God Eater


The sleeping aragami
Jan 20, 2011
I was wondering if anyone has heard of, played, etc of the psp God Eater. It's similar to Monster Hunter. I'm asking because Ignis's avatar is Alis (my favorite character ^^) so just curious has anyone heard of God Eater?
I've played a bit of God Eater with a partial TL on my psp. It's a bit linear, as so far all I've done is talk to the quest npc, go to a dungeon map, kill boss and do it all over again. It does have a plot which is what makes it a bit different from MH, but I feel that MH gives you more freedom.

Alice gets pretty crazy early in the game.
I've played it.
think it's easier than monster hunter except the fight with too many bosses= =
I'm playing Gods Eater Burst right now!
Sadly, I'm stuck on a rank 10 mission where I have to kill Susano~o (giant scorpion-type aragami) and the only teammate I get to use tends to die ALOT. :C
hm... how about try and go soloing it rather than depending on your team mate?

or get someone over the wifi to help you :)

make sure you equip your best equipment available at that time :)
Thanks for the advice, but I don't think im ready to solo anything rank 6 and up yet... :C
and my teammate that i'm only allowed to use is Ren, since it's a story mission. But will my Lowe equipment (Schild, Sword, Canon) work on it? or do i have to go through the process and get a divine/shot type of blade? (aka: death scythe upgraded a few times)

Update: finally killed Susano-o without dying more than once this time! :DDD
Thank god I took the time to upgrade my Death Scythe to the Pale Horseman, the IE which was a divine / shot actually helped alot since i didn't need to get ridiculously close to him to blast him with a divine/bomb IE.
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Umm...I understand this thread is four years old, but since there's already one for this game I didn't want to make another one. Hope reviving this thread is okay.

God Eater 2 Rage Burst has been out for a few weeks or so, and the Japanese-language versions have just received the v1.10 patch (70 MB, ouch). I wonder if anyone on AS plays?

GameFAQs has minimal activity, other game sites have zero discussion on this game AFAIK, the GE2RB group admin on Ameba is either refusing to let me join the group or ignoring my request...so yeah, kinda want to have a place to discuss the game. >.<
God Eater 2 Rage Burst has been out for a few weeks or so, and the Japanese-language versions have just received the v1.10 patch (70 MB, ouch). I wonder if anyone on AS plays?

GameFAQs has minimal activity, other game sites have zero discussion on this game AFAIK, the GE2RB group admin on Ameba is either refusing to let me join the group or ignoring my request...so yeah, kinda want to have a place to discuss the game. >.<
It's probably the language barrier. I played God Eater 2 on PSP, but as I have neither a Vita nor a PS4, I haven't played Rage Burst. Spent a good 380+ hours on GE2, though, so I should still remember a fair amount of stuff from the game even though it's been a while.

If it's just about basic game mechanics like Blood Arts, skills, character builds and so forth, sure. If it's about Rage Burst-specific content such as the new enemies (like Gawain, Mukuro Kyuubi, or anything past rank 11), new mechanics (like skillsets and scythes), new storyline-related stuff (Livie, Rachel) then I likely won't be able to follow. What I know of all that new stuff comes from my friends playing it, one of whom played the trial right when it came out and couldn't stop talking about it since.
Well, kind of part rant here (I'll try to think of something else to discuss next time):

There's a Rank 15 High-difficulty mission called Souryuu Ranbu, which features Corrosive Hannibal and Blitz Hannibal (hence why I'm talking about it despite it being past Rank 10) in Aegis. The latter spawns a couple minutes in, but there's honestly no way you're going to be able to kill Corrosive before it spawns. It also really feels like their attack power is much higher than normal, because I get one-shotted by Corrosive on difficulty 1 with maxed Defense and Guard Exposure Down skills, and a rank 11 or so buckler with max Divine resist. Granted, the move that does that is the forward charge with spread arms, but still. Anyway, basically it's a bloodbath the moment Blitz spawns; I just end up dying repeatedly till I fail the mission.

