[Illusion] PPD/PSP Mod Release Thread


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2013
Premium Play Darkness/Premium Studio PRO
Mod release thread​
(under construction)​

The intention of this thread is to
give the PPD/PSP modders somewhere to post their mods.
Please refrain from doing following:

Discuss/comment a mod in this thread.
Post about bugs/tech issues regarding a mod in this thread.
As we wish to keep this mod archive nice and tidy, as well easy
to browse between mods.

Related Threads
PPD/PSP (and IW) discussion thread

HF Patches
PPD HF Patch Download
PSP HF Patch Download

SB3UGS by Alamar, enimaroah (essential tool used for everything)
SviExtTool by enimaroah (used to adapt .sviex files to mesh changes)
SDT2TXT by skylend (used for decrypting .sdt files to text files)
TtyTool by enimaroah (used to play around with the physics)
XLtool by enimaroah (used to play around with the lighting)
EyesTool by enimaroah (used to decrypt the eye behavior configuration data)
PPVEDecrypt by chie65536 (used to decrypt/encrypt .pp files)

Premium Play Darkness (About, Gameplay, Modding, Misc)

Issues with installing a mod?
Contact the Author (aka poster) of the mod
or post in:


This post may be updated at a later time.
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Enter 75's No 255 limit mod

Original Author: Enter 75
Source: Hongfire

This (or these) PSP.exe files will allow you to have and use a almost unlimited
amount of costumes (earlier limit: 255, new limit 6500000somethingsomething...) in the PSP studio.
(The wiki explains how to change a costume's ID.)

Versions Included:

Premium Studio Pro English-v1.1_nolimit_v1.0
Premium Studio Pro 1.3 (japanese)

Know Issues:
Premium Studio Pro 1.3 (japanese) - IK joints of all males can't be manipulated.
(Thanks MiniMax)

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200 Hairstyles (aka ZomgHair) v1.0

Original Author: omgroe
Source: Hongfire, uppervolta

This mod adds 200 hairstyles (with color) for female characters to your PPD/PSP.

Known Bugs:
  • White edges while using Render Method 1. Current solution is to switch to Render Method 2.
  • Semi-transparent edges and hair cutouts (due to map backgrounds & camera angel) in Render Method 2.

Mega ~1.69 GB
IW Dance animations and non-H poses to PSP

Original Author: Syncroz
Source: N/A

Two separate .pp files containing IW Dance and non-H poses ported for use in PPD/PSP studio.

Install Notes (a must read):
For use with PSP studio:
1st. Add the two .pp files (iwpose.pp & iwdance.pp) to your PSP data folder.
2nd. Open up prpr_20_00.pp with SB3UGS (download located in the first post) and add the .lst files located in
the prpr_20_00 folder (within the archive) to your prpr_20_00.pp. Save your changes!
3rd. Replace the StudioFemaleAnim0.lst with this one [SFA0 at zippy]. If you have been altering the StudioFemaleanim0.lst before, then you should just copy and paste the snip of code from the .txt located within the archive.

Note: you should keep a copy of your prpr_20_00.pp in both PPD and PSP data folders if you have both PPD/PSP installed!

Zippyshare - IW Non-H Poses
Zippyshare - IW Dance Animations
Mega Mod Package 【ZOD/HF/UV/H5】(7/22/2013)

Original Author: xcthegreat
Source: ZodGame

The Mega Mod Pack contains a lot of costumes, hairstyles and accessories from several sites (HF/Zod/H5/UV).

Mega ~974.6 MB(*slimmed version - altered by Syncroz)
kuai.xunlei.com (Chinese host)(Full version)(password: ZODGAME-PRPR)

*I took out all the HF mods from the package at the time I posted
it over at HF. Didn't see a point having them in there since the mods
already where on HF. So it's pretty much only Zod/H5/UV mods in this version.

Add-on pack (aka update)
Info: More costumes.

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Premium Play Darkness HF Patch

This patch updates your game with officially released DLC. In addition it installs English translations and uncensor created by the awesome HF modders.


Premium Play Darkness HF Patch version 1.9 includes:

This patch would not be possible without SB3Utility(GUI+Script) by enimaroah

Show your appreciation of the modder's work and click on all the
buttons above and write a comment!

