Count to a million

31051 Es war gut. Es war heute sehr interessant, so die Stunden war schnell vorbei :)
Yeah Kimo but It wasn't an intended lazy day I got to college early for once lol but my lecturer took my homework and told me I could have the rest of the day off :D

I'm happy for you, darky~

@ kimov: Aber ansonsten wie war dein Tag?

@ Anti:>>>>>>31056
31060 Ansonsten die Schule habe ich auch eines gutes Tag gehabt, aber ich habe nicht so viel nach Schule gemarcht nur ein bisschen PC gespielt.

Zoa: that was nice, that you got an early day off. At my school we also got to go home before time, because the last 2 hours stuff only was enough for about 30 minuttes of lecture:)
31063 Ich habe ein bisschen League of Legends danach Schule gespielt

It seems like SB has desided to stay with us a little longer:)
Really...?! There had this heared?
Okay~ Then again in silent-mode...
Yes! This is definitely unown!!!

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