Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

I don't know if this qualifies for this thread, since I get netori vibes from it like their previous games. But I just discovered just now this latest game from Studio Pork.

This is not a netorare thread, this is a NTR thread, which involve netorare, netori, netorase.... you can talk about netori all you want.
I don't know if this qualifies for this thread, since I get netori vibes from it like their previous games. But I just discovered just now this latest game from Studio Pork.

This is not a netorare thread, this is a NTR thread, which involve netorare, netori, netorase.... you can talk about netori all you want.
I wouldn't go that far (looks at thread's name and starting post) but feel free to talk about and recommend games as long as you specify which category they fit in so no one takes a zebra for a horse. I, for one, dont come to this thread to read specifically about netori nor netorase.
Pursuit of Mana was a solid game. By no means incredible nor unpredictable, but I gladly recommend it to anyone who wants to kill ~2 or maybe 3 hours. Use the RPG Maker MV cheat plugin to bypass all fights as there's no battle loss mechanic and no point in grinding unless you want to. I think we can safely call this one "happy NTR", definitely collect the True End. :)

I was surprised to see Daraku Otome Ibun -Ochitaru Yuusha to Shinjitsu no Maken- on VNDB, which I discovered using the NTR and English language tags. I didn't think they allowed any RPG Maker games on it, even ones like this where it's basically a VN anyway. Either way, I really don't consider the lesbian monster rape so far as true NTR, especially with the "fated partner" theme that they have running between the heroine and hero. (Note that this isn't particularly spoilerish as it's an established/teased premise stated EXTREMELY early in the play through that I've barely started to begin with.)

DLSite has a game out called "CUCKOLD RPG 寝取られた幼馴染-ティリアは従順性奴隷-". Too new, barely any ratings and not yet released elsewhere AFAIK. Hopefully this one has an actual plot/ending unlike Hanataka's.
I didn't have many expectations but partway through it, I still feel underwhelmed. Highlight so far was the background pizza in the protagonist's home, I guess.

Yeah the part of unlocking happy memories was pretty good, but like i said previously the game suffers from being too short, a real shame since not only the mechanics are nice but the art is great.
IMO the game lacks a little bit of ero power. I think any change in direction, be it length or art work, would damage its current charm. It stands out as a unique piece as-is, which is really nice even though it's on the cusp of something greater. Hope they can replicate the same success in the future.

I love P Herb's stuff and this one was gooooooooood. Not all their work is NTR, but the stuff that is is pretty hot. This one is especially good. Just as good as this new one. It's be nice to see any of it translated really, but NTR focused CG galleries rarely get done.
Yeah, that's the one I had in mind as my P Herb favorite. So amazingly hot. Their latest is probably the best story wise though.
Pursuit of Mana was a solid game. By no means incredible nor unpredictable, but I gladly recommend it to anyone who wants to kill ~2 or maybe 3 hours. Use the RPG Maker MV cheat plugin to bypass all fights as there's no battle loss mechanic and no point in grinding unless you want to. I think we can safely call this one "happy NTR", definitely collect the True End. :)

I was surprised to see Daraku Otome Ibun -Ochitaru Yuusha to Shinjitsu no Maken- on VNDB, which I discovered using the NTR and English language tags. I didn't think they allowed any RPG Maker games on it, even ones like this where it's basically a VN anyway. Either way, I really don't consider the lesbian monster rape so far as true NTR, especially with the "fated partner" theme that they have running between the heroine and hero. (Note that this isn't particularly spoilerish as it's an established/teased premise stated EXTREMELY early in the play through that I've barely started to begin with.)

I didn't have many expectations but partway through it, I still feel underwhelmed. Highlight so far was the background pizza in the protagonist's home, I guess.

IMO the game lacks a little bit of ero power. I think any change in direction, be it length or art work, would damage its current charm. It stands out as a unique piece as-is, which is really nice even though it's on the cusp of something greater. Hope they can replicate the same success in the future.

Yeah, that's the one I had in mind as my P Herb favorite. So amazingly hot. Their latest is probably the best story wise though.

Yeah Pursuit of Mana was a solid game, i think they should have gone more hardcore with the lord route but it works out since the 2 routes are basically interwined, my main complain is that now i want to play the previous game again (i never finished it) and see if there are more links betweent he 2 (this 1 is basically a prequel i think).

I do think Karma Rain could have benefitted from being longer, a couple more scenes to make her fall, maybe branching at some point. Still i hope they make another game with those mechanics and art.