Known issues
  • The patch requires at least 8GB free temporary space to install all components. Most of this space will be freed when patching is complete.
  • The included machine story translation has several issues, like text going off screen and infinite looping of one or more story lines - use on your own risk!
Having problems?
  1. Read the Premium Play Darkness Technical Help wiki!
  2. Read/search the Premium Play Darkness discussion!
  3. PM me
This patch will be updated if there are updates to any of the included mods or if other essential mods are released.​

DOWNLOAD: Torrent -

DOWNLOAD: anime-sharing -

Version history
1.9, 2014.03.18: Update launcher to DEP fix. Compression=lzma2/ultra64 (size down from 674MB to 463 MB)
1.8, 2014.01.13: Add IllusionVR 2.5, update wiki links.
1.7, 2014.01.07: Add all of PSP Hair bonus (this includes prpr_04_01.pp, prpr_11_00.pp and prpr_20_00.pp - special thanks to enter75 for helping out!), correct/update machine translation to 0.1.2.
1.6, 2014.01.06: Add prpr_04_01.pp (unsure where this is from, probably a PSP DLC) to fix crash on H scene.
1.5, 2014.01.04: Add DLC5 (premium_sp_01_plus), update UI to 1r06, PPD launcher to 1.6, Studio launcher to 1.5, windowed fullscreen to 2.0
1.4, 2013.05.09: Remove 1.5 launcher because game crashes on H scene
1.3, 2013.05.08: Add uhair_pro, update launcher to 1.5, update uncensor to 1.3B incl. Bug Patch 04-28-13, remove Penis fix mod (to reduce patch size), remove Wizzard (because of bug in PremiumDecrypt)
1.2, 2013.04.05: Replace Rorirnator's machine translation with English Machine Translation v0.1.2
1.1, 2013.03.28: Updated uncensor to 1.1B (with bug fix)
1.0, 2013.03.20: UI updated to 1r06. Lingerie DLC, Studio Animations, Uncensor MOD 1.0B (with fix 1 and 2), Penis Fix, Double Dildo for the Demoness added. Major improvement to SB3UtilityScript usage, which will now evaluate return value and offer abort-retry-ignore.
0.9.9, 2013.03.01: Only check for SlimDX on XP. Destination (<PPD>\data\prpr_00_00.pp) is now checked before allowing to continue (to avoid half-patched game). DL count before this release: 46,759
0.9.8, 2013.02.27: Fix SlimDX check on XP.
0.9.7, 2013.02.27: Not a public release.
0.9.6, 2013.02.27: Include SlimDX SDK binary to fix the issues some people have with the patch not doing anything. Implement check of installed SlimDX on Windows XP because including the binary doesn't work on XP for some reason. Download count before this release: 45,151
0.9.5, 2013.02.26: Not a public release.
0.9.4, 2013.02.25: Include pig man fix/translation, male animation fix. Include SlimDX binaries to hopefully fix the issues some people have with it not doing anything.
0.9.3, 2013.02.25: Not a public release.
0.9.2, 2013.02.24: Major redesign to use SB3UGS instead of PremiumDecrypt, purpose is to reduce time it takes to patch and temp file requirements (down to less than 2GB). Include 100% save. SB3UGS requires .NET 4.0 and a check has been implemented. Code cleanup. Patch had 43,115 downloads before this release.
0.9.1, 2013.02.22: Use SB3UGS instead of PremiumDecrypt. Not a public release.
0.9, 2013.02.21: Add 1.4d launcher by enter75
0.8, 2013.02.14: Update UI to 1r05, use enter75's final remap gloss launcher (to the = key).
0.7.1, 2013.02.13: Quick fix missing H buttons by installing both v1r01 and v1r00 of the UI, update Studio items lists
0.7, 2013.02.11: Update Premium Plus & Studio to 1.4 (DLC1-3), update UI to 1r01, launchers to 1.4c, add Studio Drop Down translations by Wong2005, update Vibrator Uncensor to 1.1
0.6, 2013.02.04: Redesign patch to delete temp files on the go (to reduce free space reqs), update uncensor to 0.2, include Vibrator Uncensor, Preset Names Translation
0.5, 2013.02.02: Update included DLC to 1.3, update launchers to 1.3, add DLC2 uncensor and rotation fix
0.4, 2013.02.01: Include UI 1r00, full uncensor, rename preset files (to offset uncensor issue with Japanese file names), 1.2b launchers
0.3, 2013.01.31: Update DLC to 1.2 and launchers to 1.2. Add Normal H-Mode Position Translation, Machine Translation V0.1, Remove Illusion Logo From Screenshots, Windowed Fullscreen.
0.2, 2013.01.28: Fix DLC not being installed correctly (sorry!), update UI to v0r36
0.1, 2013.01.27: Initial version
Banner by Dorllanen
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Premium Studio Pro HF Patch

This patch updates your Premium Studio Pro with officially released DLC. In addition it installs English translations and uncensor created by the awesome HF modders.

