given the Federation's (new) history of aggression and attempted destruction of their culture.

Don't even get me started on the Klingons looking more like some kind of boar-like thing I saw at the African safari exhibit at the zoo than actual Klingons.

Someone at CBS must be on some good shit if they think I'm more likely to pay for this than UHD DS9.
The Force Awakens killed the Star Wars for me.
It wasn't bad, it was just okay. A forgettable okay popcorn flick.

Star Trek... eh... I have a soft spot for TOS. It's a window to another time.
The Force Awakens killed the Star Wars for me.
It wasn't bad, it was just okay. A forgettable okay popcorn flick.

Same here.

I will spoil the movie after that so be carefull.

I was very hyped when going watch The Force Awakens and then I seen Kylo Ren stoping a blaster's laser with the Force and started to fear the rest of the movie. It was OK on Jakku and the dog fight with Millennium Falcon was great. After that the story became messy with Solo, a light saber sending vision to Rey, a stormtrooper with a tonfa in middle of a warzone and Rey learning how to mind control with the Force in a second.

It wasn't so bad at the end of the movie, just some not so lore friendly. But after few days I realise that the movie bring almost nothing to the univers. No new races, no new spaceship, no new world type. The whole movie is a copy of A New Hope's scenario ! That's for those saying it was better before. The Episode I, II and III have so bad critisism but they bring a ton of new thing in the univers, without being not lore friendly (midi-chlorians apart).

I expected the same disappointment with Rogue One but it wasn't. In few minutes we had already seem more than in all The Force Awakens. I think Disney had come and put all the good parts in CG pre-prod to make the movie not so dark but the result is so good in the end !

And now the new trailer for Episode VIII. I don't watch it past the AT-AT because a have already seem Empire Strike Back...
Up till now, I think many of us have thought of the new series, The Orville, as a Star Trek wannabe, a Seth McFarland farce. And up till now, I agreed. You've seen my earlier thoughts about the episode that mimicked ST TOS For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky.

But the last two episodes, Pria and Krill have shown me that the series definitely has potential. Both are clever and original, and well worth watching.

Pria dealt with with a trader from the future, who rescued the Orville from it's certain destruction, and tried to take it to the future, to sell as a historical artifact.

Krill had the Captain and his pilot infiltrate a Krill battleship. They have to destroy the battleship before it can unleash a prototype WMD. But how do they save the Krill children aboard?

The first four episodes are no big deal, but if you get a chance to see the two mentioned, check them out. They are in the Roddenberry style of Sci-Fi.
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They've begun the 4th and final season of Star Wars Rebels, the Disney animated series.

The storyline runs from 14 years after SW III Revenge of the Sith, to 5 years before SW IV A New Hope. While the Empire hunts down the last of the Jedi, a rebellion forms and starts to gain strength. Rebels' protagonist is Ezra Bridger, Padewan to Kanan Jarrus, one of the last Jedi.

The story has been very well told, clever and interesting.Good artwork and animation, classic SW musical score.

And yes, SW Rebels is part of the official SW Canon. In fact, elements of Rebels will be found in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

It's been a fun series. From previews and trailers, the last season ought to be a wild one!

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Up till now, I think many of us have thought of the new series, The Orville, as a Star Trek wannabe, a Seth McFarland farce. And up till now, I agreed. You've seen my earlier thoughts about the episode that mimicked ST TOS For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky.

But the last two episodes, Pria and Krill have shown me that the series definitely has potential. Both are clever and original, and well worth watching.

Pria dealt with with a trader from the future, who rescued the Orville from it's certain destruction, and tried to take it to the future, to sell as a historical artifact.

Krill had the Captain and his pilot infiltrate a Krill battleship. They have to destroy the battleship before it can unleash a prototype WMD. But how do they save the Krill children aboard?

The first four episodes are no big deal, but if you get a chance to see the two mentioned, check them out. They are in the Roddenberry style of Sci-Fi.

I never considered it a wannabe, I always thought of it as a parody.
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They've begun the 4th and final season of Star Wars Rebels, the Disney animated series.

The storyline runs from 14 years after SW III Revenge of the Sith, to 5 years before SW IV A New Hope. While the Empire hunts down the last of the Jedi, a rebellion forms and starts to gain strength. Rebels' protagonist is Ezra Bridger, Padewan to Kanan Jarrus, one of the last Jedi.

The story has been very well told, clever and interesting.Good artwork and animation, classic SW musical score.

And yes, SW Rebels is part of the official SW Canon. In fact, elements of Rebels will be found in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

It's been a fun series. From previews and trailers, the last season ought to be a wild one!

I am going to miss this show when it's done but there should be another chapter to Star Wars Animated series of shows.
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I am going to miss this show when it's done but there should be another chapter to Star Wars Animated series of shows.

There's room for a series covering events between SW VI and SW VII

It would be rather dark, since, somehow, the Sith didn't quite die out.
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Been watching both orvill and STD

Orville has the advantage of being it's own thing,a semi humorous parody of star trek and galaxy quest with no baggage to drag it down or fundamental legacy to adhere to,so thus I am enjoying it more

It's acting is...ok,the crew,the human part...well it's basically like having a star ship run by beer bros,you can almost imagine them blasting an enemy ship to bits and one them going duuuuude that was awesome

comedy is there but light,mostly little moments here or there of crew hijinks or observational humor(visual or perception) hence why i said semi humorous.

It's an ok show to watch and that may not sound like much praise but i'm pretty damn picky about what i watch often rewatching older shows i'd seen before rather than settle for something new but unappealing

So yeah it's worth watching,not a must see but you'll have a good time and maybe a laugh or two


It "Does" have a legacy,a set of guidelines it "Should" have followed

While typing this i just considered something,I'm not one of those square types that cares about profanity,if you notice on STD they freely let loose at times....while it's not of any importance to me,it does seems rather at odds with the way star fleet personnel have behaved before or are expected to.

The klingons are just...well they are just not klingons,even their ships are different,not to mention they eat other sentient beings now,from warrior race to creepy

The shows acting is good not great but just enough that you don't notice anything glaringly bad,it's flashy looks more like abrhams trek than actual star trek

the stories...well there haven't really been any,it's basically just been following that Michael character and her drama...yeah now that I think about not much has actually happened it's like one of those dramas where they talk and over saturate with "feelings" and emo stuff

So yeah it's technically the new star trek show but I feel like i'm watching an alternate universe,will keep watching but there is just too many un trek things going on to just ignore and think of it as a real trek show
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[MENTION=152964]Cedric 122[/MENTION]; I get an invalid attachment message.

If you're looking for a decent pic host (SFW only) you might check out
Claims to be stills from The Last Jedi. Could be movie or back stage.

I don't know the source.

Anyone have any info?

Edit: Nevermind, I suspect it's something with Rah Digga in it.
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