Why don't I get a better buckler? Because I need to kill Rank 15 Corrosive to upgrade it. And there are no other Corrosives in Rank 15 outside of survival missions. Guess I'll be farming a ton of Corrosives in a lower tier...
Sounds like one of those side missions with highly buffed Aragami. Even the ones rewarding Aragami Crystals in vanilla GE2 are hard enough; even a Kongou can punch me for over half my health when it's usually like a joke...

I was actually disappointed the first time I encountered Corrosive Hannibal in GE2. Sure, it first appeared in rank 8 instead of 10 like GEB, but it was way too easy and died too quickly. This felt especially true after they released update 1.40 which added survival missions with Rufus Caligula and Blitz Hannibal (using Wikia's term? I tend to call it "Godspeed Hannibal" when talking to my friends because 神速種, though I know that sounds weird) which really put all the other Hannibal variants to shame.

Don't elemental resistances apply only to Oracle attacks? Both Corrosive's and Blitz's Oracle attacks, as far as I remember from the vanilla GE2, are 100% fire. I'd advise against using a buckler to face them with, considering how crazily fast they are... something with a good physical defence would be better. I'm pretty bad at JG ("just guard", i.e. parrying) and thus rarely use bucklers as their stats are generally poor. The only buckler I've used extensively is Rufus Caligula's rank 10-11 buckler for its amazing elemental resistances. Also, I'm pretty sure guard skills such as Guard Exposure and Melee Resistance only increase/decrease your overall defence by 50 each. It's something, but not much.

Speaking of which, what gun type do you use? After my extensive use of blast (which ironically I hated in GEB, where I'd always used assault), I've found that gun types can really affect the tides of battle much more than your melee weapon. (At least if you use your gun a lot―some people I've played with barely use theirs.)
The element of their moves look fire-based, but the GE2RB database states that it's divine, so I'm inclined to believe that.

I usually use Shotguns because of the point-blank def ignore BB chip; really helps with part breaking. I usually use either Assault or Sniper when up against Nyx Alva, and purely Assault (for breaking its mouth) against Susanoo since I can break its pincers and blade easily enough with melee. I use my gun whenever I can, but bringing it out against certain Aragami is tantamount to suicide for me, so I'm usually forced to stick to melee for them. These include the entire Kyuubi line, Blitz Hannibal, and The One Who Opens the World (plus its palette swap Einherjar in RB)
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Maybe they changed it. Not sure. Either way, I don't know how buffed up a rank 15 Corrosive is, but from my experience fighting Blitz in survivals, I'd still focus on physical defence. It's not as crazy as Rufus Caligula (imo), but its physical combos make its Oracle attacks pale in comparison.

The thing I dislike the most with shotguns is the range and that it also affects healing laser range. Friends I played with would barely heal until after they realised I was the only person who'd heal, so being mostly the medic that I didn't want to be, using a shotgun really sucked because only radial healing worked well with it. Then I fell in love with blast, and with its oracle reserve plus me using Trigger Happy, I'd never run out of OP to heal others with. Too bad they nerfed blast damage in the 1.40 update (though it was reasonable).

These were old screenshots I took to compare blast damage in v1.00 and v1.40. This was my prized bullet shot with rank 11 Shirogane blast:
As my bombs have a very wide AoE (cover almost the entire Aegis if shot from the centre), it's also easy to break parts with, even parts I didn't intend to break. This is pretty suicidal against Magatsu Kyuubi, but after my very first time facing it (took me like 34 minutes and 11 or so KOs, despite never having been previously KO'd by anyone else), I learnt how to quickly get AI teammates to run the hell away as they don't seem to interpret Magatsu's spheres to be the freaking dangerous things they are. These bombs helped me greatly against Magatsu, Rufus, and Golden Vajra survivals.
I don't really have any good bullets... >.>