Premium Studio Pro HF Patch version 0.9 includes:

This patch would not be possible without SB3Utility(GUI+Script) by enimaroah

Show your appreciation of the modder's work and click on all the
buttons above and write a comment!

Known issues
  • The patch requires at least 2GB free temporary space on the drive where you installed PSP and PPD. The space will be freed when patching is complete.
Having problems?
  1. Read the Premium Play Darkness Technical Help wiki!
  2. Read/search the Premium Play Darkness discussion!
  3. PM me
This patch will be updated if there are updates to any of the included mods or if other essential mods are released.​

DOWNLOAD: Torrent -

DOWNLOAD: anime-sharing -

Version history
0.9, 2014.01.12: Update UI to 1r07, update launcher to 1.2.1 by MiniMax, update IllusionVR to 2.5, update Windowed fullscreen to 2.0.
0.8, 2013.10.18: Add prpr_11_00.pp and prpr_04_01.pp from PSP media to fix pig man animation and help new users. Add UI translation of prpr_04_00.pp to fix missing customization translations. Add sviex fix by enimaroah to fix nude uncensor. Add Illusion VR. Change male uncensor to be applied to PSP\prpr_00_00.pp instead of PPD\prpr_00_00.pp. omg
0.7, 2013.10.10: Improved detection of PPD game files (will look for prpr_00_00.pp and prpr_01_00.pp). Additional minor corrections related only to custom component selection.
0.6, 2013.10.10: MAJOR update: Official DLC and preorder stuff includes all that has been released, update launcher to enter75's 1.2.1 with nolimit and sviex fix, add animation lists and male face translation, update uncensor to 1.3B incl. Bug Patch 130428, add PSP Ultimate, add ConvertPSP_PNG v0.1.
0.5, 2013.10.06: BETA release.
0.2, 2013.04.26: Update Lists by akyryz and uncensor to 1.3B incl. Bug Patch 04-26-13
0.1, 2013.04.25: Initial version
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Illusion Mega Map Pack Version 1.1 (266 maps)[PSP]

Original Author: bdpq

(this is a extract from bdpq release post)
I have updated my Mega Map Pack with a wizzard-friendly patch for the Premium Studio Pro (PSP). The map list can now be installed by wizzard. (but you still need to perform some manual tasks.)

What's new in the 1.1 version
1. For "completeness" sake, HET and its poser pack, DET maps are now available for download
2. love girl map rescaled
3. Library, empty classroom, and utility closet maps are added back to SM2 (I accidentally deleted them when I was packaging the mod)
4. Download link on Mega.co.nz is provided.

Step-by-Step Download and Installation Guide

1. If you have NOT downloaded the mega map pack before:
you can either:

a. Download the 1.0 WHOLE PACK from SkyDrive. (but you still need to download the 1.1 maps)
b. Download maps one by one from the Mega folder.

2. If you have previously downloaded the MEGA map files:
You need to:

a. Move the prpr_10_map_bdpq_[mapname].pp files from the PPD data folder to PSP data folder. This is absolutely necessary!
b. Download the v1.1 map files from the mega folder and place them under the PSP data folder.

3. Download and install the Wizzard-Friendly installation patch

a. Make sure that you have the new Premium Studio Pro wizzard profile PSPRO_iw-profile.rar
b. Download the Mega Map Pack wizzard patch (This link will not work due to current state of HF!)
c. install and viola~!

Notes on customizing your map list
Illusion itself had recycle quite a few maps from older games, in fact, NONE of the PSP maps are new. Personally, I really didn't like how they organized the map.
The map list for PSP, StudioMapList.lst, is located within prpr_20_00.pp file. You can edit the file to your own liking. However you won't be able to use the wizzard patch for my future map updates (I am planning to release Teatime/Fulltime maps, and other user-made maps in future release as well.)
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Yuusha Misc Items pack v.1.0.1[PSP]

Items from Yuusha for use in PPD/PSP Studio(s) - v.1.0.1.

