❤ Count the letters into Words ★★★★★


Elite Member
Nov 16, 2013
To truly dominate world numbers aren't enough so we shall start counting letters. :)

  • We shall use English alphabet
    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
  • Lowercase or Uppercase
  • Counting should be in alphabetical order





We are counting all possible combinations, to reach word with 3 letters (AAA) is needed 703 posts, for word with 4 letters (AAAA) is needed 18.279 posts, for word with 5 letters (AAAAA) is needed 475.255 posts and for word with 6 letters (AAAAAA) is needed 12.356.631 posts.

NOW we shall begin!

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Re: Count the letters in a Long Word


Me and my math :dead:
Wait, what do you mean by "no repetition"
Re: Count the letters in a Long Word


Here [mention=67840]pichu[/mention], I can show you with a quick example: You will be more familiar with base 10 (numbers 0-9). If you have a 1 digit word, there are 10 possibilities (0-9), if you have a 2 digit word, you get 10*10 for 100 possibilities (0-99). Going like this, if you want a 5 digit number, it will be 10*10*10*10, plus one more. That is 10^4 + 1, or 9999 + 1.
Apply this to base 26 (our letters), and you get 26^4 + 1, or 456977 entries to make a 5 letter sequence.
Re: Count the letters in a Long Word

Pyre you should have N

Re: Count the letters in a Long Word

Forgive me, I never learned the alphabet :dead:

Re: Count the letters in a Long Word


It's on first post so you can look at it for reference
Re: Count the letters in a Long Word


I love how it is listed as code XD
Re: Count the letters in a Long Word


Well if you have small screen like mobile is better like that I think ~
Re: Count the letters in a Long Word

Tea :goodtea:


Here [mention=67840]pichu[/mention], I can show you with a quick example: You will be more familiar with base 10 (numbers 0-9). If you have a 1 digit word, there are 10 possibilities (0-9), if you have a 2 digit word, you get 10*10 for 100 possibilities (0-99). Going like this, if you want a 5 digit number, it will be 10*10*10*10, plus one more. That is 10^4 + 1, or 9999 + 1.
Apply this to base 26 (our letters), and you get 26^4 + 1, or 456977 entries to make a 5 letter sequence.

Ugh, how did I start from there and end up where I was...
1 in the morning might not be the optimal time to do math after all
Re: Count the letters in a Long Word

Tea :goodtea:

Ugh, how did I start from there and end up where I was...
1 in the morning might not be the optimal time to do math after all

It also helps that I just finished a course where combinatorics was a sub-topic, so all of this is pretty fresh in my mind. :P

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