In other news: it's time to grind the hell out of my BAs. Rank 14 Amaterasu is a hell of a lot better for BA grinding than farming Beast's Jaw (rank 7, the mission with 6 Dread Pikes and 2 Night Hollows) - I learnt Black BAs within 1 to 2 runs of equipping its pre-requisite BA. Only downside is that Sunder-heavy weapons can only crit on the boob monster's face (or legs, but I hate getting trampled every time it turns), so the only BAs I can grind insanely quickly are aerial BAs. I'm not quite sure what its tentacles are weak to...

p.s. Did I say aerial BAs? There are actually a few exceptions: SB's Rising Edge BAs; Scythe's "Extended State" BAs, Round Fang BAs (hits legs from safe distance) and Cleave Fang BAs. I think the Scythe's dash attack BA can hit Amaterasu's face too, but it requires quite a bit of aiming.

p.p.s. I figured I should explain the Scythe a little. Its unique feature/gimmick is its ability to extend and cover a fairly long distance (something like whip swords like Zabimaru from Bleach or Laevateinn from Nanoha) when R+Square is pressed. This is termed Round Fang, and you can continue to use Round Fangs after the initial one by simply pressing Square. Hitting Triangle in the extended state will make your character swing it down and stick it into the ground (Vertical Fang), and pressing R+Square again after doing this will make the weapon return to its original length, slicing through everything in the way (Cleave Fang). These all count toward the Extended State BAs, in addition to any other category they fall into.
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Beast's Jaw (rank 7, the mission with 6 Dread Pikes and 2 Night Hollows)
That mission takes me one shot to finish even with rank 6 equipment. Wouldn't do that to grind BA. I'd bully Ama-chwan for that as soon as its missions become available and Demiurge on lower ranks. I'd chip away at its back as it allows me to prolong the fight much more (it resists everything like a wall), plus getting too absorbed in attacking its MAJI爆乳1000% can be dangerous if it suddenly charges forward (which often one-shots NPCs like Ciel).

For short blade BAs, my favourites are Dancing Zapper and Kirin Rush (麒麟駆け), although both are quite suicidal against enemies like Rufus/Blitz/Magatsu. Rising Edge BAs, while very cool, imo aren't very useful because using Rising Edge itself leaves a considerable gap after the attack movement. Second Sunrise alleviates this a bit by doing a twice Rising Edge, which makes you land faster, but the (major) downside is that you can't do any mid-air cancel (jump or step) after using it. It's a decent combo finisher, though.

That Round Fang thing was in the trailer and/or promo images, I think. Looks cool and really like something you'd expect from a scythe. Cleave Fang sounds like a really neat combo finisher, and perhaps also useful to attack a dangerous enemy from a relatively safe distance? I can imagine using it to whack Rufus' or Kyuubi's face from afar, for example, as the former would slice you and the latter would whip up a staggering sandstorm if you got close enough.

I'll need to try it out myself to judge, but out of the five GE2 weapon types, I think long blades are the best balanced. Certain cutscenes like 血の覚醒, 前を向いて, and anything in FRIAR approaching the final battle also clearly intend you to use long blades.
That mission takes me one shot to finish even with rank 6 equipment. Wouldn't do that to grind BA. I'd bully Ama-chwan for that as soon as its missions become available and Demiurge on lower ranks. I'd chip away at its back as it allows me to prolong the fight much more (it resists everything like a wall), plus getting too absorbed in attacking its MAJI爆乳1000% can be dangerous if it suddenly charges forward (which often one-shots NPCs like Ciel).

For short blade BAs, my favourites are Dancing Zapper and Kirin Rush (麒麟駆け), although both are quite suicidal against enemies like Rufus/Blitz/Magatsu. Rising Edge BAs, while very cool, imo aren't very useful because using Rising Edge itself leaves a considerable gap after the attack movement. Second Sunrise alleviates this a bit by doing a twice Rising Edge, which makes you land faster, but the (major) downside is that you can't do any mid-air cancel (jump or step) after using it. It's a decent combo finisher, though.