Download: Yuusha Item Pack v.1.0.1.rar

Package Item List:
Mages Hat
Glas of Cum
Helmet (Gold)
Mages Hat
Twin-head Dildo
Wooden Horse
Choker & Shakles
Board Shakle
Wooden Box 1
Wooden Box 2
Wooden Beam
Dragon (Red Scale)

Install Notes:

Drop the prpr_yuusha_itempackage.pp into your data folder(s)
Add the lines down below to your StudioItemList.lst in prpr_20_00.pp (assuming that you are using PSP)

For StudioItemList.lst
Glas of Cum    data/prpr_yuusha_itempack.pp    item_00_56.xx    0    0    0    0
Unicorn    data/prpr_yuusha_itempack.pp    item_00_36.xx    0    0    0    0
Helmet (Gold)    data/prpr_yuusha_itempack.pp    item_00_helmet.xx    0    0    0    0
Crown    data/prpr_yuusha_itempack.pp    item_00_crown.xx    0    0    0    0
Mages Hat    data/prpr_yuusha_itempack.pp    item_00_mh.xx    0    0    0    0
Horn    data/prpr_yuusha_itempack.pp    item_00_horn.xx    0    0    0    0
Twin-head Dildo    data/prpr_yuusha_itempack.pp    item_00_23.xx    0    0    0    0
Wooden Horse    data/prpr_yuusha_itempack.pp    item_00_20.xx    0    0    0    0
Choker & Shakles    data/prpr_yuusha_itempack.pp    item_00_21.xx    0    0    0    0
Board Shakle    data/prpr_yuusha_itempack.pp    item_00_22.xx    0    0    0    0
Wooden Box 1    data/prpr_yuusha_itempack.pp    item_00_45.xx    0    0    0    0
Wooden Box 2    data/prpr_yuusha_itempack.pp    item_00_46.xx    0    0    0    0
Wooden Beam    data/prpr_yuusha_itempack.pp    item_00_42.xx    0    0    0    0
Dragon (Red Scale)    data/prpr_yuusha_itempack.pp    item_00_61.xx    0    0    0    0
  • Like
Reactions: Saeki
Original Author: Jaxzd - Red EVA plugsuit.
2nd Author: Syncroz - Black & Yellow suit/plugsuit(re-text)
Source: Zodgame, Hongfire

File Info: Evangelion & Omega Plugsuits for use in PPD and/or PRO.

Download: Plugsuits


On the way.
  • Like
Reactions: Saeki

More Female Attachment Points (M-FAP)
Original Author: Syncroz

Gives a few more areas where Studio Objects can be attached to, suits good for objects such as rings.
This is an earlier version of M-FAP.

Install notes (a must read) :
1. Locate the StudioFemaleConst.lst in prpr_20_00.pp
2. Use SB3UGS to open the StudioFemaleConst.lst
3. Add the code down below to your StudioFemaleConst.lst.
4. Press the Apply Changes button and then save the changes to prpr_20_00.pp

R.Upper Arm    a01_J_ArmR_01
L.Upper Arm    a01_J_ArmL_01
RFThumb    a01_J_OyaR_01
RFPoint    a01_J_HitoR_01
RFMiddle    a01_J_NakaR_01
RFRing    a01_J_KusuriR_01
RFSmall    a01_J_KoR_01
LFThumb    a01_J_OyaL_01
LFPoint    a01_J_HitoL_01
LFMiddle    a01_J_NakaL_01
LFRing    a01_J_KusuriL_01
LFSmall    a01_J_KoL_01
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sIT Femefatalia Domina[PPD/PSP]

Author: Syncroz

This mod provides you with 4 costumes, or more like it's one costume with 4 different colors. Easy to install, just plug and play. I haven't included all of the extra colors that I made cause I see no need to fill your costume list up with 1 costume in 16 different materials, colors and textures.

Costum ID(s):
Lady Highboot 411
Nyte Black 410
Devil's Lover 412
Omega Domina 413

How to Install:

Just drop the sit_bikinipro.pp that is located within the archive into PPD and/or PSP data folder(s) and you're all set.


