Illegal ?!

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from my point of view, if you're selling original then that's not illegal, it's a pure business...
but if you're selling piracy items, now that's criminal... you see, the loss would not just the maker... but also online shop site.

you know, this kind of case happened more than a decade ago,
at that time... people are selling fansubs, through out of europe. just because getting hand of an anime was hard back then, torrent wasn't even invented yet and heck, even DVD-RW isn't yet to exist

so the fansubs always give a warning in the catcheye, that their product is free and if you're forced to pay then you're being fraud etc etc
That's actually a question I am still researching.

At Amiami's website it says:
"Please note that most products are generally manufactured for the Japanese domestic market, and some items may be strictly for sale and use within Japan. Orders containing items that are unavailable for sale overseas will be automatically canceled and the customer notified."

It is not illegal for vendors to ship you an eroge but it might be illegal for them to sell it to you.

One thing that I do know is that there is NO Japanese online vendor that is willing to sell an eroge to an overseas audience. None. Zilch. Not a single one is willing to do it. (even if they do it, they probably do it in secret) That's why I always have to use a proxy.
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You could try J-List.They sale almost anything from Japan.
They're base in San Diego, but have a branch in Japan.
It isn't illegal. The "no sale to foreigners" policies are the result of outside countries sticking their noses where they don't belong.

Japan has been criticized since the beginning of time for its eroge culture where genres like "cartoon pedophilia" (aka loli) and rape are not illegal because they've been deemed offensive and are illegal in other countries. Italian media for example, went ape shit over Illusion's Rapelay that was sold within the country and Japan's image as a whole country was bastardized even though it was only part of its subculture which it derived from. Because Japan gets more than enough moralfags on their ass, a lot of eroge makers now have their websites shut out access from outside countries.

Reason Japanese online vendors don't ship to foreign countries is because they are going to be the responsible ones if another moralfag decides to shit all over the media for their "offensive product" they are selling. It's unfortunate but that's what happened and will continue to happen as long as the whole eroge culture is looked down on, although with the release of Kawata Shoujo, foreigners could become less narrow minded.
> In before someone mentions authors like Anne Rice.
Then, there's no point if eroge makers doesn't want to introduce their product.
Then, there's no point if eroge makers doesn't want to introduce their product.

you mean to other country... nah, they never meant to introducing themself to overseas, otherwise they'll started to make dual language or english translated game
you mean to other country... nah, they never meant to introducing themself to overseas, otherwise they'll started to make dual language or english translated game

True, actually, Producers doesn't even care about the overseas Impact of their games (Obviously to some point) what they do is make the things that are selled and the people of Japan want.

The point of it being illegal or not is like Aaeru said, is not prohibited or illegal to ship it out of Japan, but it MIGHT be illegal sell and ship it overseas, with these its meant that the same company/person/entity does the selling and the shipping themselves.

Well, the Proxy way is one of the bests ways to get Jap products, and there's Download releases (Few, but they're there) that you can download to your PC wherever you are from, paying for the software.

It's sad, but right now, for most producers of VN's (Actually, I'm not sure, but I think that saying 90% of them), the foreign community of VN's is "The minority of the minority of the minority part we're interested" And it's not likely to change in some near future... Sad, really...
Yeah actually, it's not limited to just eroge.

For example every PSP or PS2 or PS3 game I own on the shelf and even non-ero title like Rewrite, it says on the box, 'For Sale in Japan Only'. That's why I believe perhaps it was done this way by law but I need to look into it a bit more
oh, i don't know, i can still get my eroge while im being in overseas... maybe it's just prohibited to sale it in outside japan, not shipping out of japan...

and my friend in german also found no hard to get her eroge shipped to her house
Yeah I know it's not that difficult to ship overseas (I'm the living example, or aaeru it's most likely another example) but the way it is treated in Japan the "International selling" it's more like a world that companies and producers shouldn't touch at all costs. I have a friend in Japan, and he says that this regulations are more like a "Popular Rule" than a law, but it's supposed to be a Law against it, or so it seemed, stating about the "National culture or sub-culture", but I'm not that good informed about that.

But well, seeing it as an illegal affair it's probably better if you're Inside of the country and not Outside. Then again since overseas not all people have -/+50 $ ; -/+40€ to buy a game, (Some even cost more than 100 €... my First Press editions that I will always love XD) they end going for only playing the uploaded stuff and not supporting companies and producers, I think that way of acting has made the regulations about overseas sells that "extreme" if you want to put it that way.

P.S: I repeat myself, but shipping is good for them, so they're not THAT against overseas purchasing.
I think it is necessary for them to do so. Goodness Japan gets enough unwanted attention already from eroge to whaling. Frankly, eroge should be for and only for Japan, and even there it is facing pressure.
I think it has cooled off a lot since Rapelay.

Perhaps we can work towards a future where we don't have to IP block each other?
No communication leads to hysteria & fear and mistrust... it's mostly in the language barriers but still, it's like freaking 2012 already - time to reconcile i think!

and also get rid of those awful politicians
your own country's laws can make owning, importing of such goods illegal. Nothing is illegal to buy overseas and ship (well almost everything), the only problem arises when it reaches your border and is subjected to customs. like in Australia where its a crime against child pornography to have a picture of a cartoon/anime/drawn little loli naked, but it still doesn't stop you from trying to buy it, just from owning it.
If your in America that would mean trying to educate the anglo-saxon population in america which is unlikey since they enjoy the current "Status Quo." As far as I know the reason Rapelay got on the news for two reasons. One was because a white mom in a white suburban neighborhood found this game on her child's computer. Two was because she was white she complained and it got on the news. America news is retarded. What they did had the complete opposite effect than intended. Aftering airing the game on the news torrent traffic for Rapelay spiked up. The person more than likely torrented the game because whens the last time you could walk up into a store and buy a eroge in america. As far as i can tell buying it isn't illegal, but if the cops come searching through your house and they find loli-material in your house it means your ass in prison for 10+ years. America is ruled by a mainly elite anglo-saxon ruling class that stuck with ideals that ran America in 1925. America has changed and so has its culture mainly through the influence of the internet. But those who run America do not understand that. If being a otaku in japan is a social stigma. What do you think the repercussions would be in America? America won't do anything that won't benefit them financially. Thats the reason the japanese Light Novel/Manga/Anime section will always be having a hard time in america. You get better fansubs than the licensed edited crap they sell here.
Illegal to SELL outside of Japan. There's no laws against shipping it and... "Accepting a donation" for the service you have provided..
Man I don't really know about the illegal stuff but why should anyone really care

Eroge's are frowned upon in most country's outside Japan just by reputation
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