That Round Fang thing was in the trailer and/or promo images, I think. Looks cool and really like something you'd expect from a scythe. Cleave Fang sounds like a really neat combo finisher, and perhaps also useful to attack a dangerous enemy from a relatively safe distance? I can imagine using it to whack Rufus' or Kyuubi's face from afar, for example, as the former would slice you and the latter would whip up a staggering sandstorm if you got close enough.

I'll need to try it out myself to judge, but out of the five GE2 weapon types, I think long blades are the best balanced. Certain cutscenes like 血の覚醒, 前を向いて, and anything in FRIAR approaching the final battle also clearly intend you to use long blades.

What I do in Beast's Jaw is equip the weakest possible elemental weapon so I can still get crits on Dread Pikes, and equip both Blood Activity S and L to minimise my damage while maximising BA growth. This allows me to hit them more times before they die. Well, RB also added a difficulty level setting (1 to 99; 1 is the default game difficulty) that lets you boost Aragami stats, but they didn't seem to get very much tankier so I left it at 1. Oh, and in case you're wondering: on 99 pretty much everything oneshots you.

I like how Dancing Zapper looks, but I hate that I can't really aim it. I usually fall back on Hummingbird's Dance, a new BA that just boosts the damage of the aerial square combo without changing how it works. Which it's also pretty effective at doing - the thing really hurts.

Cleave Fang is useful, but I should also mention that all attacks done in the extended state - Round, Vertical and Cleave Fang - burn through your ST gauge. Cleave Fang isn't exactly instant either; it takes at least a full second to finish, so it should be used sparingly. The odd thing about Cleave Fang though, is that it does more damage the closer you are to the target. For Round and Vertical Fang, the closer the enemy is to you, the less damage they take. For Cleave Fang however, every single blade along the shaft of the extended scythe hits the target once each (though the final one does at least as much damage as all the others combined), which strikes me as odd since scythe users are clearly expected to play keep-away. Your attacks aren't very fast, you burn through your ST fairly quickly (gets worse with All-Out Attack), and your attacks do the most damage at maximum distance (Cleave Fang aside). Anyway, the scythe is like a combination of the LB, BH and CS gameplay-wise. It has LB's speed and range (IE range, that is), BH's ST burn, and CS's "alternate mode that can be maintained by using step" thing. But if you ask me it seems built for crowd-control.

That said, I've been watching this JP player's livestreams, and she's pretty good with the scythe. She uses the black Cleave Fang BA Execution. As with all black BAs, it has a downside; for this particular BA, its downside is that it has a shorter window for the activation of Cleave Fang. The scythe may be built for crowd control, but it can be highly effective at bossing too...it just requires a little more technical skill than rushing in and mashing attack.
There's a rank 10 short blade that deals no damage (0 pierce, 0 sunder, 0 elemental) called Oracle Sword. It has a lot of supportive abilities for gun use: Gun Attack Up (burst), Oracle Intake Up (burst), and the normal (non-burst) version of Oracle Intake Up. You can start by crafting Sacred Beast Sword (聖獣刀), a rank 4 short blade empowered by all elements like its long blade counterpart Florent (フロレント). Just like Florent, the Sacred Beast Sword branches into 4 upgrade paths, all of which allow you to craft the Oracle Sword at rank 10. At rank 11, it greatly lowers damage from targeted attacks during burst and replaces the non-burst version of Oracle Intake Up with Trigger Happy.

I'm not sure if it will level BAs at all, though, as iirc BAs level up based (mainly) on damage inflicted. Nonetheless, I'd rather whack large Aragami (just not Venus) than small ones. Also, the difficulty level setting is also available in the v1.40 update for GE2. It does boost enemy attack power considerably, but doesn't seem to make them much tankier. I've tested 99 for lulz and, yes, even the training room dummy now hurts. I think I've only increased it up to 20 or so in serious play, though.