If costume IDs have not been changed by your hands, these costumes will require
Enter75's No costume limit mod.

None known.

zippyshare.com - sIT Femefatalia Domina.rar - Updated!

On the way...
Male Character Yuuto from HET

Well, until hongfire is back, i'll get along with this place ...

This mod gives you the male character Yuuto from HET to play with in PPD.
You get 4 versions; school, nude, military and space.

yuutahet.jpg(yeah i know, it's Yuuto not Yuuta, god damn it ...)

1.Put the prpr_99_fool_man.pp into your PPD data folder. 
2.Decode the prpr_20_00.pp file. 
3.Open the StudioMaleList.lst file, from the decoded prpr_20_00 folder.
4.Insert the following entries; 

Yuuto	data/prpr_99_fool_man.pp	cm_body_07_00.xx	cm_body_07_00.xl	cm_head_07_00.xx	0	0
Yuuto nude	data/prpr_99_fool_man.pp	cm_body_08_00.xx	cm_body_08_00.xl	cm_head_07_00.xx	0	0
Yuuto militia	data/prpr_99_fool_man.pp	cm_body_09_00.xx	cm_body_09_00.xl	cm_head_07_00.xx	0	0
Yuuto space	data/prpr_99_fool_man.pp	cm_body_10_00.xx	cm_body_10_00.xl	cm_head_10_00.xx	0	0

5.Encode the prpr_20_00 folder. 
6.Enjoy this mod and idolize the almighty FoolBoy.


This mod is not perfect and i release this as it is.
Still, there are some glitches, the eyebrows wont work etc.
If someone get's the eyebrows to work, please tell me and i will update this mod.
Besides the fact that i plan to add/transfer more man (and woman) to PPD, so stay tuned :menft:
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March of the Pigs


The official release of my pig pack, now optimized for performance and quality. Adds up to 8 Characters for your studio and/or Studio Pro.


Big thanks to Snooley, Syncroz, Guff, Enimaroah, and the Ahegao Quartet

1. Put the files to your ppd and psp data directories

2.Add the following lines to the end of your StudioMaleList in either prpr_10_00 and/or prpr_20_00:

Pig (Green)	data/prpr_pig1.pp	cm_body_05_00.xx	cm_body_05_00.xl	0	5	1
Pig (Red)	data/prpr_pig2.pp	cm_body_05_00.xx	cm_body_05_00.xl	0	5	1
Big Pig (Green)	data/prpr_bigpig.pp	cm_body_05_00.xx	cm_body_05_00.xl	0	5	1
Big Pig (Red)	data/prpr_bigpig2.pp	cm_body_05_00.xx	cm_body_05_00.xl	0	5	1
Big Pig (Dark)	data/prpr_bigpig3.pp	cm_body_05_00.xx	cm_body_05_00.xl	0	5	1
Magma	data/prpr_magma.pp	cm_body_05_00.xx	cm_body_05_00.xl	0	5	1
Magma (Smolder)	data/prpr_magma1.pp	cm_body_05_00.xx	cm_body_05_00.xl	0	5	1
Magma (Burn)	data/prpr_magma2.pp	cm_body_05_00.xx	cm_body_05_00.xl	0	5	1


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this mod has a new "girly" laptop and some brand drinks, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper and Heineken! (i didn't make a beer can yet... didn't find a good texture for it, sorry :runaway:)

the good thing about this new laptop is that you can change the screen!

put those lines in your StudioItemList:

Drink Coke	data/prpr_saeki.pp	Coke.xx	0	0	0	0
Drink Dr_Pep	data/prpr_saeki.pp	dr_pepper.xx	0	0	0	0
Heineken	data/prpr_saeki.pp	Heineken.xx	0	0	0	0
Drink Pepsi	data/prpr_saeki.pp	pepsi.xx	0	0	0	0
Pink_PC 	data/prpr_saeki.pp	saeki_pc.xx	0	1	M_Saeki_pc_00_01	T_SaekiPC_%02d_00_%02d.png

Also, put the files included in the prpr_24_00 folder in your PPD's prpr_24_00.pp, otherwise you're not going to get the change screen function for your Laptop :menft:
(it's recommendable SB3UGS for that)

Special Thanks for Syncroz, without him i won't be able to make the laptop screen trick :thumbup:



Futanaris, Lesbians and Bodystockings

I don't want that someone is spreading my mods on other boards, like HongFire, Nihonomaru, 4Chan etc.
You have first to ask for my permission.

