[Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

it's your normal maps (I thought I mention it in your HF thread)

illusion only use 2 channels for normal map, red & green. You need to copy the red channel and paste that in your alpha. then copy the green channel and paste them in the red & blue (blue is optional, illusion don't use it) The final image should be grey instead of blueish.

It will take me a while to figure out what you mean, but you are correct. I just removed the bump map and the mesh looks super realistic now. Just have to find out how to change the bump map correctly. thanks for the help.
There is any chance that someone here replacing the H-Sounds?
Something that sounds more like "ass hitting"
right now we have something that sounds like "liquid" sounds....

Any chance replacing the "H-sounds"?
thanks a lot @DillDoe , I've been looking for an explanation for the grey normal map everywhere.
Is there any tutorial how to replace a meshrenderer mesh with a mesh i made in Blender in SB3utility ? I am new on this so don't blame :))
The replacement itself is dragging the ImportedMesh from the Workspace into the Object Tree of your destination Animator. Export options in Blender, replacement options in Sb3UGS can play a role as well to achieve specific results.

What are you trying to create? For making independent mods you would first create an AssetBundle file the geometry, and another for the list file entry. Or do you just want to change an existing mesh?

On AS there are only three tutorials beginning from here relevant for Unity3d games. Much more can be found linked in the Glossary on HF.
Hi enimaroah Thank you for answering ... I can do modelling in blender . But adding models to a game new for me..
I guess i can start with copying an unity file and delete current mesh and replacing with mine..
"i rather want to star with studio environment and scenes .. "
I managed to get some attachments as objects in to studio with Hir
Which format i should take the models to SB3Utility.. Direct x or simple dae.?
I looked for clean explanation about SB3Utility But unfortunately i couldn't find ..
I will read the tutorials . I hope they help... Thank you ..
I followed your tutorial here in this post and it seems like it worked like magic but there are some issues with the model.

First is I am seeing double bone structure in the model and second is the weight skin. I don't know why done bone structure happened (must have binned it twice or something) and second is that some area need correction by applying skin pain manually. So how can I apply custom weight skin paints to fix those area?

I followed your tutorial here in this post and it seems like it worked like magic but there are some issues with the model.

First is I am seeing double bone structure in the model and second is the weight skin. I don't know why done bone structure happened (must have binned it twice or something) and second is that some area need correction by applying skin pain manually. So how can I apply custom weight skin paints to fix those area?


I wish I knew how to do it in the software youre using, but in blender you simple select the bone you want the mesh to be influenced by in pose mode and then select the mesh in weight paint mode and apply weight to it and you will see the mesh start to follow the bones pose.
I wish I knew how to do it in the software youre using, but in blender you simple select the bone you want the mesh to be influenced by in pose mode and then select the mesh in weight paint mode and apply weight to it and you will see the mesh start to follow the bones pose.

What are you waiting for? Download my file and use your famous video tutorial to help me :D . I have Blender installed, only used for reading materials files in OBJ (Because Max and Maya fails to read some materials of OBJ ) then export them in other format. 3D Max helps me re-naming materials and mesh names pre-fixes and splitting vertices and I use 3D Maya to fix double-side face or broken meshes :XD: I use different tools that suits me in the most in certain cases.
IN blender if you can use "Data Transfer Modifier" In case you want to add same weights on an attachment..
Mostly it works like a charm.
Rarely you will need some small weight paint.
But you need body mesh too.. So you can transfer weights from body mesh to attachment.
"Then all works with a click".
I have no clue how you managed to get the second hierarchy at child of the first. But it doesn't matter for the unskinned mesh. Simply delete that child p_cf_shoes_21_00 after moving the mesh out of this part of the hierarchy.

When you bind a mesh to a skeleton the mesh is automatically weighted. And this has been done in your screenshot too. Without weights the boots wouldn't have been changed at all when you rotated a bone. But it is the default skin which might work for hair, but never for a human body or clothes.

And as said by smoothlaunch, when you want to copy skin weights, where is your source? You will need a body or at least some stockings or other boots which cover the full volume of your boots. Begin with importing this source. Then import your boots. Move the boots mesh into the source hierarchy, then you can delete the old hierarchy of the boots.