I think Dancing Zapper would be imba if you could control it freely. Skilled players would be able to manoeuvre around almost all attacks except sweeping ones like Amaterasu's tentacles or Tsukuyomi's beam. That Hummingbird thing sounds nice, though I personally prefer something that does replace default movements as it makes me feel like, look at me, I'm the freaking captain of the most elitest God Eaters, I don't move like dem plebs do.

When I heard about the new extended BAs from my friend, the first thing I thought was that they finally feel like special skills. Almost all normal BAs cost nothing (with a few notable exceptions and special attack BAs like Charge Crush) and thus you can spam them as you please. Even BAs like Alisa's Sonic Calibur that feel like magic cost nothing to use. Also, as I'm a fan of Shirogane sets (at least rank 8 and up, when they turn white), I'm used to All-Out Attack. I also use Trigger Happy, so I'm used to being out of breath managing ST. It does sound like the scythe is intended for a supportive playstyle, though. If the team's vanguard has a boost hammer, a scythe sounds nice considering how poor boost hammer is at crowd control.
There's a rank 10 short blade that deals no damage (0 pierce, 0 sunder, 0 elemental) called Oracle Sword. It has a lot of supportive abilities for gun use: Gun Attack Up (burst), Oracle Intake Up (burst), and the normal (non-burst) version of Oracle Intake Up. You can start by crafting Sacred Beast Sword (聖獣刀), a rank 4 short blade empowered by all elements like its long blade counterpart Florent (フロレント). Just like Florent, the Sacred Beast Sword branches into 4 upgrade paths, all of which allow you to craft the Oracle Sword at rank 10. At rank 11, it greatly lowers damage from targeted attacks during burst and replaces the non-burst version of Oracle Intake Up with Trigger Happy.

I'm not sure if it will level BAs at all, though, as iirc BAs level up based (mainly) on damage inflicted. Nonetheless, I'd rather whack large Aragami (just not Venus) than small ones. Also, the difficulty level setting is also available in the v1.40 update for GE2. It does boost enemy attack power considerably, but doesn't seem to make them much tankier. I've tested 99 for lulz and, yes, even the training room dummy now hurts. I think I've only increased it up to 20 or so in serious play, though.

I think Dancing Zapper would be imba if you could control it freely. Skilled players would be able to manoeuvre around almost all attacks except sweeping ones like Amaterasu's tentacles or Tsukuyomi's beam. That Hummingbird thing sounds nice, though I personally prefer something that does replace default movements as it makes me feel like, look at me, I'm the freaking captain of the most elitest God Eaters, I don't move like dem plebs do.

When I heard about the new extended BAs from my friend, the first thing I thought was that they finally feel like special skills. Almost all normal BAs cost nothing (with a few notable exceptions and special attack BAs like Charge Crush) and thus you can spam them as you please. Even BAs like Alisa's Sonic Calibur that feel like magic cost nothing to use. Also, as I'm a fan of Shirogane sets (at least rank 8 and up, when they turn white), I'm used to All-Out Attack. I also use Trigger Happy, so I'm used to being out of breath managing ST. It does sound like the scythe is intended for a supportive playstyle, though. If the team's vanguard has a boost hammer, a scythe sounds nice considering how poor boost hammer is at crowd control.

Yeah, I know about Oracle Sword. I do main short blade after all. :p

Just like you said, it may not level BAs; that's why I've never tried using it.

Speaking of BAs that change moves, one of the Round Fang BAs (神縫い) turns Round Fang from a wide sweep to a much faster upward swing that strikes in only a very small arc to the front. I suppose it helps with bossing but I don't really like it much...