Okay I decided to re upload all my shitty PPD stuff.
Here you can have my Guys to Futanaris, the second version of Futanari Makoto, Zombies to Demonic Futanari School Girls [Half-Dressed], the Fleshy Dildo for the Demoness, Guys to Lesbians and the Bodystocking.
I put all futanari mods into one rar file, which you have first to unpack and then to put all 7z files into the PRPR folder in the Illusion Wizzard.
I also corrected the shaders of demonic futas and made some other little corrections on the futas and lesbians.

If you have something to complain like the breasts are not moving, then first try to learn how the technology from this game is working and how to create mods for it.
You can add by yourself the breasts bones and animate them, if you get the or have the knowledge how to do this or you leave it.
Also if someone have problems with the broad shoulders, then I have also to say: “do it by yourself or leave it”.
Cause I'm not in the mood to edit all animations, cause they includes the morphs for the models.

Anyway please do not send me any requests for this game. Cause I don't really like it and the PPD community is also not really interested in my mods.
I don't know if my mods will work with PPDPro, cause I don't have it.
The next Illusion game is also not my taste. I hate children in porns. No matter what is the reason and story in the next Illusion title. I hate kids, monsters and rape (violence against women) in porns.
I will only continue with modding, when games like Artificial Girl, Artificial Academy and/or School Mate will be released.

Futanari Collection

Futanaria Mania (Guys to Futanaris)


Here comes Makoto Tenshi, Haruka Kuro, Ayame Kobayashi and Naoko Kuma.
Makoto is the reincarnation of the angel Shekinah. She has to bring back the healing and light to earth, but the evil lord want to prevent it.
He sends out his minions to stop the rebirth. But they fail, cause the light protects her with an spell.
The only way for the evil was to put an curse on Makoto. She raised up as norlmal girl, but with an age of 21, the curse begins to work and she gets an second genital, from a male.
This make it her more difficult for her mission, cause her addional body part consumed her powers. To retrive some strengh back, she needs to have sex with girls and this diverts her more often.
Haruka is a dark warrior from hell and camouflaged as beautiful female human. Together with Nako, also masked as pretty woman, they want to slave the world, especially young pretty girls.
Ayame is also a demon in girl look, but she is not interested in detryoing or slaving the mankind. She wants more dirty, lewd fun.
She becomes one day a allay and friend of makoto and fight against the evil.

What kind of adventure will they get from you?

Zombies to Demonic Futanari School Girls [Half-Dressed]


The three school girls are the best friends, but they are also cursed by the demonss of lust.
After the curse beginn to take effect of them, the trio transformed into futanari demons and since then, they are chasing girls to have sexual pleasures.
Their faces have the look from the demon mistress of lust.

The Fleshy Double Dildo for the Demoness

[HIDE-THANKS]Link: [PPD][Futanari_Collection][FutaBoy].7z[/HIDE-THANKS]
Guys to Lesbians

Lesbian Elite Sex Bomb Organisation Squad

Sarah and Jenna Saints are lesbian pornstar twins for Lesbo Movie Studios.
Their movie director is Anna Ramrod, which is also sometimes an actor in her own movies.
Crystal Wet is the owner and manager, she is also active in some films.
But the porn studio keeps also an secrete, it is also the base of the Lesbian Elite Sex Bomb Organisation Squad also known as L.E.S.B.O. Squad
The members are otherwise known as Special Agents Sarah and Jenna Saints, Assistant Director Anna Ramrod and Deputy Director Crystal Wet.
Together they will defeat the evil on earth.

[HIDE-THANKS]Link: [PPD][Guys_to_Lesbians][FutaBoy].7z[/HIDE-THANKS]



[HIDE-THANKS]Link: [PPD][Cloth][Bodystocking][FutaBoy].7z[/HIDE-THANKS]
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Fsjoku Moar cars



Always make backup copies of the file involved PRIOR to applying any mod such as prpr_20_00.pp for PSP

FYI i ain't responsible for your lose like other modders would say

Special thanks to Riva, animium, deathracer3000 for the meshes

1.drop the ( fsjoku Moar Cars.pp ) in the PSP data file

2.Unpack the prpr_20_00.pp file, located in the PPD game's data folder, using Decrypt.