And a quick question since you like P herb, in their latest work why does she start and continue having sex with the guy (apart fromthe power of sex xD) if she knows the mark fades?
Has anyone ever had problems with Fukou na Kami ? Getting it to start? I downloaded a torrent on sukebei from 2015 and it looks fine but hitting the .exe gives the generic .exe has stopped working message. Tried a few things like data prevention- putting all the content of the CD into it's own folder- etc. but no luck.

If anyone remembers having trouble with it- did you ever get it working and if so.. what did you do? or what new download did you use?

Maybe I should have tried a non-dummycut version. I'll find a different DL I guess.
Has anyone ever had problems with Fukou na Kami ? Getting it to start? I downloaded a torrent on sukebei from 2015 and it looks fine but hitting the .exe gives the generic .exe has stopped working message. Tried a few things like data prevention- putting all the content of the CD into it's own folder- etc. but no luck.

If anyone remembers having trouble with it- did you ever get it working and if so.. what did you do? or what new download did you use?

Maybe I should have tried a non-dummycut version. I'll find a different DL I guess.

I cannot find a different version either, feels impossible. The DL version should work, I had a siimlar problem with Anekoi Momou, and installing DL version worked
I took a break yesterday but the translation is going smoothly, I'm already on page 53, basically 50% of the work done.
If nothing happens, I think I'll finish it by the end of next week.

By the way, is "open your legs" or "spread your legs" ?
And a quick question since you like P herb, in their latest work why does she start and continue having sex with the guy (apart fromthe power of sex xD) if she knows the mark fades?
I do not know, only that he's supposed to be a devilish type. By "better story", I meant eye balling it for the most part. Haven't checked latest on various forums, but if I find anything and this is still a mystery then I'll note it here.

(Reposting for help)
can someone tell me how to unlock the rest of the scenes for this ( game. I tried going through it again but only get the same scenes no matter what choices I pick

It's fairly straight forward, the only real trickiness is when there are numerous choices in a row for an AV scene -

Heroine perspective has to be played through the Omake/Scene selection, not the game itself.

Magical Princess Makina translation started by js06 on his site about a cursed, now horny bitch princess. See the link for summary of what you can expect. I'll happily take it even if it's more slutiness than NTR since pickings are fairly slim.

BTW, if the name js06 doesn't ring a bell then he's responsible for the Adolescent Adam series, which I haven't read but heard it has NTRish themes in at least 1 of the chapters in later volumes (3-4?). He's more famous for the ridiculous amount of stuff he has completed, namely on Baka Tsuki.

Personally, I've enjoyed his x-rated site for Student Council President's Secret Laid Bare, I Awoke to Find I Was the Girl Swordsman That Protects My Cousin, and Erogenous Beauty Salon. None of that is related to this forum, however. See for full listings or site indices as a side perusal if anything interests you.
Probably the best place to ask this Question hopefully you guys can help a little fellow out!
Just played "Soredemo Tsuma o Aishiteru 2 -Jokyoushi Tsuma: Marika no Baai-"

There is one thing that is confusing me. The Ending between Amami Marika & Amakawa Yuuki
Why did Marika refuse to give birth to Yuuto child but not Yuuki's?
Why are yuuki even living with them in the first place?
Lastly. Why didnt yuuto not leave Marika already since she loves Yuuki more?
Played the game with VNR but still unsure whats going on. If somebody could explain i would luv the person!
I do not know, only that he's supposed to be a devilish type. By "better story", I meant eye balling it for the most part. Haven't checked latest on various forums, but if I find anything and this is still a mystery then I'll note it here.

It's fairly straight forward, the only real trickiness is when there are numerous choices in a row for an AV scene -

Heroine perspective has to be played through the Omake/Scene selection, not the game itself.

Magical Princess Makina translation started by js06 on his site about a cursed, now horny bitch princess. See the link for summary of what you can expect. I'll happily take it even if it's more slutiness than NTR since pickings are fairly slim.

BTW, if the name js06 doesn't ring a bell then he's responsible for the Adolescent Adam series, which I haven't read but heard it has NTRish themes in at least 1 of the chapters in later volumes (3-4?). He's more famous for the ridiculous amount of stuff he has completed, namely on Baka Tsuki.

Personally, I've enjoyed his x-rated site for Student Council President's Secret Laid Bare, I Awoke to Find I Was the Girl Swordsman That Protects My Cousin, and Erogenous Beauty Salon. None of that is related to this forum, however. See for full listings or site indices as a side perusal if anything interests you.