Oh, and did you know that GE2RB has composite skills? As in, passive skills on equipment that are actually a combination of existing skills? The two that are in the most demand are フィジカルキーパー (アスリート、ステップマスター、スタミナ自動回復、整息) and バイタルキーパー (近接攻撃体力吸収、体力自動回復、JGHP回復、捕食体力回復). Composite skills tie into the Skill Install system; you get 3 abandoned god arcs' parts at the end of every mission, each with one skill attached. I suppose you've heard about it, so I won't go into details, but there are a few skills that can only be obtained this way. The two skills I mentioned are two such skills. It's kind of all RNG really, because it's not just difficult to get the right skills, but you need them to show up on the right type of parts and at the right skill level (Lv10 is best, of course). At least you can boost your chances of getting good ones with support skills (which also proc randomly) that boost your chances of finding rare parts or boost the number of parts you get (up to an additional 2).
Yeah, I know about Oracle Sword. I do main short blade after all. :p

Just like you said, it may not level BAs; that's why I've never tried using it.

Speaking of BAs that change moves, one of the Round Fang BAs (神縫い) turns Round Fang from a wide sweep to a much faster upward swing that strikes in only a very small arc to the front. I suppose it helps with bossing but I don't really like it much...

Oh, and did you know that GE2RB has composite skills? As in, passive skills on equipment that are actually a combination of existing skills? The two that are in the most demand are フィジカルキーパー (アスリート、ステップマスター、スタミナ自動回復、整息) and バイタルキーパー (近接攻撃体力吸収、体力自動回復、JGHP回復、捕食体力回復). Composite skills tie into the Skill Install system; you get 3 abandoned god arcs' parts at the end of every mission, each with one skill attached. I suppose you've heard about it, so I won't go into details, but there are a few skills that can only be obtained this way. The two skills I mentioned are two such skills. It's kind of all RNG really, because it's not just difficult to get the right skills, but you need them to show up on the right type of parts and at the right skill level (Lv10 is best, of course). At least you can boost your chances of getting good ones with support skills (which also proc randomly) that boost your chances of finding rare parts or boost the number of parts you get (up to an additional 2).
My melee preferences go like this: long blades (best balance) > short blades (sometimes make me too absorbed in combo-ing) > buster blades (don't like heavy weapons, but used to it from GEB and Advanced Guard is nice) > charge spears (difficult to aim at times) > boost hammers (leave me almost defenceless)

If that 神縫い BA turns a wide sweep into a narrow upward swing it may defeat Round Fang's purpose to begin with. Personally, I've had many bad experiences staying too close to large-sized bosses (Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Venus, Rufus Caligula), so I always engage them from a rather safe distance and only close in to do specific attacks. For example, against Venus, I'd rush in as she calms down after charging to hit her backside jelly (sounds kinda wrong) because I hate that Gboro head. Against Rufus, I'd take any chance to break its blades as they're damned scary.

And yes, I did hear about those composite skills from my friends. The concept sounds weird to me, if not imbalanced, but maybe that's a given with all the new op bosses and the fact that now there are higher ranks. I guess it does add more randomness to character building, too, as you'll likely encounter players with more varying skills rather than the same skillsets and roles? I can understand why Physical Keeper is high on demand... many players seem to be bloodthirsty hunters whose only concern is to keep whacking at the enemy, teammates' conditions be damned. As for Vital Keeper, it sounds freaking useful! HP self-recovery is the only reason I've mostly used the Prana control unit (God Arc Soldier's shield also has it at rank 11, but the shield itself is crap), but if I can have it from something else, I can use Surtr to tank and play medic or Loki to boost up my gay bullets even more.
My melee preferences go like this: long blades (best balance) > short blades (sometimes make me too absorbed in combo-ing) > buster blades (don't like heavy weapons, but used to it from GEB and Advanced Guard is nice) > charge spears (difficult to aim at times) > boost hammers (leave me almost defenceless)

If that 神縫い BA turns a wide sweep into a narrow upward swing it may defeat Round Fang's purpose to begin with. Personally, I've had many bad experiences staying too close to large-sized bosses (Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Venus, Rufus Caligula), so I always engage them from a rather safe distance and only close in to do specific attacks. For example, against Venus, I'd rush in as she calms down after charging to hit her backside jelly (sounds kinda wrong) because I hate that Gboro head. Against Rufus, I'd take any chance to break its blades as they're damned scary.