3.Locate the StudioItemList.lst in the newly created prpr_20_00 folder, and open it using Notepad.exe.
Add the lines listed below to the bottom of the StudioItemList.lst.

Fsjoku Moar Cars
Porsche 911 Turbo 1982	data/fsjoku Moar Cars.pp	Porsche911 1982.xx	0
Aston Martin DB5	data/fsjoku Moar Cars.pp	DB5.xx	0
Porsche Panamera	data/fsjoku Moar Cars.pp	Panamera.xx	0
Lexus LFA	data/fsjoku Moar Cars.pp	Lexus LFA.xx	0
Lexus LFA2	data/fsjoku Moar Cars.pp	Lexus LFA 2.xx	0
Corvette C5 Z06	data/fsjoku Moar Cars.pp	Chevy C5 Z06.xx	0
Corvette C5 Z062	data/fsjoku Moar Cars.pp	Chevy C5 Z062.xx	0
Bugatti Veyron	data/fsjoku Moar Cars.pp	Bugatti Veyron.xx	0
Ford Crown Police	data/fsjoku Moar Cars.pp	ford police.xx	0

4.Save the StudioItemlist.lst and repack the prpr_20_00.pp file with Decrypt. then finally copy the prpr_20_00.pp in both PPD & PSP for it to work

Download here

If you do not see the items listed in the Items drop down menu, repeat the above process
of adding the lines to the prpr_20_00.pp file located in the PPD Studio data folder.

Again.....If you do not see the items in the scene, but they are shown in the list, make sure you
have a copy of the newly repacked prpr_20_00.pp in both game data folders of PPD & PSP.

Finally ENJOY
yours truly FSJOKU​
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Reactions: Booya
All my released PPD/PSP mods ordered and up to date;

Fool Origin#10
DoA/Kasumi's Halloween Costume 2014
Fool Origin#09
DoA/Ayane's Halloween Costume 2014
Fool Origin#08
DoA/Feilangs Halloween Costume 2015
Fool Origin#07
DoA/Hitomis Halloween Costume 2015
Fool Origin#06
DoA/Feilangs Halloween Costume 2015
Fool Origin#05
Hero Suit/TheIncredibles costume
Fool Origin#04
Human Spectre Armor/MassEffect costume
Fool Origin#03
Tina Armstrong Cowgirl /DeadOrAlive costume
Fool Origin#02
Poison/StreetFighter X Tekken costume
Fool Origin#01
YelenaFedorova /DeusEx:HR costume
Fool Latex
The ultimate tight-material fetish experience
Fool Latex Plus#01
Fetish Nun for educational purposes
Fool Armory
Several weapons, war machines & props
Fool Halloween 2014
Masks and party props for Halloween
Fool Dicka
All the great man parts for explicit scenes
Fool Fantasy
Fantasy themed stuff
Fool Fantasy Plus#01
inspired by Delitas Vem
Fool Fantasy Plus#02
Templar Elite/armor & skirt
Fool Fantasy Plus#03
Heroine in short armor
Fool Fantasy Plus#04
Noble Buccaneer
Fool Fantasy Plus#05
Vicious Buccaneer
Fool Hair
38 new hairstyles
Fool Hair Plus#01
20 additional hairstyles
Fool Maps
16 additional maps & stuff
Fool City
Club & street stuff
Fool City Plus#01
Casual skirt/ MeMeMe style
Fool City Plus#02
Tight/latex skirt in high heels
Fool City Plus#03
Gothic style, deal with it
Fool City Plus#04
Secretary you'd like to fuck
Fool Tropic
new sexy swimwear
Fool XXX
XXX-themed map and items
Fool HET
Stuff from HappyEndTrigger
Fool Dudes
4 new male characters
Fool Triads
3 new triad-themed males

[caption align="top"] Premium Play Darkness Mods [/caption]

In case of broken links, contact me.
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Dani123 wrote on FlowerTradeWinds's profile.
戦極姫3~天下を切り裂く光と影~ 遊戯強化版-壱ノ巻 new link please
bjose2345 wrote on nobodyknows22's profile.
Greetings! Could you kindly sprinkle some update magic on this and bring it up to the latest version (Feb 03, 2025)? Much appreciated!

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