I was about to start reading the WN using atlas and google translate xD, mmm the WN has more chapters but do you know if they are basically 1 part each from the LN version? i mean is the content the same but the LN has each arc in 1 chapter?

Apaet from that i am just happy this is a veteran translator with many works under his belt, more probably to stick to the end and not take YEARS
Rascou has already started to work on his next game in the Toaru series (which can be translated a "A certain" series and includes the Toaru Hitoduma games and the Toaru Hahaoya games). This time is a new series entitled とある夫婦の返済計画 (A certain married couple repayment plan). Altought it's still on early dvelopement, it seems Rascou already made the standing pictures and he will be working on the outline of the story on january (I think).

The story is your typical "debt plot". A looser husband that has a big debt and the wife that tries to pay it secretly (we all know how :D-). The style will be the same as his previous games (first part mystery from husband POV and second part will replay the whole story but with the wifes POV on top of the husband POV), and the LIME system will be implemented in this game too (although, I don't know if only the text messages or the whole blog thing).

I have mixed feelings with this one. On one hand Rascou is one of the best NTR developers right now and every new game he does is better than the last (Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi might be one of the best NTR games of all time), so I'm looking forward to this. Also (and this is just a personal preference) a fat old man is one of my favorite kind of antagonists (the other one is a shota).

On the other hand, it seems like the wife is more on the gentle/innocent side. I prefer the strong willed tsundere type of heroines like Yukari or Risa. Also I don't like the fact that the husband seems to be a looser. I would have prefer is he is a guy that doesn't deserves to be NTR, like Tooru, because that way the NTR hits stronger (although knowing Rascou, it's posible this is Netorare turned into Netorase).

We will see how this will turn out, but I can't help to be looking forward to it, although It will probably be 6 months to 1 year till is out, and another year until it's completed (since Rascou tends to release incomplete games and update them from time to time till completion).

On another topic, I have being thinking ito making summaries from the manga/CG I read on sadpanda as to practice my japanese, so that people here that doesn't know japanese could at least have an idea of what's going on and why (altought I strongly suggest you learn japanese, is not that hard really). I don't know if you guys would like that or if you maybe prefer that a translator translate the works, since there seems to be some in the thread that are making a good job. Keep in mind that I will only be making brief summaries, nothing too specific, so you might prefer to wait for a proper translation. If you want me to do it I would only do it for mangas or CG I enjoy a lot and only when I have some time to do it. I won't be taking requests, however you can suggest works that I might enjoy and I might make a summary for those if I actually enjoy them (I like wifes over girlfriends, shotas, old guys or fat guys as antagonists and Netorare over Netorase - Also I strongly prefer the sexy type rather than the cute type).

For instance I recently read the first chapter of Netorarezuma (the only chapter I was interested). I think it's pretty good. I suggest the translators in the thread to translate that chapter, but if they are too busy I can make a brief summary for people who want to know what's going on.

I also suggest translating j no kakusei works, since nobody seems to be interested in translating them, and that artist is great IMO.

Last but not least. I replayed Kon'in Ryokou last night. I have forgotten how good it is. That final scene before the ending has to be one of the best revelation scenes ever, the husband is like a sandbag receiving blow after blow in that scene (not literally, he didn't really got beat up, but it was an emotional masacre). And the twist of the story, altoght kind of predictable, it ended up being more brutal than one could predict. I wish they make more games like that nowadays, it seems NTR has turned out soft recently. I'm looking for sugestions of more morningstar/a mature games like that one (I already played Kankou Ryokou and Shain Ryokou but they weren't even close) or games from any other company or manga/CG that are like that.

Of course I'm doing it for free because the quality is not gonna be very high, since english is not my language. Other problem is the text that is over the drawing, I'm not even gonna bother to learn a pro way to do it, I'm just gonna put a box over it and try to not cover much of the drawing.

Pretty sure people will criticize the bad quality, but I think this is better than not having any translation, right?

Don't do that, people will hate it. If it's manga what you are translating, then is far better to put a small note on the bottom for special effects or not translate them at all (like sfx:squelch squelch or sfx:bang bang). For text that is floating it's better to learn to use the "clone" tool on photoshop. It's really not that hard to edit in most cases, and there are not that many text like that in manga, so it won't take you so much time. You can also put a note on the bottom LIKE THIS Trust me, I was an editor in the past.
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Rascou has already started to work on his next game in the Toaru series (which can be translated a "A certain" series and includes the Toaru Hitoduma games and the Toaru Hahaoya games). This time is a new series entitled とある夫婦の返済計画 (A certain married couple repayment plan). Altought it's still on early dvelopement, it seems Rascou already made the standing pictures and he will be working on the outline of the story on january (I think).