FBX is the format. DAE should work as well, but old .X hasn't been tested with Unity. A relict which was working for the old game engine from Illusion.
I have no clue how you managed to get the second hierarchy at child of the first. But it doesn't matter for the unskinned mesh. Simply delete that child p_cf_shoes_21_00 after moving the mesh out of this part of the hierarchy.

When you bind a mesh to a skeleton the mesh is automatically weighted. And this has been done in your screenshot too. Without weights the boots wouldn't have been changed at all when you rotated a bone. But it is the default skin which might work for hair, but never for a human body or clothes.

And as said by smoothlaunch, when you want to copy skin weights, where is your source? You will need a body or at least some stockings or other boots which cover the full volume of your boots. Begin with importing this source. Then import your boots. Move the boots mesh into the source hierarchy, then you can delete the old hierarchy of the boots.

I followed the same as you mentioned and I used the bondage leather boots to copy the skin weight. But I think I have done something wrong and I just know the reason why I will re-do it again. I will re-edit this post once it's done.

The thing that I am trying to do for months was done it in couple of hours and it was THAT easy!!!! What's wrong with me....

Last edited:
Following the general movement of the leg is one thing. Stretching the foot, by rotating the ankle the next hurdle.

If this deforms the boot then your source was too far away and you have two possibilities. Either use another source and copy the weights again or try manual editing. But copying weights has many options you could try those too. BTW, copying weights here is similar to "Copy Nearest" for bones in Sb3UGS.

Hey cool! I was just seeing the second post. Congratulations!
BTW, copying weights here is similar to "Copy Nearest" for bones in Sb3UGS.

Hey cool! I was just seeing the second post. Congratulations!

I remember you have mentioned before. But the model needs adjustment before I could transfer to the SB3U. In this case the boots were small that socks can be seen easily. This time I used the female body and also reverse engineered DilDoe's Raiden clothes for more understanding. It's combination of two studies (your and DillDoe) and hence the final product.

Thanks. :D
I don't know but there seems to a trouble with SB3UGS tool I think. I am trying to port textures. In log details I see it is porting the textures but when it's done It only shows 1 textures in the Texture tree.
Why it is happening? Here is a small file to test. Let's see if you can port it because I am clueless:confused: what to do now other than adding texture manually in each material. These are raw files in FBX and OBJ format.
MEGA Current tool I am using is 1.5.21
The dash '-' is a separator between the name and the original format which is cut from the name. Ergo, all your imported textures result in the same name and overwrite each other.

Workaround: OBJ format is a text format. Rename all textures in it and align the name of the texture files.

I may remove the original format in a future version and then Sb3UGS will not cut the name, but that might take a while as I am currently working on other aspects.
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Reactions: trtlatstewa
Problem solved :) Just by renaming it.

I have no issues waiting for the new updates. But this one is now manageable (I think). Gonna reconstruct again.
**Sorry for the double post but I will merge with the last post after I get the reply because I doubt that most have read my last post if I edit with new query it will remain un-notice.**

It never occurred to me to ask about the texture handling by SB3UGS. Suppose there are two sub-meshes both are different and both of them have different textures. Example Mesh-A and Mesh-B BUT both of them have same texture name Example Tex_1 in meshA and Tex_1 in meshB. Will SB3UGS replace any one of them or both will assign to their respective materials? I have not tested this but I feel like I need to ask.
Textures are never directly linked to submeshes! A submesh gets usually one material (the first submesh could get more, hopefully only on rare occasion).

So two submeshes can have the same material then they have the same textures, of course. But the two submeshes can also have two different materials, but each of those materials could still use the same textures.

When you replace meshes no material is replaced, and no texture is replaced. When a material can be found in the destination file for the new replaced submesh then it will get that, regardless of any texture slot assignment. For submeshes Sb3UGS looks for materials. When replacing materials Sb3UGS looks for textures with matching names.
Alright, I've come to a point where I have to implement Alpha Testing (ugh) combined with Alpha Blending (hair with too many overlaps, no way around it).

Is it possible to have a two pass shader in Honey Select? The hair shader seems to be a single pass shader.

Alright, it is possible, but I had to use a copy of the mesh with alpha cutoff anyways, I'm basically using the same method that we could use in Skyrim (one model with alpha testing, another with alpha blending).

I now have a problem though. My custom shader is not recognizing the tag to color the hair (4E29). Has anyone messed around with shaders enough to know what recognizes it?

