[Hentai game] [120427] [アストロノーツ・シリウス] デモニオン ~魔王の地下要塞~ [H-Game]


The Fallen Devil
Global Moderator
Oct 18, 2010

Remember: Keep seeding after the download ^^

baka girlcelly - NemuAndHaruka Happy download ^_^

girlcelly said:

PS 1: Direct Links for this game could be found at here: :)


PS 2: If you have problem about my torrents, make sure to check and read this thread for solutions before asking same questions ! ^^

http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/torrents-47/[Question & Answer]-24181/

Edit: Finish Seeding ^_^
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Thank you very much.
This is my most wanted game for this month. Do any one know M&M sensei moves out from the Ateliar Kaguya or not?
Thank you very much.
This is my most wanted game for this month. Do any one know M&M sensei moves out from the Ateliar Kaguya or not?

No definite news yet. I really hope he doesnt leave, or else AK is doomed.
Cant let that happen! T___T
No definite news yet. I really hope he doesnt leave, or else AK is doomed.
Cant let that happen! T___T

Yeah, after choco chip left and if now M&M really left also will really make AK doomed
BGM is tattered, anybody else with this problem? the jitters in the BGM is really disturbing... I dunno if it's the file's problem or if it's from the game, though...

edit: confirmed it in 2ch, BGM problem does happen to a lot of people. some said it doesn't happen 100% of the time, but it DOES happen. we can only wait for official fix.
I guess I'll play lonely without the BGM for the time being
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I dont understand the basics of this game....anyone know it?

In the 1st mission i just have 5 monster vs 25 enemies....wtf
Anyone got an hcode?

btw concerning the bgm problem, I've repeated this many times and it might be a coincidence but it seems that if you open the game and go to the config menu first and then start/load the game the bgm will be fine
Thanks for this game Gc,

Just one question, I finished the game but only got to H the 2 maidens, anyone got a walkthrough or could explain how to capture the other girls ?
Near as I can tell how the game works - keep in mind that this is just me playing and barely translating what I can.

Main portion is essentially tower defense. Keep the enemies from getting to your demon king. You start out with 5 orks.

You have bone, magic, and gold to spend on buying a) new rooms and b) new minions.

You buy a room by clicking on a 'blank' room and going up to the top right gold bar - you'll see a list of rooms. There are rooms that increase the level of each type of monster (three rooms for three types), as well as a trap-making room. There are also rooms that, near as I can tell, increase gold, magic, or bone you get.

You buy new minions/monsters by either right-clicking on a square in the room (not one of the corner squares), or by clicking on the room. Personally I tend to to the latter. The first option on the bar for each slot brings up a list of monsters you can summon, showing maintenance cost, then bone cost, then magic cost, then gold cost. You can only have monsters/traps up to your total dungeon maintenance (100 at the start). Bigger/better monsters cost more maintenance and have a higher initial starting cost.

As your monsters kill enemies, they gain experience, as well as new abilities - I think you get your second at lvl 5. However, if they die in dungeon defense, they are gone permanently near as I can tell. To prevent a monster from dying, when he is low on health you can remove him from his current room - he will start healing, and will very soon be ready to be sent back into the fray. Generally I find myself setting my monsters up, removing any that get close to dying to heal them back to full, then sending them right back where they were.


What I need more of an explanation of are what exactly the options in the map sequence are. The first one is invade the next area up on the map, don't know what the rest are doing for me.

I still don't know how to capture the other girls either.
a well done guide, Ruan
the map sequence, or Offensive sequence, goes like this
1. 侵略 Invade. you invade human territories, fight em, and take over the town. if you lose the battle here, your pawn won't die, they will just retreat. if you lose the 1st fight, your next fight continues with the enemy HP depleted
2.敵を挑戦 Challenge enemy. you send a challenge letter, in your next defense sequence, your enemy will be sending stronger troops
3.お宝の噂を流す Leak treasure information. many weak adventurers will attack you in your next defense sequence
4.情報収集 Information gathering. you'll learn each heroine's weakness
5.調教:xxxx Train:heroine name. Have not tried, but this basically is raping the heroine. I guess u gotta rape several times to get them into your party. of course, you have to capture the girls first.
6.お楽しみ:xxxxx H scene. with the girls who won't resist, I guess.
7.xxxxx強化 Power up a race of your pawn, or your 'max population'. costs bone
8.何もしない Do nothing