The story is your typical "debt plot". A looser husband that has a big debt and the wife that tries to pay it secretly (we all know how :D-). The style will be the same as his previous games (first part mystery from husband POV and second part will replay the whole story but with the wifes POV on top of the husband POV), and the LIME system will be implemented in this game too (although, I don't know if only the text messages or the whole blog thing).

I have mixed feelings with this one. On one hand Rascou is one of the best NTR developers right now and every new game he does is better than the last (Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi might be one of the best NTR games of all time), so I'm looking forward to this. Also (and this is just a personal preference) a fat old man is one of my favorite kind of antagonists (the other one is a shota).

On the other hand, it seems like the wife is more on the gentle/innocent side. I prefer the strong willed tsundere type of heroines like Yukari or Risa. Also I don't like the fact that the husband seems to be a looser. I would have prefer is he is a guy that doesn't deserves to be NTR, like Tooru, because that way the NTR hits stronger (although knowing Rascou, it's posible this is Netorare turned into Netorase).

We will see how this will turn out, but I can't help to be looking forward to it, although It will probably be 6 months to 1 year till is out, and another year until it's completed (since Rascou tends to release incomplete games and update them from time to time till completion).

On another topic, I have being thinking ito making summaries from the manga/CG I read on sadpanda as to practice my japanese, so that people here that doesn't know japanese could at least have an idea of what's going on and why (altought I strongly suggest you learn japanese, is not that hard really). I don't know if you guys would like that or if you maybe prefer that a translator translate the works, since there seems to be some in the thread that are making a good job. Keep in mind that I will only be making brief summaries, nothing too specific, so you might prefer to wait for a proper translation. If you want me to do it I would only do it for mangas or CG I enjoy a lot and only when I have some time to do it. I won't be taking requests, however you can suggest works that I might enjoy and I might make a summary for those if I actually enjoy them (I like wifes over girlfriends, shotas, old guys or fat guys as antagonists and Netorare over Netorase - Also I strongly prefer the sexy type rather than the cute type).

For instance I recently read the first chapter of Netorarezuma (the only chapter I was interested). I think it's pretty good. I suggest the translators in the thread to translate that chapter, but if they are too busy I can make a brief summary for people who want to know what's going on.

I also suggest translating j no kakusei works, since nobody seems to be interested in translating them, and that artist is great IMO.

Last but not least. I replayed Kon'in Ryokou last night. I have forgotten how good it is. That final scene before the ending has to be one of the best revelation scenes ever, the husband is like a sandbag receiving blow after blow in that scene. And the twist of the story, altoght kind of predictable, it ended up being more brutal than one could predict. I wish they make more games like that nowadays, it seems NTR has turned out soft recently. I'm looking for sugestions of more morningstar/a mature games like that one (I already played Kankou Ryokou and Shain Ryokou but they weren't even close) or games from any other company or manga/CG that are like that.

Don't do that, people will hate it. If it's manga what you are translating, then is far better to put a small note on the bottom for special effects or not translate them at all (like sfx:squelch squelch or sfx:bang bang). For text that is floating it's better to learn to use the "clone" tool on photoshop. It's really not that hard to edit in most cases, and there are not that many text like that in manga, so it won't take you so much time. You can also put a note on the bottom LIKE THIS Trust me, I was an editor in the past.

Yeah i want more cruelty in my ntr!!! The other day i had this fantasy after playing Pursuing Mana of a similar scenario where the wife ends up fucking the guys that beat the husband when in jail, then joins in on some petty torture for the husband (without him knowing) like pissing on his food. Or something less extreme but equally bad is brood parasitism.

Oh and I aggree with the sound effects thing, better to leave those unstranslated and add a note, saves time and effort too from what i understand.
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Yeah i want more cruelty in my ntr!!! The other day i had this fantasy after playing Pursuing Mana of a similar scenario where the wife ends up fucking the guys that beat the husband when in jail, then joins in on some petty torture for the husband (without him knowing) like pissing on his food. Or something less extreme but equally bad is brood parasitism.

Oh and I aggree with the sound effects thing, better to leave those unstranslated and add a note, saves time and effort too from what i understand.

Well, when I said sandbag, I didn't mean it literally. It was a figure of speech. I wonder if that got missunderstood lol... What I meant to describe is the emotional beat up he took in that scene, enough for being traumatize for life. I want more like that!

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