And yes, I did hear about those composite skills from my friends. The concept sounds weird to me, if not imbalanced, but maybe that's a given with all the new op bosses and the fact that now there are higher ranks. I guess it does add more randomness to character building, too, as you'll likely encounter players with more varying skills rather than the same skillsets and roles? I can understand why Physical Keeper is high on demand... many players seem to be bloodthirsty hunters whose only concern is to keep whacking at the enemy, teammates' conditions be damned. As for Vital Keeper, it sounds freaking useful! HP self-recovery is the only reason I've mostly used the Prana control unit (God Arc Soldier's shield also has it at rank 11, but the shield itself is crap), but if I can have it from something else, I can use Surtr to tank and play medic or Loki to boost up my gay bullets even more.

Though I do main Short Blades for now, I'm considering switching weapons. Possibly Variant Scythe, because I love scythes in general. I can't quite get used to any of the others, but I did find them fun from when I was grinding BAs for them.

Well yeah it does sort of defeat the purpose of Round Fang (crowd control) by making it very nearly a 1v1 skill that has the exact same reach, just without the sweeping arc. Speaking of Venus, I love fighting her with Hummingbird's Dance; the jellies on her legs break ridiculously quickly. Can't quite get to the one on her back unless I double jump when she's downed though. A safe distance huh? I suppose that means you use IE fairly often?

Well...considering you have 12 skill slots (excluding upgrades and control unit), you could conceivably have Physical Keeper, Vital Keeper, AND Medical Trainer (リンクエイド強化、救命対象バースト化、救命回復量、名医) on your equipment. In that case, Physical Keeper helps you with Link-Aiding party members by letting you get there quick and not burn too much ST doing so. Looking at the other four-skill composites, I also think Oracle Keeper (オラクル吸収量、オラクル自動回復、オラクル吸収量、捕食オラクル吸収量) and Artilleryman* (銃攻撃力、節約、トリガーハッピー、銃攻撃力) are pretty darn good if you use your gun a lot.

* Best translation I could come up with for 砲撃手. Don't judge. >.<
I still need to get GE2 :swearveng: and i loved the first one , it's indeed same as MH but at the same time compaired to some other games they both are successfull hell GE is 5 years now . . . i even can't wait to watch the GE anime that is gonna start in july! if i remember correctly.
I still need to get GE2 :swearveng: and i loved the first one , it's indeed same as MH but at the same time compaired to some other games they both are successfull hell GE is 5 years now . . . i even can't wait to watch the GE anime that is gonna start in july! if i remember correctly.

Yeah. And it's being done by based ufotable.

Do get GE2, it's awesome. I spent ~135 hours on GEB, but on GE2, I spent a total of ~383 hours on through 2 characters. Nice story, nice gameplay, nice characters, nice graphics, outstanding music. And it was bound to be ufotable as they also took care of the games' animated cutscenes. I must say, however, that the animation quality of the ending cutscene for God Eater (not Burst, just the finale of the first part) was subpar, in contrast with the opening animation's superb quality. Though maybe this has to do with how limited the PSP is...

Though I do main Short Blades for now, I'm considering switching weapons. Possibly Variant Scythe, because I love scythes in general. I can't quite get used to any of the others, but I did find them fun from when I was grinding BAs for them.

Well yeah it does sort of defeat the purpose of Round Fang (crowd control) by making it very nearly a 1v1 skill that has the exact same reach, just without the sweeping arc. Speaking of Venus, I love fighting her with Hummingbird's Dance; the jellies on her legs break ridiculously quickly. Can't quite get to the one on her back unless I double jump when she's downed though. A safe distance huh? I suppose that means you use IE fairly often?

