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  • If possible 3 of you guys (Including you) + me and my friend would be perfect ^^
    >_> ....

    Oh okay :D
    Then I'll see you on thursday - sunday~ ^^
    Be online on msn alright!
    >_> then 4am?
    Great! (:
    Team as in?
    My friend also playing on the days that i mentioned :o
    Did you mean me and pub against you and your friends? You got 4 friends? ><
    Hello Zero~
    Wanna have a dota marathon on this thursday/friday/saturday/sunday?
    From 10pm - 6am ~ XD
    Come online on msn on that day too okay! >_>
    lol thats OK. The pixels were 720 wight and 480 length I believe... does that make it 720p?
    Oh, never mind I sent coro the needed info to clear this out ^^ But if you want to know I can send you the vid info as well.
    Well I know that... but I can't tell how many pixels they are in the movie... it doesn't say if it's 480p or anything from where I downloaded it...
    Thanks for the heads up, I think this VB version is the one with the issues when it comes to to certain UTF8 characters.
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