This is my custom shader:

Shader "Shader Forge/PBRsp_alpha_culloff" {
Properties {
 _Color ("Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
 _MainTex ("Base Color", 2D) = "white" { }
 _SpecColor ("SpecColor", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
 _SpecGlossMap ("SpecGlossMap", 2D) = "white" { }
 _Metallic ("Metallic", Range(0,1)) = 0
 _Smoothness ("Smoothness", Range(0,1)) = 0.5
[Normal]  _BumpMap ("Normal Map", 2D) = "bump" { }
 _OcclusionStrength ("OcclusionStrength", Range(0,1)) = 1
 _OcclusionMap ("OcclusionMap", 2D) = "white" { }
 _BlendNormalMapScale ("BlendNormalMapScale", Range(0,1)) = 1
[Normal]  _BlendNormalMap ("BlendNormalMap", 2D) = "bump" { }
 _DetailNormalMapScale ("DetailNormalMapScale", Range(0,4)) = 1
[Normal]  _DetailNormalMap ("DetailNormalMap", 2D) = "bump" { }
 _DetailMask ("DetailMask", 2D) = "white" { }
 _Cutoff ("Alpha cutoff", Range(0,1)) = 0.5
[MaterialToggle]  _HairEffect ("HairEffect", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector]  _Cutoff ("Alpha cutoff", Range(0,1)) = 0.5
SubShader { 
		Lighting On

        // Render both front and back facing polygons.
        Cull Off

        // first pass:
        // render any pixels that are more than [_Cutoff] opaque
        Pass {
            AlphaTest Greater [_Cutoff]
            SetTexture [_MainTex] {
                combine texture * primary, texture

        // Second pass:
        // render in the semitransparent details.
        Pass {
            // Dont write to the depth buffer
            ZWrite off
            // Don't write pixels we have already written.
            ZTest Less
            // Only render pixels less or equal to the value
            AlphaTest LEqual [_Cutoff]

            // Set up alpha blending
            Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha

            SetTexture [_MainTex] {
                combine texture * primary, texture
Fallback "Unlit/Transparent"
// Dependencies:
//	Shader Unlit-Alpha

This is the original code:

Shader "Shader Forge/PBRsp_alpha_culloff" {
Properties {
 _Color ("Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
 _MainTex ("Base Color", 2D) = "white" { }
 _SpecColor ("SpecColor", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
 _SpecGlossMap ("SpecGlossMap", 2D) = "white" { }
 _Metallic ("Metallic", Range(0,1)) = 0
 _Smoothness ("Smoothness", Range(0,1)) = 0.5
[Normal]  _BumpMap ("Normal Map", 2D) = "bump" { }
 _OcclusionStrength ("OcclusionStrength", Range(0,1)) = 1
 _OcclusionMap ("OcclusionMap", 2D) = "white" { }
 _BlendNormalMapScale ("BlendNormalMapScale", Range(0,1)) = 1
[Normal]  _BlendNormalMap ("BlendNormalMap", 2D) = "bump" { }
 _DetailNormalMapScale ("DetailNormalMapScale", Range(0,4)) = 1
[Normal]  _DetailNormalMap ("DetailNormalMap", 2D) = "bump" { }
 _DetailMask ("DetailMask", 2D) = "white" { }
 _Cutoff ("Alpha cutoff", Range(0,1)) = 0.5
[MaterialToggle]  _HairEffect ("HairEffect", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector]  _Cutoff ("Alpha cutoff", Range(0,1)) = 0.5
SubShader { 
 Tags { "QUEUE"="Transparent" "RenderType"="TransparentCutout" }
 Pass {
  Name "FORWARD"
  Tags { "LIGHTMODE"="ForwardBase" "QUEUE"="Transparent" "SHADOWSUPPORT"="true" "RenderType"="TransparentCutout" }
  Cull Off
  Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
  //AlphaTest Greater [_Cutoff]
  //SetTexture [_MainTex] {
     //           combine texture * primary, texture
       //     }
  GpuProgramID 9345
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 Pass {
  Tags { "LIGHTMODE"="ForwardAdd" "QUEUE"="Transparent" "SHADOWSUPPORT"="true" "RenderType"="TransparentCutout" }
  Cull Off
  Blend One One
  GpuProgramID 106427
Program "vp" {
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 92
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GpuProgramIndex 93
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 179
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 181
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 182
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 183
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 184
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 185
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 186
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 187
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GpuProgramIndex 188
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 189
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 190
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 192
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 193
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 194
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 195
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 196
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 197
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 198
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 199
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 200
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 201
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 202
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 203
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 204
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 205
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 206
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 207
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 208
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 233
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 235
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 236
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 238
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 239
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 240
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 241
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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GpuProgramIndex 247
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 249
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 250
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 259
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 268
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 269
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 270
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 272
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 273
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 274
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 275
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 276
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 277
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 278
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 279
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 280
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 281
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 282
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 283
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 284
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 287
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 288
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 289
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 290
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 291
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 292
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 295
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 297
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 298
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 299
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 300
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 304
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
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SubProgram "d3d9 " {
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SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 307
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 308
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 309
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 310
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 311
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 312
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 313
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 314
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 315
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 316
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 317
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 318
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 319
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 320
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 321
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 322
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 323
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 324
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 325
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 326
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 327
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 328
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 329
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 330
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 331
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 332
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 333
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 334
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 335
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 336
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 337
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 338
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 339
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 340
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 341
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 342
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 343
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 344
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 345
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 346
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 347
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 348
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 349
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 350
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 351
 Pass {
  Tags { "LIGHTMODE"="SHADOWCASTER" "QUEUE"="Transparent" "SHADOWSUPPORT"="true" "RenderType"="TransparentCutout" }
  Offset 1, 1
  GpuProgramID 162714
Program "vp" {
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 352
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 353
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 354
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 355
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 356
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 357
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 358
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 359
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 360
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 361
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 362
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 363
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 364
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 365
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 366
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 367
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 368
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 369
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 370
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 371
Program "fp" {
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 372
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 373
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 374
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 375
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 376
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 377
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 378
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 379
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 380
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 381
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 382
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 383
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 384
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 385
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 386
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 387
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 388
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 389
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
GpuProgramIndex 390
SubProgram "d3d11 " {
GpuProgramIndex 391
Fallback "Unlit/Transparent"
// Dependencies:
//	Shader Unlit-Alpha

My uneducated guess is that maybe one of the gpu programs controls the colors. But I can't manage to add them without causing the shader to stop compiling (purple model).

By the way, thanks enimaroah, that new feature to have both the mesh and its morphs in a single fbx makes things a bit easier when working with morphs.
Last edited:
Hey guys. I have a simple question, is there a way to play sex sounds in the Studio ? I mean - there are female voice sounds played during the scenes thanks to ik mod, however there's no actual sex sounds, like splashing, climax etc. Is there anyway you could play those sounds in studio, import them somehow ? It really takes away all the fun from animated scenes. Thanks !
question, i've seen in some scenes where the male char is shorter than default,how does one achieve that?

I've tried using the shortcut plugin but after changing positions the values xyz change depending on if the char is standing or not and i think they grow again...also upon leaving the game it's resets...was hoping that mod...the one you edit with a text editor name escapes me (additional bone..?) ,would do it but i did not see anything there might shrink the male char...did try some values but they not seem to do anything
Sorry for posting again, but the question is kinda different to the last one, and my question would probably go unnoticed otherwise.

Is there some kind of short guide to import assets into the Unity Editor and then export them? I know we can import FBX, but I'm not sure how to work with HS own shaders in Unity.

I ask this because I decided to download Unity 5.3.5f1 so that I can check out shader changes in real time, but I'm a bit lost as to how to use HS extracted assets.
Hello ..
"Is there a way to rotate an object in SB3Utility around axises ..? "
Whatever I do objects come with 90 degree rotated in to SB3 ..
I tried all axis variations when exporting from blender ...But In export seems like it has no effect .

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mizuno ai wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
can you reupload RJ01008050?thanks
fwggsjhlfdh wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hello, could you reupload the Katfile link? Thanks.
Title: Happy Valentine ! with Homare
Circle/Brand: GOLD
Voice Actor: 千渡レナド
Release Date: 2021/01/29
File size: 408.84 MB
File Format: m4a
Information: https://www.dlsite.com/girls-drama-touch/work/=/product_id/BJ278143.html

fwggsjhlfdh wrote on Shine's profile.