Hallo, i'm a new Dutch guy!

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New member
Trusted Member
Nov 20, 2011
hi, I'm zswader from holland.
I'm actually here for the japanese music,
but i wanted to make an account so that
i can thank the guys who upload them.
sorry for my bad english.
Welcome to ASF zswader.. :hi: hmm your nick almost like sword name..

Anyway enjoy your day in AS Forum^^
Hey there, Welcome to A-S~ Hope you enjoy your stay with us~

And yes, Japanese music is the best <3
Welcome to ASF, zswader.
Have fun in Spam Section.

I'm guessing you meant Zweihänder?

~Former Spam King~
Welcome to ASF, zswader.
Have fun in Spam Section.

I'm guessing you meant Zweihänder?

~Former Spam King~

That's it.. Zweihänder.. found in ragnarok if it's not fault.. (-_-)
Currently, I'm not on active mode, due to laggy issue.
BTW, which RO do you play? I play in RebirthRO, server Loki.
lol, why has my introdution threat changed into a chat over the game ragnarok online?
Hiya, Im new here too but, Welcome =D
And it seems your dutch too *brofist*
Oh hey, welcome to AS!

I hope you enjoyed our ASL releases! When you have time, hop on to the IRC for more action :)
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