There's also an option that costed me 1500 gold, to create more territories in your dungeon.

as for other walkthrough information:
1. in your defense sequence, you gotta build magic circle to farm magic, boneyard to farm bone, treasure room to farm gold. you should understand which one is which by looking at the shape. the other 3 (supposedly 4 but I've not unlocked the 4th one) buildings serve to unlock new soldiers. if you build 2 barracks, you can summon a monster 2 stages stronger than your first one (orc -> bugbear -> ogre, zombies -> ghost -> spectre, imp -> gargoyle -> arakumo)

2. how to capture the girls: simply defeat them in a room with their weakness in it. after the battle u'll rape the girl. note: you don't need to fill the whole room with imps to capture olivia. 1 imp and 4 orcs can do.

3. the girls weakness. Julian -> bug type, but I dunno what this is. the other 3 I know of sourced from 2ch: Olivia -> imp, Alwin -> zombie, Reiris -> Orc

4. basically soldier-type monsters (orc and the like) are good to whack soldier type enemies and mediocre to all others. demon type monsters (imp, gargoyle) have high magic defense but are weak to holy attack and physical attack. undeads (zombies, ghost) are strong against thiefs. there might be exceptions, I dunno, have not really confirmed
okay, the Offense Sequence:
1. invade. to take over towns, straightforward. units won't die even if their HP is reduced to 0 here, they will just retreat. and if you fail to take over a town in 1 go, you'll continue with the weakened enemy the next time
2. challenge. in your next defense sequence, you will be attacked by more, and stronger enemy. enemy heroine appearance will vary. never clicked this so dunno what it really does
3. leak treasure info. low level enemy will attack in your next defense sequence
4. get information on a girl's weakness
4. anything with 調教 in it: H-scene. train captured heroines. train them 2x and they will be your party member
5. お楽しみ: H-scene, when the girls are already your subordinate
6. ダンジョン増築:increase your dungeon area. more space=more space to build things up
7.モンスター強化:power up a certain kind of monster
8.the 2 options below power up monster are power up for you. your max population and max HP. I believe everyone can read HP so I don't have to point which one is which
9. Trades. buy bones with money, or buy magic with money
10. do nothing

to capture a girl:
the girl must be defeated in a room with her weakness in it. for example olivia is weak to imps. she must be defeated in a room filled with at least 1 imp.
list of the weaknesses I found on 2ch:
Himika-oboro+ninja house
Maia-pitfall trap

original texts to match the katakana to your game:
レイリス オーク
ジュリアン クロウラー
ネージュ 封印の符
オリビア インプ
アーウィン ゾンビ
オボロ アラクネ
ヒミカ オボロ+忍者屋敷
マイア 落とし穴
ヴァネッサ 条件なし?
To get the true end, you need to capture and recruit all the female characters up to Vanessa. Then there will be event where the turn limit is removed and you can take your time advancing to the end.
To get the true end, you need to capture and recruit all the female characters up to Vanessa. Then there will be event where the turn limit is removed and you can take your time advancing to the end.

that means I'm doing it right. currently captured 2, capturing 3rd

and BGM problem doesn't happen anymore after the prologue is done. weird
Hmmm how do you get neige to appear? got the other girls except her and cromwell
Cant seem to pass 4th town always get defeat even before battle. The one with a lot of green armored knight >_>
Ow Thanks for sharing the infos that was really helpful, currently trying to capture Himika,

Just wondering what do the additional rooms like Arcane room, Ninja room, etc do exactly ?

Great game to be honest Hentai Dungeon Keeper :D
Hmmm how do you get neige to appear? got the other girls except her and cromwell
Cant seem to pass 4th town always get defeat even before battle. The one with a lot of green armored knight >_>

Neige appears for me after I attacked the tower on the left side of the map.

You get Vanessa Cromwell by recruiting Himika and defeating the town she is defending. After that she'll start attacking your dungeon.

To capture Himika, as said earlier, you need to defeat her in a ninja room with Oboro in it.
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Julian was the very first heroine but at that time,I didn't have crawler(insect type??).How can I capture her?? And if I miss the change,does she appear again???
Julian was the very first heroine but at that time,I didn't have crawler(insect type??).How can I capture her?? And if I miss the change,does she appear again???

Yes. All the heroines you fail to capture the first time will keep appearing, but won't always be the first in the "queue" (the order the enemy shows up at the top of the screen).

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