Well...considering you have 12 skill slots (excluding upgrades and control unit), you could conceivably have Physical Keeper, Vital Keeper, AND Medical Trainer (リンクエイド強化、救命対象バースト化、救命回復量、名医) on your equipment. In that case, Physical Keeper helps you with Link-Aiding party members by letting you get there quick and not burn too much ST doing so. Looking at the other four-skill composites, I also think Oracle Keeper (オラクル吸収量、オラクル自動回復、オラクル吸収量、捕食オラクル吸収量) and Artilleryman* (銃攻撃力、節約、トリガーハッピー、銃攻撃力) are pretty darn good if you use your gun a lot.

* Best translation I could come up with for 砲撃手. Don't judge. >.<
I suppose a scythe would look nice on my character, yeah. Though personally I don't think it fits Livie very well (at least as far as looks go). She looks like she'd look better with a dagger. Except that daggers in the game are bigger than baseball bats.

I perform okayish against Venus; I often use Genocide Gear (long blade BA) which allows me to spin up to 4 times mid-air, making it possible to get a fair amount of hits on her back jelly. My main qualm with her is that her jellies are highly crush-resistant and thus take very long to destroy if I rely on my blast bullets. And no, I barely use Impulse Edge; I think it's a waste of OP when I should save up for healing and blast bullets. I close in only when I'm going to land some hits; otherwise, I try to stay in medium range, that's all.

Sadly Medical Trainer focuses more on Link Aid rather than simply healing, just like the Valkyrie control unit. I try to keep my teammates alive whenever possible rather than leaving them to fate and relying on Link Aid later. Also, in multiplayer, I usually use Drive Twister (Rindou's BA) which works like a dash (provided there's no target) but doesn't consume ST, so I can run pretty fast without ST concern when I need to Link Aid someone. Oracle Keeper does look like a great combination, indeed, though with Trigger Happy I don't need that much OP.

My strongest bullets (shown in the screenshots a few posts earlier) cost 188 OP and my best healing bomb costs 220 OP, which with Trigger Happy translate to 94 and 110 OP (and ST) respectively. If anything, I tend to run out of breath more often than not having enough OP. That 砲撃手 (I'd translate it as "bombardier"), though, looks like a damn must have.
Ah yes, remember I mentioned watching a livestream some time back? I legit did not know you could go directly into a Combo Devour right after a guard. Like, without even swinging your weapon. Literally R+O -> R+Triangle, chomp. Not sure if that's a new thing for GE2RB or if it was possible this whole time and I didn't know it, but anyhow I essentially picked it up from that livestream.

I can never find any decent bullets. I'm pretty much still using the custom bullets carried over from my GE2 save. In general, the bullets that were good before have had their damage nerfed and/or their OP costs increased. Some have had their costs decreased very slightly instead, but...
You mean you didn't watch the tutorial videos? Shame on you, to lead the elite unit under HQ's direct supervision. Go back to using an old-type God Arc! But yes, I love the new devour combos. They're available in GE2 too, but not GE/B, where you had to either charge up devour or combo it. Imagine my excitement when I could do Zero Stance and then devour right away.

Bullet editing takes a lot of trials and errors. I never got into it in GEB either; I only used simple assault bullets (my favourite gun was Arda Nova's assault after all) or blast radials like Canon's. But blood bullets are more exciting. I spent like 2 hours straight crafting the blast bullets I showed earlier and probably a total of some more hours thinking it out. And yeah, I've heard about it―my friend was complaining about snipers being nerfed. If only they would give oracle reserve to snipers...

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I’ll be taking a short break from uploads from February 17 - 24 for personal reasons—I need to start preparing for my college project exam in mid-to-late March! I’ll still be around to reply to chats and comments, but there won’t be any new uploads during this time.
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Mero Mero wrote on Dragon55's profile.
YukiYuukiYuki wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hello. Could reupload? Thanks.
YukiYuukiYuki wrote on zhonyk's profile.
Hi zhonyk, would you reup the dead links?