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  1. Malakin

    [Hentai game] [140131] [minori] 12の月のイヴ 豪華版版 + Soundtrack CD + Manual + Wallpaper [H-Game]

    You probably forgot to uncheck the box at the end of the installation.
  2. Malakin

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Not that anyone expect a kamige every month, but this year seems almost as bad as 2012, isn't? There wasn't that much GOOD titles at all.
  3. Malakin

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Thanks, never thought it would be this easy, living and learning I suppose. On a side note, this month looks bad, I wasn't attracted by any novel so far... Are you guys wait for anything or just backlog month too?
  4. Malakin

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Actually the huge majority of torrents with OST in the files are one archive, heck I don't even remember downloading any where they come split aside the last vn from type-moon... Anyway what I meant it's file like this one
  5. Malakin

    Visual Novel Cafe

    I just finished today Ourai no Gahkthun, a really good novel. Also I've already played the titles of the month I wanted too (Moteyaba, HHG Ragnarok and Sakuoto). Now it seems I don't have nothing to read until next week, so I guess I can read one novel from my backlog. I think I'll finally read...
  6. [Request] Dies irae ~Acta est Fabula~ パッチ版 crack

    [Request] Dies irae ~Acta est Fabula~ パッチ版 crack

    I've tried downloading and redownloading a lot of cracks, but I can't find one that works. This one (, which is a serial patcher, opens the Malie but when the game starts got tons of errors popping up in the screen (
  7. [Request] 装甲悪鬼村正 Full Metal Daemon Muramasa serial code

    [Request] 装甲悪鬼村正 Full Metal Daemon Muramasa serial code

    So this novel needs a serial code for the installation, I've tried several places to find and all of them don't come with the serial number to install. Thanks.
  8. Malakin

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Sorry, I think I wasn't clear about what "real deal" is, I'm talking about those tittles that everyone recommend by their scenario/story and etc, the ones people call kamige I just asked because I'm in my 5 moege in a row and I have yet to finish plenty of those kamige tittles.
  9. Malakin

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Well, you know, things like Baldr Sky, Muramasa, Tsui no Sora (remake), Kimi ga Nozumo Ein and MLA, Cross Channel, Saihate no Ima, Ruitomo, Dies Irae, etc.
  10. Malakin

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Do you guys already finished a lot of those "real deal" VN or you just doesn't bother with them ?
  11. [Request] スマガ Nodvd patch

    [Request] スマガ Nodvd patch

    Exactly as the title says, I'm searching for this crack for a long time and don't find anywhere because the links are always dead. Thanks.